Agata’s Private Channeling Session with Lucyna Lobos Brown, 15 July 2013.
Agata’s questions are being answered through
Lucyna Lobos-Brown by the spiritual guardian of the Earth, Enki.
Translation from Polish into English:
Artur J. Domowicz with Mission Pharaoh
Welcome on this day, 15 July 2013. I am a spiritual being, most of the time I am coming to have a conversation, because it was decided this way above. In order to help people understand life. My name is Enki. We will be talking today, and you will tell me in the introduction what problem you came with, and then I will be answering your questions. Therefore I am listening to your first issue.
I am listening.
Enki, I would like to ask you what I should do with my life, what I should change, where I should start. I am a person who is unhappy with her life.
Organize it, organize it slowly. That is why you are here, for us to work on this issue, for me to give you some tips. You have programmed yourself to be unhappy Agata, that is why we will work on reprogramming you, on reprogramming the program in your thinking-process. Now you will tell me, because the trick of this conversation is based on the medium being an intermediary between us, therefore the medium needs to understand the issue, the question, in order for me to be able to receive your question from the mediums mind. It’s the same the other way around: I convey, she hears it and transfers it to you. All of this will be recorded as you see, and then it will be up to you if you will make use of these tips or not. Please know Agata, that it won’t be after our conversation like you’ve been magically touched by a hand, where everything changes all of a sudden. You will receive a direction, a direction of the way that I will guide you to, and only on that way your life will start to change. For the better. If you would’ve been happy, than you wouldn’t have come here. And since you need support, help, this beacon… That’s why you are here. Therefore I am now listening to you Agata.
Should I leave the country in order to reorganize my life?
Yes and no. “Yes”, because leaving, or finding yourself in a foreign country would force you to get on a new track, and that is what this trip is Agata. And the fact that you are an attractive woman Agata, and that men will pay more attention to you in such a foreign country than here is a plus. Another one is that with your attraction you will find quickly a job. Now I will tell you about the minuses. The minus, when it comes to Poland, is that Poland is falling deeper and deeper into a crisis, people are beginning to fight, to fight for survival. Men on the other side, unlike these foreign men, some men are looking for women that they can take advantage of, or women that would take care of them. Men are becoming weaker here in Poland, they are weakening psychologically and can’t find themselves in this present, critical situation. You are a very sensitive and gullible person, and you will also have to work on that, because you are quick to being scammed. And then you suffer. And unscrupulous men are taking advantage of the situation. But I will describe it in a different way: You are attracting with your openness, your naivety slyboots, or loosers. You are emitting such an energy, and are attracting such types. In a foreign country on the other hand, if you will find yourself in England, or in Germany, or in a different country, if in America, they will see a women in you. You will have to talk this through and then to think about it.
I am listening.
Should I leave now, when my mom is sick and I have to take care of her? Should I take care of myself more and take that path? Our relationship is so, so, but it is such a blackmail for me to stay here…
Were you born in order to, or did your spirit choose such a program, for you to be a slave? Mother is making you dependent on her. Now, if the conditions are like this or that Agata, nobody is left without help. Agata, do you want to bury your own personal life, your future happiness? Why, what do you want to do? Out of responsibility, out of love? I will call it differently. You are saying your mother is sick, I am receiving energy from you. She isn’t so sick that she wouldn’t be able to deal with it. It’s more her making you dependent, she imposes such a feeling of responsibility on you, and every human being has the right to it’s own life. You weren’t born here on Earth in order to be a slave. You have your own program. Your mother wants exclusivity in relation to your persona, and your life doesn’t count to her, to her only her needs count. That is why I think Agata, that you should cut the umbilical cord between you and your mother. If you won’t do this, you will suffer even more, you stress will increase, your depression, and you will waste your life. Your mother wants to be sick Agata, it isn’t that bad, but when she is appealing to your compassion saying: “I am sick, and it is your responsibility to take care of me”. Then it’s not the truth! Agata, it’s not true. There isn’t any enslavement of the children by the parents anymore. You will rethink the situation. If you would decide to leave for example, of course there will be blackmail in the beginning. Agata, there will be blackmail, she will be telling you how very sick she is, how ungrateful you are to her for raising you. Later then, when you will be on your own and really leave, then Agata you will see that your mother will be getting better. I am not forcing you to make such a decision, but I am proposing to you to think over my suggestion, and to look at what your life will be like, what awaits you once you become dependent of your mother, she will make you dependent. No real man will be interested in you in such a situation, he won’t be getting involved in this mother-daughter arrangement. And besides, your mother won’t allow it. That is exclusiveness, no, differently, slavery.
I am listening to you.
Is it in that case good if I go in a week to see this man who I met in Germany, this American?
Most definitely. I think that it is the right decision. But don’t expect blessings and euphoria form your mother, she will yell, and cry, and throw words of ungratefulness your way, but don’t pay attention to that, look at your life. Because if you won’t make a radical decision, it will be the way I told you already, you will become more and more unhappy, and you will be crying more and more, and on your way of life there will be only such brief men appear. They will appear, and they will leave again. That is my opinion, and it’s up to you, how you will decide. But don’t allow for it to be scared into something, because you are being scared into something already, being dependent like many other young people who became especially through such a behavior, especially through the behavior of their mothers, bitter people who even hate themselves. That could also happen to you if you will devote your life to your mother.
I am listening to you now.
Now I would like to ask for advice regarding occupational matters. Which professions do you see me being good at, which could I exceed at?
Maybe we do it differently Agata, you tell me what you would like to do, or what you like doing, what you are dreaming about, and I will direct you.
I am listening.
I like tourism, I wanted to get into becoming a tour guide, but because of the situation with my mom I didn’t go through with it. I also like to take pictures, something fashion related, but now I also like to work with people, I like to be in touch with people. So not some paperwork, but helping people. But I don’t know myself what I should do in relation to that.
First of all you should organize your life, not subordinate your life to your mothers everyday rules and norms, who doesn’t like many things. Tourism is very good for you, you like to travel, and here you would have the occasion to be a tour guide. But your mother would really not like that, because she would be aware of it that you would be a guest at home. What else could you be doing? Yes, this contact with people, I think that you could study history, archaeology would also be interesting to you. And you need to change your attitude towards yourself for all of that, towards life, and to know for sure that that is what you want. Because that will be useful to you in future. I would stay with the tourism. It might be tourism and the hotel business, that would be something where you would have a steady traffic, steady contact, steady change of places, what you would like doing. And you either explain your mother, that that is what you need, that you love doing that, and tell her, not to intervene into your life. You won’t life until the end only and exclusively devoted to her needs. So Agata, hospitality and tourism, meaning: This is related to traveling.
I am listening.
Enki, I would like to ask if my mom will get healthy again, because I know that that depends on her psyche, and she supposedly wants to become healthy again, but not really. She has so many metastases already and worse and worse results, and her attitude is very negative, and that is pulling her deeper into this ailment.
And you can live with cancer Agata, it is important for her to want to become healthy herself, but she is pulling you down with her. Many people are getting out of this disease by fighting back, but it’s like I am saying, you have to change the program in your mind. Your mother has bred a disease on her own wish, if anything, then in order to stop you, to enslave you all the way. So you have to be very consequent and to realize your plans, and to force your mother to change her way of thinking. Even if there are metastases. Agata, in that condition you can still live and live! Unless such a human doesn’t want to live and is even pulling others down with him. It’s your mother, your heart aches, but if you love your mother, then force her to change her thinking through your behavior, force her to do that. The first step that you will take is: You will go to see this man that you met in Germany, you will go and tell your mother about it. Do you understand?
I am listening.
What can you tell me about my prior incarnations?
And what do you need that for Agata?
It seems to me, that it does somehow have influence on how I am now, on the characteristics of my personality, which I can’t comprehend, understand all the way, that there are contradictions regarding my personality. Just like now, I can get out of myself, but everyone knows that I am a very content person.
Listen closely. Prior incarnation practically don’t have anything to do with the next life. You, still being a spirit, chose yourself the program of your life, of the present life here on Earth. Your spirit even chose appropriate parents, either they give joy, happiness, or they are toxic parents and are only raising you. It’s like I am telling you, usually the spirit is always digesting a different lesson, a different program, in order to improve itself, in order to get to a higher level of spiritual development. You are interested in who you are as a spirit, where you are from, and when you descended here onto the Earth? I will satisfy your curiosity. Because as I am saying, it is not a coincidence that we are talking now with each other. I am choosing, locating those who belong to the planet, which you came from. You came from the planet Orion, over 12 thousand years ago, when Atlantis still existed. What I can say, because a particle of this life, a micro particle is now inside you. You were a medic on the island of Atlantis, you were a man. There was an evacuation of the island. You evacuated with your family to the Egyptian land. That is also why the Pyramids are so strangely close to you. In those times the great Pyramid wasn’t build yet, but test Pyramids were build, so called exercise Pyramids. You continued to be a medic in the Egyptian land, that is why you are sensitive to human suffering, and it might be that you kept that from that life. Agata, the times of the second world war, you are in a Jewish body, I don’t have to say more… You understand. You were helping the sick in a concentration camp, for the most part everybody was sick there, and you ended your life there, you didn’t make it to the end. What could you have kept from the last incarnation? Fear Agata. What’s next, what will the future bring? Now you had have this, our meeting Agata, and now everything will be well. Today you will receive a gift from me, meaning: Security. Such a help, where when you receive this “bracelet”, you will be empowered, you will feel that there is care. There will be care when you ask for it. Then somebody will come, or I will personally come and provide this help. You are agreeing to such a security, so I am very happy about that.
I am listening.
What about my parents, will they get along with each other, or will they always live like this? Should they separate and everyone go his/her own way? What to do so that they will be happy? Together or separated?
Agata, they will continue to wear each other down like that. But when you are speaking about divorce, if they would divorce then neither one, nor the other would be happy at all. This is their happiness, when they are torturing each other, it’s a spiritual thing. Because these people, it is often that way, that there is a executioner/tormentor and a victim, and they found each other like that, in order to torture each other. And there’s nothing you can do about that. You are not able to explain them, to tell them: “Love each other. Because the life in physical matter is so short, what are you torturing each other for like that?” There is something that can help to achieve greater peace in your house Agata, you will put the bracelet on both of them, I will give you the full powers to put it on somebody. Of course you won’t be telling neither one nor the other that you put such a protection on them, then we as spiritual beings will be able to influence their minds better. I can promise you, that there will be peace in this house, where there is now such a hostility. It takes a lot of time in order to rebuild love, and mutual understanding. But when there will be at least peace, that will be a success already. You will do that Agata, tomorrow or on a different day you will put the bracelet on them, one after the other. What do you say to that?
Alright Enki.
I am listening.
I would like to ask about my sister now, because you know that she is sick, and it’s about if it is a good idea for her to get pregnant, if the child will be sick too then, having what she has?
The child is usually, usually being born healthy. But does she herself want to have a child?
I think that by now she is afraid already that the child will be sick, because if she is sick, then the child might be sick too.
It ain’t like that. In principal, the spirit needs a body in order to evolve there. If the spirit, who will agree to live in your sisters family chooses a healthy life, then it will be this way. That can also be programmed. You have another person to put the bracelet on. Why are you saying so toxic: “sick, sick…” Does your whole family have the same program? Is this some kind of epidemic at your household Agata?
It’s like that, it’s just a different disease, not cancer, but a genetic disease.
Do you know Agata, that in reality there are no genetic diseases?
You see Enki, maybe it results from this bad energy always being in this family, maybe that’s why? Mother is sick since a certain time now, my sister also isn’t sick since birth, maybe this bad energy started to circulate among us. I don’t know, maybe I have kept myself from it, because I have a different approach to different things…
Your sister can also change her approach, you can help her with it. First of all you need to change the setting of the thinking process. It is know that that brain is a central computer, and it contains what you program this computer to contain. And this computer should be cleaned. Everything that isn’t necessary should be put into the trash, and life should be started anew with a totally new program. Most of all, the programming of the health, but it’s easy to say that Agata: “I am healthy, there is no sickness inside of me.” And after some time this program begins to realize itself, and even if there are some physical deficiencies, they start to give in. But that is how people of strong faith overcome cancer, so why shouldn’t it happen this way in your family? You will help them by putting the bracelet on them.
I am listening.
And what about my emotional life?
First of all I will tell you what you are doing wrong Agata. I can see that you grew up in such a family without of love, because your parents didn’t give that to you. You were observing your father, you can’t only blame one side, thinking that such a state of affairs at home is only his fault. The blame is always in the middle. Your emotional life will change, it will change, because I will take care of it, but you will have to help me with that. And first of all, ask yourself why you are doing this Agata, maybe not consciously, but subconsciously when you are meeting a man, you are looking for one that behaves like the father in your family did. You can not do that and take your father for an example to follow, your mother isn’t holy either. There are these and that types of men, see in the man that you meet a human being Agata, try to search for the good features in him, and not to compare a stranger to your father. There isn’t another one like your father, do you understand? You have to change the way you handle men, and then the one you are waiting for will appear on your path, and you will be happy.
Promise me.
I promise Enki.
Don’t see in every man you meet a guy that is like your father. Subconsciously women see their father in every man that they meet, or they seek our something. If the father is a wonderful human, then you see similar traits, when your father is a bad human, then you attract such men, and that is what you see in them. Do you understand? I just told you what is in your mind Agata, not consciously, but subconsciously, and you should try to work on that yourself. This bracelet, this security, this care that you have received will help you, it will help you with changing yourself.
Enki, I hope that it will be that way, because I want to have a happy family, and not where I go to work and get it done with, and then I return home and…
…And then you get that done with as well… Agata, I see that you will be happy, but…
But abroad, yes? Do you see in which country, for example in England, or in Germany? I don’t know what will be, because in one week I am going to see this man already, this Amercian. Besides, he has to stay for three years in Germany, because he has a work contract, and he won’t return to the states for now for sure. But I always wanted to live in the states, somehow I always saw myself there.
For now, life is hard in the states, for now, but things will change there too. I think that the world is open to you Agata. You are asking me if you will eventually like this man who you’ve met. But he will want you to make a particular decision, and to be with him. If you will make this decision Agata, you will have to work on yourself and not see these bad things that your father is doing. Do you understand? Go, that is my suggestion, go.
I will go for sure, I have bought the tickets already, I decided already, but I wanted to make sure if it is a good decision. I would have gone anyway, so that I wouldn’t have one day a bad conscience for not going when I could have.
That’s right, it is better to check it out, than to regret later that you didn’t check it out, do you understand?
What else Agata?
Tell me Enki about my friends, who are supposedly around me, but in reality they aren’t, do you think that that is because of my environment, or my attitude towards people? I don’t really have friends like that, will my relocation change that?
It will change that. You have to relocate. I have mentioned in the very beginning already Agata, that people are changing in Poland a lot, not for the better, but for the worse. They don’t want to understand that the Earth is in the fourth dimension already, and that one has to work himself on his spirituality, on his spiritual development. And here is also, as I said already, a fight, a fight for the survival, because life is hard, that’s why people are fighting. It’s true, you don’t have friends, and those who are around you are pseudo-friends, not real friends. So look at what every day will bring you, what will be suggested to your consciousness. When things will begin to turn out well, then don’t listen to the advice from your pseudo-friends, because jealousy will be speaking through your friends, do you understand?
Now take care of what you have been told here.
I am listening.
When it comes to my health, am I lacking something I don’t know about?
I don’t see anything Agata, I don’t see anything. There are enough sick people in your household already, don’t you think? You are healthy, and you should tell yourself that everyday: “I am healthy”. Especially since you are receiving in a moment this security, and nothing bad can happen to you anymore. And please do not activate any program titled: “I am sick”! Is that clear?
What else?
What about my finances?
And here things will regulate themselves, because when you will switch jobs, because let’s say, you will like it in Germany, then you will find a job, and the reward will be different, and you will be more satisfied.
Be patient.
And what kind of job should I be looking for in Germany, in what profession, because I guess I have to…
Here you aren’t right, because you won’t have to search by yourself. The one whom you are going to visit will help you to find a job, if you will want that yourself.
I am listening.
I would like to get back to my prior being from Orion. Can I know a little more on this topic, because it is very interesting to me. A little more, if you could tell me.
What can I tell you? A stable life as a medic, you didn’t experience any bigger upheavals, on the island of Atlantis, as well as on Egypt. There was more work in Egypt, because there weren’t such trained medics form that resettlement. You kept on curing, helping people. That was your life, and it is a fact that later on you helped a little with the building of these exercise pyramids. You received your medical training on Orion, and you arrived with a transport here on Earth as a grown man already, as a medic. What else can I say Agata? The medicine you have here today is compared to the medicine you had on the island of Atlantis in it’s infancy.
It wouldn’t be dumb to study medicine, because if you would agree, decide to do so, would be giving you hints in respect of the situation of the age you live in now, something in your mind would begin to open up. And who knows if you wouldn’t introduce new achievements into the earthly medical world. That is actually all I can say. The last life was short, but filled with upheaval. And I won’t be talking about that anymore, because it was all sad, and it ended sad.
And that what my intuition is often telling me…
It is either the intuition, or your spirit is giving you signals, or your guardian angel, or maybe you have this spiritual guide already, who is also trying to convey information to you. From the intuition to using the reason it is a pretty long way Agata, because you are often not listening to the hints of the intuition, but are guiding yourself by your consciousness and reason. For the most part you don’t end well with it. I am suggesting to you Agata, and you have predispositions and can fish out these hints of the intuition, or the spirit, listen to them, and guide yourself less by reason.
Do you understand?
Then things will be different. Then things will be good.
I am listening.
Who is my guardian? Can you tell me that?
Who your guardian is? does your intuition tell you that? Surely not. There is a being known under the name Henoch. He is your guide, an additional guardian. Not a guardian angel, but a guardian. Remember his name, Henoch. He chose you. It isn’t given to me Agata, to ask why exactly this being, and it is an outstanding being, who has written himself into history as somebody great, and he is also from Orion.
I am listening.
And my guardian angel?
In opposition to your guide-guardian, the guardian angel doesn’t have a name. But he is under the number that makes up your first name. That is the number under which your guardian angel is. If it is comfortable, you can give your guardian angel a name yourself, or just say guardian angel.
I am listening.
Enki, what can you tell me, that I am doing wrong?
I will try Agata, for you not to continue to do wrong, as you are saying. Impulsive decisions, decisions that aren’t thought through, above that your dependency, which you allowed yourself to be dragged into. You have to free yourself from that. I can help you by putting that bracelet on you, which you will receive. Whenever you will have a hard time, when you will feel bad, grab your left hand, think of me, and energy will floe right away, a strong energy, that you also do need everyday, and that will be helping you.
I am listening.
I can not understand that people set themselves up for the end of the world…
Agata, people set themselves up for “the end of the world”. Do humans, those humans who are speaking with resentment these words, understand what the end means? If this planet really would swipe the Earth in a flyby, then I wouldn’t be talking to you today, because that would really be this end. But since the Earth has received “security”, nothing happened and life goes on. In reality it takes a vast amount of spiritual beings to reprogram the mind of the whole human population. Such a lack of thoughtfulness, “there was no end of the world”… Would you be comfortable dying consciously on that day?
You are right.
So people should rejoice, and the fact that the fourth dimension will be showing it’s energy and more and more people will be leaving the Earth, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Earth has to stay as a planet! That is how it’s set up in this solar system, and humans have the task, the enormous task to finally start to think, and to change the Earth in order for the conditions to improve. In order for humans to be truly happy, and not make war with each other, because that is what is happening right now.
I am listening.
Are there any other planets with life on them?
Of course there are other planets with life on them, and Orion has the task to help mankind. They did and they will help. Orion is nothing but the beings who used to live on Nibiru, who are plentiful on Earth, when it comes to spiritual beings dresses in matter. They are in favor of you earthlings, those from Orion, and 90% of the beings from Sirius, who are right now in the same situation, as back then Orion was. Other planets aren’t really interested in the Earth. To them human beings are still very, very primitive. Sometimes they are giving advice, but that’s it then.
I am listening.
In that case, what is the plan of the inhabitants of Orion for mankind?
You are yourself from Orion. So what is your plan? To be happy, true that?
Yes. And for mankind the same.
For mankind step by step, because there is a great blend here on Earth. So if the present beings from Orion wouldn’t care about helping, they wouldn’t be being born here on Earth. Humans should understand that.
I am listening to you.
Oh no, I really have a void in my mind now.
You have received all this material, the whole secret of this conversation between us is based on me coding between the words additional information. You will only hear, understand them when you will listen to them again. You will understand the lesson I gave you today. One secret that I am conveying just this way to the people. And now I am asking you for the wrist of your left hand.
The whole thing is based on me having right now a connection already, because I am talking, and Enki is putting the bracelet on you already. You put it on the left wrist. And you will be putting it also on the left wrist. If the wrist is thick, then use both hands, because the circuit has to be closed, and then you ask Enki to come and to put the bracelet on the given person through you. You have the original, and what you will put on others will be a copy. And when you will put it on others, you can’t say: “I am giving, putting a bracelet on you”. You can say: “Let me check your pulse”. Something like that, do you understand? No suspicions, and everyone will give you his/her hand. This way you will be able to help your mother, your father, your sister, etc.
I as Enki, can only say one thing: Now the doors are open for us already to help you Agata. And you can tell your mother to stop to flee into sickness, because that is her escape. She is calling this way for attention, she is calling this way for love. The truth is that she didn’t realize love in her marriage. And you have to shake that off.
What else?
I think that I will have an opportunity to meet you again. Then I will have new questions, and I will know in what direction…
You will have new questions after you return from Germany. You won’t know yet what decision to make, and if you should make it at all, because the feeling of responsibility is deeply ingrained in you, and you won’t know what to do. Saying exactly the same I have told you today: “Agata, it is about that time to cut the umbilical cord, because your mother didn’t do that, so you have to do that! Do you understand? You have received a lesson. You needed today’s lesson, in order to finally start to go your own way. To free yourself out from this slavery. Agata, I, Enki, would like for you as a friend to get very well acquainted with what has been recorded here. Rethink what you have recorded here. I, Enki, thank you for today’s conversation.