Channeling Session with use of automatic writing. Session has been lead by Lucyna Łobos on Barbara Choroszy request
Wrocław, 2nd of Dec 2003
Barbara: Barbara’s question to Samuel (asked by Lucyna)
Samuel: Samuel’s answer given through Lucyna, with use of automatic writing
Welcome Barbara, welcome Richard. “Look for it and you are going to find it, knock and you are going to be welcomed and let in” My Beloved, I have used the citation, because you have been looking for your life path for a long time. I can start answering now. I used this form of contact because I can lead Lucyna’s palm well. I give my answer to the first question. Do the opinion’s system and knowledge, which is gained during one’s life die when one’s body dies? Knowledge and system of beliefs, which are achieved during man’s life, don’t die with death of man’s body. Body is just a shell, cloth. Thus, soul gains experiences and trains during all incarnations. It is so – a brain is a central computer to store everything. When soul comes to the Earth to pass the Earth’s journey, it receives the knowledge needed for the certain life. If you choose the simple life, then your knowledge from the previous life – let’s say you were a scientist – is not needed any longer. It happens very often that such a simple human being has some flashes, when he sees a professor. He thinks or feels: “I used to be alike in the past.” That is why, some facts seem often so familiar to people. In such moments, the central bank sends information to the current life. That is why, just the body dies and all the rest is storage in ghost’s bank of life.
Samuel, was it true that Jesus had come back to the Earth 6 times? Is ABARAMENIO the real name of Jesus indeed – according to what the fifth gospel declares?
How many times did Jesus come to the Earth? He did come two times, Barbara. For the first, it was during the time the Earth was populated from this resettlement. A place of his permanent leaving was Atlantice. He traveled around the whole Earth from this place and he taught a new life – that was, because people were shocked after losing their planet, as you already know Barbara… That is why, it was necessary to help them to adopt to the new conditions. What is his true name? So, as you already know, it is depended on the need of time. During the time, he was leaving, he was known from the huge love. His name on Atlantice was AMIENIO. He is known as the Word in the divine zone and this name is the real one. Not the name is important, but the energy, which comes from the certain ghost. The second time Jesus comes to the Earth in the age of Pisces and here it is the herald of what is going to come. He used to teach many other matters as well. Further on: was Jesus again on the Earth in the age of Pisces? Now, he was not – he used to come and he still comes as the spiritual being. He shows up to chosen people. Now, from the Aquarius age, these symptoms of Jesus coming to the Earth have stopped.
Is the sudden intervention of Ashun beings to the Earth considered (in case of inconsiderate politic-war proceeding)?
Of course, Barbara. Human beings are unpredictable in their behavior. That is why, you are under control all the time. Beings from Ashun and from Syrius exist among human beings, in their earth shells. They contact their bases all the time. These creatures take high positions and they are going to use their power in case it is needed. The easiest way to bereave you power, force, is to disturb magnetic field of the Earth. Everything has to stop then and your computers would stop working. Your Earth science and knowledge is for nothing then. That is why, it is possible to use such defense against people. Now, from the accumulated weapon, which is produced by people, the Earth could be destroyed. There is so called energy chain in the Solar, Earth system. Planets of your Solar system are connected. Destruction of the Earth planet is going to cause cosmos catastrophe. The huge space hole would be emerged, as planets, which are in the nearest neighborhood of Earth, would undergo extinction in the first sequence. And such situation is not to be allowed by beings, which inhabit other dimensions. That is why, you already know, what can happen to people, when they would like to cause Earth disruption.
Does Ashun evolve presently as well? If so, to what kind of dimension?
To tell you the truth, there is no such need. The planet is clear and beings, which live there are perfect. They change their shell, whenever they feel to do so. And when it comes to the other dimension, it is not a problem either. They make a trip in such a case. If they feel like to start living on the other planet, they can do so as well. Creatures, which inhabit Ashun, are happy. They do not need to move to God’s dimension, where terrestrial stuff does not exist anymore. Now, these beings help those creatures, who need it at the moment. There are some trials to make the Earth – you live on – the perfect one. But these attempts are limited in time too. As you already know – human being live now in the final phase of dedicated time. Now, if the drastic correction is not going to follow till the year 012, Ashun creatures will start to act. Those, who are interested in the Earth and who like it, they are going to start acting as well.
Are we in the next point of the universe evolution?
You are the only creatures already, who subject the clean-up rights and self development right. There is no next point of evolution. You are in the last phase – that is why, calling people to wake up is so loud. It is the time of self saving. Just a bit of good will and everything can be so well.
Does a planet, with lower civilization than the Earth one, exist in our Solar system?
In this moment, Barbara and Richard, you have to listen to something, which was not my intention to be said, considering my big respect to you and your work for us. But you pulled my tongue so much that I have to tell you a bit. It does not exist, Barbara, You are only inhabitants of your Solar System at the moment. There was a civilization existing several thousand years ago – other human beings – looking like you do – white, red, yellow, black. What happened to this planet, you already know. What happened to its inhabitants, you already know as well. They have come to Earth. I am going to continue my speech now. And what I am going to say may cause dismay. And so, the Earth was supposed to become a jewel and people, who inhabited the Earth were supposed to be developed as excellent creatures during process of experiment. It was so. And the life on Earth was so. Life was simple, as people gained their knowledge step by step. One could say, Gods’ experiment was successful – development of the perfect creatures. It was success till the moment of people coming to the Earth. Essential inhabitants were treated like slaves, even so they did not know anger and hate. Yet they brought knowledge – but instead of using it for further planet development, they started the reverse direction activity. Gods could see, what was going on and they could make decisions in accordance to people. There were already some people announcing need of coming to senses. But even Atlantice did not help. Everything that people were doing caused Gods anger toward people behaviors on Earth. People were observed – especially that other civilizations watched people as well. Time of Gods’ Council Session came. You already know, what the decision was. Votes were unanimous – to „delete” everybody from Earth and to start the experiment from the very beginning. As for today, I start to regret, what I have done. I have opposed Gods. I have been exposed on anger of Father God and the Council. A condition was put on me. I was allowed to conduct an experiment of people improvement. But now, I am watched by Gods’ Council. I was given a certain time and this time is going to be finished soon. After this time – after year 012 – I am going to be dismissed and Gabriel is going to be dedicated to clean-up action. He can be called the father of cleaning-up. Thus, Barbara and Richard, you are the last beings (essences) in the universe evolution and the same time the most barbarian breed. There are no more barbarian civilizations in the whole galaxy, beyond you. That is why your Solar system is empty – not to allow the bad ferment to get to the good paste (cake)… Till the Earth is not clear and free from this acid, work of populating other planets is not going to be started. That is why, Barbara, you have the only one way – cleaning-up yourselves, as you cannot count on moving to another dimension in current conditions.
What do visions consist of – in meaning of holy beings showings, for ex ample: Jesus, Maria? Is it a high tech manipulation, or rather autonomous materialization?
Everything, which is not to be understood by human’s mind, is called supernatural by you, people. Showings, appearances – this is the subject, we are going to focus on. People were looking for signs and confirmation of what is “up there” – in heaven – from the old times already. There are so called saints in every of past ages. Till times of Jesus coming to the Earth, there were most of all angels, who showed up and were seen by people. The case looks as follows. Beings from Sirius and from the Second Earth differ a bit from each other. Creatures from the first group are tall and they are very beautiful to look at. The other group is not so high and its representatives are different when it comes to their covering. It would not be possible to show up to people and to be accepted by people with such appearance. That is why they had to change their shell a little bit. It is not heavy to become a creature with body cover for spiritual beings and to remain spiritual being at the same time. And thus, beings from different worlds acted the same way. The rule was to leave their own cover for a time being and to become a being in certain cover for a certain moment. You had asked if appearance of Jesus and his mother Maria is like a fruit of Sick imagination or a group hallucination may be. Please, pay attention to the fact that Jesus appearances as well as appearances of Maria are not relatively put to a long time ago and these appearances are autonomous. These spiritual beings try to reach people this way. And what do they ask for? This is clear and I don’t need to say it. The holographic Picture – this is the matter which makes you not being able to sleep calm. How easy it can be… There are people with special implants in their bodies. They serve to be cameras. Most of people wear such implants without their knowledge about the fact. It is the high technique indeed. So that is why, we can say this kind of picture is being seen, when there is a person with a camera in his eyes. There is a picture, which is needed to be seen for the certain moment, when you put the camera on.
What is the truth concerning the Fatima appearance?
I have party answered this question already. Now, these children had already this kind of implants installed. Now, the consignment for people was supposed to come to people already at that moment. People were simple, so it was necessary to prepare it in a certain way. So, there was a kind of cooperation with Ashun prepared – implants. We were responsible for all the rest of preparations. All of the 3 children had seen angels coming to them, before the appearances happened. Two of children could not handle it – the organism did not accept the inorganic substance, and medicine of those days could not find out the sickness – all the rest you already know. Lucia had strong organism and the witness was needed to testify during Aquarius Era. It is the truth that Maria took part in this appearance and it was her, who delivered the message for world. As you already know, people could see just visualization – a picture, and communication itself was conducted telepathic way. A lot of work was engaged then and it was all for nothing – a war had come anyway and nothing came up from the consignment except just a few exceptions.
How long does it take to flight from Ashun to the Earth – as for the Earth time conditions?
I answer – there is no „direct flight” from Ashun, but it looks as follows. It is known, how hospitable Earth beings are, so due to attention safety, the flight to Earth is lead in a bit different way. Beings, which are interested to visit a beautiful Earth, do it in a following way. There is a huge active base on Mars. Barbarian creatures from Earth cannot detect it, as all what is needed by creatures coming to Mars, is placed underground. It is known as well to scientists from Earth that the Mars is very rich. One can find there uranium, titan, gold. It is explored but not by people. Because of these varieties, people want to colonize Mars. Empty spaces are exploited – it was known already many thousands years before, what kind of temptation, people would be exposed to. So, creatures fromAshun come to Mars. They rest there and refill fuel needed, so they could come to base without problems. It is known, they can stop on Earth just for a moment – because of your so called hospitality. So first of all because of your hospitality and second of all it is not a time yet for official visits and showing up to people. Visits take place every day, but you people should go out of your vanity shells. Finally, you have to realize, you are not alone neither on Earth, neither in cosmos. As you use to say „Strangers are among us” and it is the true. Only exceptional people can feel and realize their presence – the people chosen to the mission. And how long does it take to flight from Ashun to the Earth. It is not a long time, when to measure it for your Earth condition – it takes about few months – so called transformation. And how long the flight from Mars to Earth is. It is just a few days and it is organized the same way after coming to Earth. Generally you are covered by special surface, which makes your ship invisible. It is alike with beings coming to Earth. Hocus-pocus – it is an invisible hat being put on them and so they are already able to move among you, not being seen or noticed.
How the Earth is being monitored by bases on the Moon and on Mars?
Very easy way it is being done. Main transmitters were stolen in the ancient ages. But they have more advanced technique know – so there are two ways. People-implants, and mainly – so called by us – bases – there are special screens being installed. These screens are not like yours (which we can call catch). Their screens can be easily called super spies. It is not possible to detect them. All the information is transmitted to the Moon or to Mars. There are special laboratories and they register every action, which takes place on Earth. The Moon base is served by Mars and it is done automatically. The review of screens is being lead just sometimes. Everything which is easy is not worth attention in your opinion. But if something is complicated and if it is additionally described with complicated and advanced language then you believe it is credible. That is why, the way to control the Earth is very easy – so many informers exist on Earth, so there is no need to complicate life and even more important – there is no need to expose life of beings of other dimensions to danger.
How precisely Earth activities are known there?
Barbara and Richard, this question is very interesting. So, when to consider that human beings are observed 24 hours per day, some observers are invisible and some of them are people with implants. Their eyes work like cameras. Another way is like follows. As you already know, aliens are among you and they are aware of this fact. They are aware of having implants and they act, knowing it. Now I will come back to invisible beings, which observe you. It was not once or twice that you had impression of being observed during you were home alone. You did feel somebody watching you. Well Barbara, you had a guest then. The best is to say in such situation: “Welcome at our home”. They join your conversation and moderate your consciousness. They show some signs of their presence very often. You just have to notice it then. Beings, creatures from other dimensions cooperate with spiritual beings widely. Such contacts are very normal. But this gift is very rare on Earth, when at the same time each of you could have such a gift. Nowadays, people who have such contacts are being treated by doctors or they are being rejected. That is why – in contact with us or with existence-beings – we have to choose. We have to look for individuals with strong personalities. Weaker individuals simply fall away. Barbara, observing people, one can learn something, which is – how one SHOULD NOT act like. People are masters, when it comes to hate, pride and domination attempts. Human beings “experiment” is successful in a way, because other civilizations could see, where pride and hate provide to – that is why, time of the experiment has gone and time to start cleaning the human kind has come. It is sad Barbara and Richard, but truth cannot be different anymore. Barbara, Richard – harvest is big but there are still not enough harvesters. And these, who appear or who declare a will to cooperate, they become filled with pride or they cannot stand tests. And test exists and they are going to exist further on. We need strong individuals to cooperate with us or with beings. Barbara, Richard, thank you for listening. You have been with us and you are going to stay with us. And our will is so.