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Session 88


Public Session, with usage of telepathic channeling
Wroclaw, 21st of September 2008

Participants: Lucyna Lobos, Iwona Stankiewicz, Bill Brown, Andrzej Wójcikiewicz and the audience, which have come to meeting in Wroclaw

Iwona: The audience question, which is being asked by Iwona Stankiewicz
En-Ki:  Answer to the question – expressed by Lucyna Lobos

Welcome… Welcome in the city Wroclaw during this meeting of today in September. Before I start reading answers to your questions, I will first announce my introduction word – my message, as I use to. It is not going to be long but some issues already appeared I would like to mention. I would like to ask also – to ask Andrzej – to keep my message in exact words and to have it passed to air time and to have it received and read in the same words all over the world. I am En-Ki –The Earth Protector – not „The Great Master“, as I was announced here as… The Great Master of the Earth and the Universe is God. He is the Lord and the Master. And my role is to take care about the Earth and people. So, this issue we have already clarified. Please, don’t call me “Great Master” here but Protector… the Earth Protector. Now I have to make few issues clear. I have left my location on Earth. Chicago was my location. I have left it and I am not going to come back. I have handed the Earth guardianship to my first-born son Marduk instead of. He has agreed to…, he has accepted to take care of Chicago city. I would like to add – I have left Chicago, but I have not left these, who love and trust me. Further on – I make it clear, what is not according to the truth and the truth must be clarified – It was expressed: “Marduk fleet has come to Earth!” It is not true. My son never had a fleet. He still does not have a fleet (which would belong to him the same time) and nothing alike has come to Earth.  The last manifestation, which took place above Chicago and above my location, was light manifestation of spacecrafts.  It was herald, herald of events, herald to warn you. It was supposed to warn people this way about coming danger. It was – read in a wrong way and said to be a “fleet“.  I repeat one more time – “fleet” of Marduk did not come. I should clarify, what is for many: “bone of contention” and the “why” question. Why – exactly this medium – was chosen? Why her, not me? Why? So, saying it in a short way, using your language I will explain. It is 1990. We announce so called – „casting“…, I say it correctly – „casting to become a medium“. A medium – for me. Among many…, many persons, who were checked and put to tests, two of them reminded. There were: exactly this medium – mine – and the other competitive one – from France. The current medium, which is left and which cooperates now – you already know. Medium from France was not able to pass the test of time. Pride…, because of pride she was lost – because they were women both of them. So I announce now to all – so the choice was, our choice.  Medium is going to remain, not taking into consideration all the hate that you people have for her.  We are going to care for her and to love her. So, let those who “harbour hatred” of her read – medium is going to remain, because she passed “tests”, she stood “tests”. With this statement I end the introduction and I can answer questions now. I listen to you now.

Welcome Samuel, En-Ki.  The first question is from George.  After precession, the Earth is going to come to the 4th dimension. How long is it going to remain so and when does it going to enter the next dimension?

If you would have read carefully, George, then you would have found out for sure. Each precession takes 25 thousand years – easy score. But when precession becomes a part of cosmic calendar, a change on Earth does not come at once. It is going to be a process. This process is estimated for a thousand years but each year – beginning from the 013th year – is going to bring changes already. Is it really going to bring changes? It depends on you – on people. I listen to you now.

Thank you very much. Following question: If there is no protection till summer time of 2009, will meteorites – which are supposed to fall to Baltic Sea – cause as big flood as it had not happen ever before in Poland?

These, who were equaled with Marduk “fleet” in a groundless way, just work on it – that is: beings. They cannot allow that these meteorites totally fall to Baltic See because Baltic See does not concern just Poland. There are also other countries next to it. It would mean a catastrophe with unbelievable effects.  They are going to work on it because the true is that people’s indolence is huge and works at excavations go on…, go on, but not as fast as we would expect it. And 2009 is not going to secure the earth, giving it protection. But for this, you thank heaven, please. Thank the heaven for the fact that these, who control…, control and take flights around the Earth – will do everything to burn these meteorites – if not all of them than in majority. So, the pieces which eventually fall to Baltic Sea are not to be big anymore. They will not make a very big harm. If they are not totally burnt, only the see-side-villages could be flooded.  Parts of Poland which are at the distance will not suffer from it. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question is from Adam.  I have a huge problem with my teeth and more precisely – gingival recession, which means: gingivas falling below enamel. May be our dear Samuel knows, what to do to have my gingivas come to their place, to have them grown again (as dentist state, gingivas never grow back). What should I do in such situation?

Medics of the Earth state a lot, but they are mistaken sometimes. I advise you to use a simple technique in your case. I mean, you should start to gargle and rinse your gingivas with oak bark. You should do it a few times per day – around 3 times per day – and after rinsing, please start to splash your mouth with gold. We have a qualified alchemist, who is more alchemist than chemist. You’d better buy the liquid produced by him and you treat your mouth with the liquid. It is going to take a few months but after this period of time you are going to prove – “medics were wrong” – you would be able to tell them. Start doing it immediately. Ask Andrzej for the alchemic address just after the session. I listen further on now.

Thank you very much. Following question is from Krzysztof.  Falling down of existing religions is expected in 2009. What is going to be the reason for such situation? Which religion is going to fall down as the first one? Or maybe all of them fall at the same time?

You have asked very “tricky” question. If it is not difficult for you, I would suggest it is a question for the personal session. During such session we can talk free, when during a meeting as the one at the moment, some of you could be unsatisfied with the answer and they would be very discontented. So I invite you – please come and I am going to tell you more. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question is from Damian.  I understand that government telescopes may hide truth about Nibiru. Why have amateur astronomers from the whole globe not noticed an object of the Jupiter size (as Nibiru is)? Especially that it is going to be seen with the naked eye in one year – I assume that due to it, Nibiru should be already seen somewhere from our planet.

Who did tell you that it is of the size of Jupiter?  You want to listen to what the size is? So, listen. It is few times bigger that the Earth is – such the size of this planet is. It is being seen already… Why don’t they announce? Think a bit – why. Fear spreads around in the fastest way – and what it would cause on Earth – and at this moment I could invite you to come individually – „come, let us talk“. It can be seen from the biggest telescope, which is placed on the South Pole. It is to be seen – so much I can say. I listen further on

Thank you very much. Following question from Lukasz:  Samuel, are you one of these who leave as usual or just with help of praying and fast (abstinence)?

I quite not understand what it is about. As fast – I accept, because fast once per week is healthy. When it comes to praying – it is only the Highest God, you are going to pray to. It is the same God, whom I face, still being ghost and standing at His side – and I always turn to Father of mine with the highest respect and humility.  So, if you want to have contact with me, treat me as Protector of the Earth or like a friend, because I am a friend for all of you and I regret, when you close your minds so much. Count by yourselves – 3 years. So, if you want closeness, you want to feel – ask – and direct your prayers to Our Common Father. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question is from Krzysztof.  Does energy exist, which I should blame for stopping sale of the building, which was built by my developer company in Olsztyn?

It is, it is obvious – there are good and bad energies.  And instead of asking me question at the wide audience, Krzysztof – as we are friends, are we not? – You should turn directly to me. And moreover – steps to take off this negative energy were already taken. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question is from Dorota. Where does “déjà vu” come from?

You have invented it, not us. We use simple words although we have bright minds and we did have them bright. So, it has been invented by you people – this beautiful word.  I listen further on

Thank you. Following question:  Is the person I am with proper for me?

At this moment I could say – please, show me the picture of this person.  I am just a spiritual being and to help you – and I help and I like to help – I need honesty from the other side. I mean: if you want to know if the certain person is the proper one, show me the picture. When I see it, I will tell you if the person “is” or if “is not” the one. I listen further on.

Thank you. Next question: It is clearly seen, the project is of major importance. What are reasons that it is so hard to gain all permissions to continue excavations in Giza?

Is it so hard to be understood?  What is the most important for you (for human beings) – even for now, when time of the biggest threat comes – what is the most important? Mammon! And it is exactly mammon able to open doors. It is able to divide as well – exactly mammon. Lack of the mammon – counting each “pinch of gold” – this is what makes all actions longer. Arabs wanted to check telling the truth and medium predispositions – watching surprisingly the medium – where does she know all of details. That is: Hawara is a conditional station for us. Next stop is going to be Giza. Nevertheless, responsibility for excavations in Giza should be taken for all the people. The same way as all of people want to live and all the people are afraid to die. So, if you love life, think – what causes delay and what will fasten all actions. Mammon! I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Kamila:  When does man stop the reincarnation and come to the immaterial state?

Till the moment of perfecting oneself, that is – you have 10 main descents and during this time you continue the process of perfecting. Later you can – but you don’t need to – come to Earth or chose a different planet to live, or you can remain a spiritual being. You can work on perfecting yourself, being in such state as well. Before you reach the highest level, there are few others on the way. So – it means: work, work, and one more time work. First time you have to work, when you are material and you rebirth and later on – when you don’t have right to come back to material state – you improve yourself spiritually. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Is a big flood going to happen on the 9th of Sept 2009 at the area of Lower Silesia – for example in Klodzko?

And who did tell you this?  Where did you read these kinds of “facts”, the human being?  Flood and even the huge flood… Just as it was said – results of meteorites falling down are going to be huge. Is it not that floods around this area are rather common? If the flood comes, it is not going to be big and spectacular. These, who manifested on the sky, start to take care about the Mother Earth – not the “fleet”. I have been offended by what had been written. That is why; I am going to come to the subject of “Marduk fleet” during our meeting. Don’t worry, the 9th year will not flood mentioned area in a way that it could threaten you or be unsafe to you. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Piotr:  How many races live in Cosmos (if there are any at all)? How many of them come to Earth?

Should I count how many they are?  It is hard to count them.  Beside two, which are interested about the Earth, there are quite many from beyond other galactic. The last issue should not bother you, as these races are not interested in Earth, neither in fortune of human beings. But two civilizations should interest you: from Orion and from Syrius. Both of them are interested in Earth. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  What is going to be the result of Silesia Wroclaw – Cracovia Krakow match of 28th Sep 2008?

Well, you are with a sense of humor, human being, I can see – or maybe you are a spectacular sportsman. I am not interested in what you are interested. I have never been a sportsman, being on Earth either. My interest was you and how to develop you, human beings. It is obvious I have made some mistakes – and this question of today proves it. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question from Jadzia:  Beloved En-Ki, mucous membranes of my large intestine is cracked and I feel permanent pains. Do I have a chance to get better in such situation?

Here, as for today and today’s medicine possibilities, academic medicine, I can say – no. But till 2012 there is help for you – such as gold. It is gold, gold and once more: gold. There is “white gold”, which you can use already and “Ki” Supplement is going to be available soon as well. So called “Ki” is going to regenerate your body if you are going to take it. Medicine, terminal diseases and sicknesses, which one could recover from – they are going to be changed dramatically after 2012. What was theoretically incurable before – would be treatable then. Thus, as for today – take a piece of information from these, who produce “white gold” and who are going to produce “Ki” Supplement. Then start to consume it. It is going to save you. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Teresa:  I love you En-Ki.  Please tell me what about my heart?

If you love, it is very well.  I am a bit vain as well – I like to listen to the expression “I love”. If you say honestly “I love you En-Ki” every day, I am going to be like a medicine to you. Truly saying, what entered your heart is neurosis. Change a bit your schema of life and try to look a bit different on life. Try to put “pink glasses” on – it is going to serve your heart well. And I suggest using gold supplement as well. And when it comes to this medicine: “love, to love” – it is powerful indeed. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Barbara:  How could be very old person with memory loss beginning helped? How can such a person be helped in general?

“Ki” Supplement, which soon becomes available, can help as well. It regenerates body as well as brain. And first of all, please don’t say “old person”. Such person is just a bit more advanced, when it comes to maturity – you’d better remember that suggestion can work miracles. If you tell the person: “You are young person” and you are going to repeat it every day – brain of the person is going to work in different way. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question: Does the person I am attached to limit my development?   Do I get the best from this relationship?

A photo and the personal session – I invite you. I am just a ghost, so when I have “a whiteness” (a picture), then we can talk. Each person can be smoothed down and tamed so a good relation could be developed with everybody. One has just to get few good advices. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Will I free myself from my persecutor?

Did you “go into a huddle” today – you ask so complicated questions – do you all want to come to personal session also?  Please, feel being invited. And it might be that this persecutor is supposed to teach you something…? May be this “prosecutor” is your “lesson”. Please come so we can talk. I listen further on.

Thank you. Following question from Pawel:  Will I recover to overall efficiency of my body?

When it comes to physical, intellectual and one more of efficiencies – you have it already in your mind… You are going to obtain intellectual efficiency before physical one. We are going to talk about physical efficiency when real medics come to Earth after 2012. They will be able to help all kinds of sicknesses or diseases.  But you have this efficiency inside yourself. Lack of belief and lack of self confidence – look for it inside yourself and you are going to be satisfied and ready to wait calm till 2012. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Question from Czesław.  Did I come back alone from the other side of channel?

No, you did not. When being comes back from “the tunnel” to Earth again – it is always with Protector. You have come with your Guide, who will be next to you till the end of your days. Try to contact your Guide to understand, why you have come – as there are no doubts that your life has been changed. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Jan:  Do I have a mission to fulfill?

Everybody, everybody has mission to fulfill. Jan, Adam, all the others of you in this room and in other countries – please treat this time, these 3 years – as mission, Mission to Save the Earth and yourselves and your families… Treat it as a mission for yourself, for your close relatives and friends, for your neighborhood, for Earth, which means – generally speaking – it is mission, mission for all people.  I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Krzysztof: Welcome Samuel! How can a machine-to-seduce-a-woman be set in motion? How one can be successful in “heart” area? Do energy blockades of human chakras influence it in a negative way?

I must have read about me some issues regarding haw I had seduced women. Does it mean I am supposed to give you recipe?… I will give you the recipe. I will tell you how to do it, but not next to whole forum. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Filip:  At the beginning I would like to thank you for everything you do for us. I would like to ask how to open my chakras and how to break the seal put to the crown chakra during confirmation.

Tell yourself that you are open to Cosmos. It is true that 7th chakra is being closed during confirmation. It is clever. During so called Reiki treatments chakras can be unblocked – especially the seventh one. Use this possibility. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Robert:  Can I count on spectacular promotion at my current job? Or maybe it is better for me to change the job, if I would like to achieve something „bigger“.

One can get promotion during any job. Try to get promotion where you are now. Otherwise, starting at a new employer, you are going to start working on your promotion from the beginning. Every new employee is treated as „a sweeping broom“, as you use to call it. So, don’t look for new job. Try to change yourself. Try to see what you do in a wrong way and do your best to get promotion. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Is the 21st of Dec 2012 the exact date of Earth polarization change? Or maybe it is another mistake and another fictional end of the world.

Well – Have I ever through all these years mentioned about the end of world? I can’t recall anything like that. But maybe my memory is short. The date can be a few days mistaken, but in principle the date is correct. It is not the end of world. It is the beginning of a new system – the beginning of a new life for you. Try to understand it finally… Please, understand. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Is contemporary medicine able to treat short-sightedness efficiently?

Haven’t I already said what can be done? One cannot treat it in mysterious way as for today. You can stop it to prevent the disease development. And at this point my proposal is: AU 100 – one has to use the supplement. Prescription of how to use it – you will splash your eyes – you are going to find more detailed description at the leaflet attached. I say it anyway: you will rinse your eyes. When you start to use it, you are going to be satisfied, human being. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Is father Rydzyk a positive character? Will he play any role after 2012?

Well, if I would have the last meeting here today, I would answer this question saying what I think about Rydzyk. But as I intend to appear more than one or two times, I am not going to answer the question. I will just tell all of you, who are curious that Rydzyk is not going to appear after 2012. He is going to give up and to leave his cassock, running away from payment.  I listen further on.

Thank you. Next question from Lucyna:  MMS – hydrogen peroxide (solution) – how one can prepare stabilized oxygen and how to treat oneself with it?

This product – MMS – you are not able to prepare by yourself. So, please leave it to appropriate alchemists, who produce the MMS water. Almost everything can be treated with help of the remedy except the condition of an advanced cancer disease. So apply to those, who produce MMS. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. The following question from Janina. Is meteorite danger to Earth in 2009? Is it danger to Europe?

Meteorites fly to the Earth already. Some of them are going to burn in the atmosphere and some of them are going to fall to Earth (not totally burned). When it comes to 2009 – I have already answered this question – there is already protection guaranteed for Europe, Poland or other country. These, who make reconnaissance flights, protect the Earth. So one meteorite or the other or a different one or the next meteorite, which falls to Earth – will not cause too big damages. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question:  And what happens, if finding the pharaoh is not equal with finding the key to the unit? How would you convince the one who is in charge of the key to use it for system activation?  (The last question directed to Iwona)

Human being, who asked the question – medium is just a channel – connection. All questions were addressed and are directed to me. And when it comes to me, I am a man not a woman. I prefer to remain a man. Well, the key is exactly pharaoh – the one called Builder is the key. And it is him to be placed in sarcophagus. I refer to sessions – not to individual sessions but to sessions from internet. You have to read carefully and you are going to understand – who is the key and what the key is for. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  What are next steps regarding investigations on Sleza hill? Does my flat next to Sleza remain in connection with the project?

What is next regarding Sleza?  Should I send you to certain place to make you asking “what are next steps regarding Sleza?” The group, which is directly interested, keeps asking the same question as well – what is next? When religion falls down or when it is about to collapse, then Sleza “moves”. Am I transparent on this? Who does block the issue: “what is next regarding Sleza?” Is the fact of your flat being next to the hill in connection with the project? As for today it is not in connection. But, when the project starts – excavations – then apply.  May be you become a guardian. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Ela:  When am I going to get free from my problem?

It is hard question, very hard. Problem will exist for ever, unless you change a program of your mind – you change “central computer” for positive thinking.  I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question from Michalina. En-Ki, please say, what good news Bill have brought for Lucyna.  I don’t know why, but I fell it must have been something very important and beautiful and something hoped for a long time.

The story of getting to know each other – the news can be named – I announce every day and they announce it each other. The whole story of this couple is very long and mixed. But it is beautiful – because the two of them understand for real what Mission of Pharaoh really is and that is why they are able to cooperate with each other. It would be marvelous, if people would start to cooperate for real with Pharaoh Mission – with Mission of Saving the Earth – so for example – with the two of them.  I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Should I go for life changes that I think about?

Everybody…, everybody should work for changes, which means making so called: “self-examination”. One should think, what should be changed in one’s life to live in a better way, calmer and happier. It is very important. To be honest, pharaoh is “B” plan. “A” plan, which was our first assumption – turned out to be too much and it went beyond all expectations. Well, love was supposed to be “A” plan. Human beings did not understand it, so we have the next plan – “B” plan, which is to work on Earth and to dig pharaoh out. There is still time for “A” plan. Think about it.  I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question from Zosia:  En-Ki, what is my task to be fulfilled during this life?

But you have it encoded in your mind. If you come here to have your mind open, try to ask yourself this question and you are going to receive the answer. When you have the answer – follow the way from the answer. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Is war with Iran going to take place in November?

I answer the short way – no. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question from Michal:  What is my role here on Earth?

I have just answered a similar to your question a moment ago. Role of yours and others is love. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question from Stanislawa:  My daughter (of age 33) went ill epilepsy being 32. What is the reason of it? Why did it appear so late and how can she be helped? What should be the treatment direction? Is the treatment we use at the moment adequate enough?

It is not efficient, because what she takes are most of all psychotropic drugs – to stupefy her. The “Ki” supplement is going to be available on the market in a very short time.  The main reason of this disease is lack of gold in one’s body. So try to get the wait gold or the supplement in a short time for her. Then let her take it regularly. The disease can be stopped at certain level, but as for today it cannot be treated totally, when to take in mind how polluted environment (with chemical factors present everywhere) we live in. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Is “G” the proper man for me?


Did you hear what I had said during the meeting today? A photo and personal session is the answer.  I listen further on.

Thank you. Following question:  Do financial systems fall down till 2012? How will it influence people’s fate?

Chaos… They are going to fall down of course. Observe, what does on the world market – with banks, financial stocks, real estates, other “mooches”. They fall down. What does it mean? Breakdown, consternation, fear! The last of mentioned before, you have to eliminate from your mind. You have to think: “Good weather always comes after storm and the Sun starts to shine”. This “storm” is going to intensify till 2012. The “Sun” will shine after 2012. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  What does wait for me after death?

Resting is what waits for you. It depends on you, how long the rest is going to be – as for spiritual being. And you are going to come back to Earth after it – forget that it is the last time and forget that you are coming to heaven then. Work and one more time work is the answer. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question from Lilia:  Dear En-Ki, how can I treat ruptures of chemonucleolysis in me spinal column?

Fundamental question – why did you allow ruptures of chemonucleolysis to appear – to have such situation? I would have to give all of you lecture at this point – what is rupture of chemonucleolysis and how does it appear? To be honest, it is an answer to your own “wishes” – disrespect for your own health. There were signals sent before regarding it. Rupture is a protection – when it comes to facts – till it starts growing. When it starts to grow, the only one solution is surgery operation and what I mean is risky operation. So, how could you – living thing – allow the rupture of chemonucleolysis to arise? I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question: Why the ancient tomb was not discovered yet, if to assume that pyramids are already few thousand years old? Why is it exactly 2012 year to expect all problems concerning our planet? Why should we find the tomb till that time? 2012 could be as good as saying 100 years ago for example that something would happen in 1912…?

Why…? Why? First of all – The builder is not buried in the Pyramid.  He is supposed to lie in Pyramid just for a short moment to fulfill, what should be fulfilled. Your question is very wide and to be able to understand it, human being – read the book or all of sessions. Come to me and we are going to talk at that point.  I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  What do my dreams mean? What should I do with the knowledge I am provided with in these dreams?

Try to, try to – describe and write your dreams down – these, which can be visions or predictions. Start to write them down. I listen further on.

Thank you. Next question:  Is Poland exposed to danger in 2012?

It is exposed as all other countries are, if there is no protection. If protection exists – it is going to be like in all other countries cases as well – bigger tragedies are not expected. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question:  My name is Zbyszek. I would like to find out about my heart and my health.

Zbigniew, do you know such method as diagnosing? If you wonder about your heart or anything else regarding your health – come to such diagnosing. Come to me, so I am going to “diagnose” you – and I will tell you honestly (so you call it like during “confession”). I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Following question:  I feel very lonely and I would like to know if I am going to find my life partner. And more over, what I could do to improve my mood.

First of all – you have to notice your own value, because if not then you are going to “surround” yourself by aura of loneliness and sadness. In such situation you would not attract any partner. You have to emanate different energy – energy of happyness, not energy of sadness. That is because sadness does not attract, sadness pushes away. You had better remember it for your own good. I listen further on.

Thank you. Next question: What is my life mission?  Signed: “A.M.”.

You don’t have courage enough to tell me your name and you expect me to tell you, what your mission is… I have already given the answer to this question so it is just enough to listen to what I say. Your mission, like mission of everybody else is mission for Earth, mission for your dearest, mission for you, mission called life. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question from Martyna:  Which study direction is going to be the most appropriate?

Please, com to individual session, Marta.  I will become “a psychologist” then, as you are not going to receive the answer to your question today. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  How should we protect our children against catastrophe of 2012?

You start to be afraid – good for you. If you save yourself, you save your nearest, your family, your children. If – I add – if you love your families, then start thinking about how fast the key – which is the Pharaoh – can be mined.  I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Question from Ewa.  Welcome En-Ki and thank you to be with us and to help us.  I would like you to describe and to tell us about an underground chamber under pyramids – for example, how it looks, what is inside it. I ask about it, because it is seldom that this kind of information regarding discoveries would reach common people.

And now I would be able to speak for a long time. There are a lot – a lot of chambers, which are not discovered during excavations yet. There is such a chamber between Sphinx and pharaoh tomb. It is a chamber to pass through, it is a corridor, which provides to the tomb – it is partly covered by sand, but the chamber itself is empty. Chambers are empty in general, just some – which served for being tombs, as for example the one of Cheops the 2nd or chamber – tomb of Builder pharaoh. All of these are not going to be discovered neither now, neither later. The clue is to dig pharaoh out – this main chamber, where sarcophagus with his mummy is placed. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Next question:  Is it my mission „to work with dreams“?

It is part of your mission, but these dreams should be written down. It is like on principle of „Sleeping Prophet“, who had his dreams and visions written down. It might be that this will come to good – writing dreams down. But don’t engage yourself just in writing your dreams down, because I am going to ask you to live normal way till 2012. That is because you have other needs as well, you have subjects to be cared for. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. Question from Ludmila: “Pyramid of Light” and “The Fifth Element” – I get such transmissions for a long time.  What is my task, concerning the mission – Project of Saving Earth and People?

And questions like “What is my mission?” come all the time. All of you have the same mission, without any exceptions. It is Mission of Saving the Earth. When you save the Earth it means you save yourselves and your dearest. Is it so hard to be understood? Should I specify personally all the time: you are responsible for this, and the other is responsible for something else. Saving the Earth – salvation is in Egypt and there is no other rescue than love.  I listen further on.

Thank you a lot and now the last question from Lucyna:  Beloved En-Ki, could you implant us unconditional love?

To implant you love? And what do you think I do all these years? All my attempts– what else it is, if not to inculcate you with love. It is not so easy. I would drink waters of Atlantic Ocean faster than I would be able to teach you love – so the truth is – sad truth. Love is not only a body intercourse and it is not only love between man and woman. Love is love toward other human being. The answer is very easy – if you want to learn what love is, try to see what way you are the best – try to find this in other man. And then – be able to give this other man, what is the best. And this rule concerns every living creature on Earth – each the one. At the time you are able to understand it, we can speak about love. I listen further on.

Thank you very much. All of questions, which had been delivered to this session individually, were already answered.

There was quite a big deal of questions asked indeed. But I hope that besides these of you, who were unsatisfied and who were asked to come to individual session – some of you were indeed satisfied. These of you, who are going to visit me during individual session – are going to be satisfied as well. And as for today, I: En-Ki, guardian of Earth – am thankful to you for listening to all of what I have said. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

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