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Session 143

Private Channeling session with Lucyna Lobos over Skype, 28 November 2012


Lucyna Łobos-Brown, Grażyna from Spain, Iwona from England/London..

Questions are being answered through Lucyna Lobos-Brown by the Guardian of the Earth, Enki.`This session was conducted over Skype.
Translation from Polish into English: 
Artur J. Domowicz with Mission Pharaoh
Welcome Grażyna from this far country of Spain. I am also welcoming Iwona from England. I think that there will be some use from this channeling. I would like for this channeling to appear as a public session. I think that you won’t change your names, and it will be the way it is being recorded, your names will stay as they are. I will gladly answer your questions without a so called camouflage, without putting it into nice words. It’s not the time for nice words anymore. I, Enki, am ready to answer your questions. I am reminding you again, I am Enki, not Samuel. When I used that name, there was such a need to do so at that particular time, it was necessary to use a pseudonym. When I was Samuel nobody knew me and my real name, especially not the medium. Now I am using my real name, and my name is Enki, and it will stay that way forever. So remember, Enki, not Samuel. Therefore am I, Enki, ready to begin the conversation. I am listening to the first question.
At first, spiritual friend Enki, I would like to greet you, and to thank you for your explanations earlier, as well as for your care for me and my whole homestead, tears are running down my eyes because you have been disappointed in your masterpiece in the form of the contemporary human being, beloved Enki. I am bowing humbly to you, dependable friend Enki, to you and to the spiritual world. I am cuddling you to my heart. Welcome Enki. I, Grażyna. am welcoming you and the whole spiritual world. I want to thank you Enki, for the care for my whole family.
Allow me Grażyna, to add to your greeting a word, to your very nice greeting. You human beings don’t know your true history. The true history is waiting to be revealed, meaning: to be read. This history, as you know, is in the tomb of the builder. There is also exact information regarding Earth and mankind, that human experiment. You are a successful experiment really, when it comes to the human body, but there is a small “but”, and that got out of control. It is something that god gave you, meaning: The free will and reason. We were supposed to improve you after our image. God added to this improvement the free will. That what should not be begun, people begun to take advantage of this free will. I won’t be elaborating that topic today, since it would take too much time. I can say generally: The dough, the human dough that has been kneaded well, that sourdough got into this human dough. This sourdough were these being that have been evacuated from this shattered planet. Since that time the turmoil has increased, I don’t have to explain this n detail neither to you, nor to the others who are using their minds. That is what resulted from those beings coming to Earth. What happened can’t be undone, that is why this human experiment needs to be corrected. Now I am listening Grażyna.
Did “Dar Światowida” get entrapped by the beings from Sirius B? Is Samuel, alias Szamgaz, the influence of these beings? The rushed activation of the portals on different continents and the ceremonies under the lead of Wójcikiewicz and Dolińska? Am I thinking in the right direction?
There is a lot of truth in these thoughts. When it comes to these beings from Sirius B, they are in situation that is similar to yours. There are very intelligent beings on Sirius B. They used to help earthlings in the past, they taught people, they took care of humans in general. Then they found themselves in a trap, because, as you know, their energy source, their sun is fading out. The planets in the vicinity of Sirius B are not capable to sustain life. Earth has the same living conditions as they do. That is why they are interested in the Earth.
You asked a question Grażyna, if the Polish foundation fell into Samuel’s trap under the lead of Andrzej Wójcikiewicz and his assistant Dolińska. How could they allow themselves to be misguided? Until the very end, everyone has the right to use his free will. I was also saying many times: You will all be put to the test, without any exceptions. So why was the “Dar Światowida” foundation supposed to be an exception? Why? What did Andrzej and the one who appeared not long ago Dolińska, do to deserve recognition? Everyone can be famous, but them. They have shown their true face. Samuel was send in order to put them to the test. You see for yourself what these tests exactly look like. You are making use of what you have that is precious, meaning: The reason.
You are asking about the portals Grażyna, about what they have done, and about what they are still intending to do, about the mission that they executed. They activated portals, but they did not think about what the activation of these portals brings. It is an opening for everyone who wants to come to the Earth to do so. Sirius B is very happy about that, it saves them a lot of work. Samuel is whispering to the group, and they are following like clockwork. Samuel deserves a medal for it, how he put Andrzej’s group to the test. Outstanding, he master the art of manipulation to perfection, the art of deceiving, and Dolińska is especially good material when it comes to manipulation, to the suggestion of spiritual beings. The beings from Sirius B are happy about that the most, because they have so many open portals on Earth already. Thanks to whom? Exactly, thanks to these few people, who think of themselves now here on Earth as equals to god. I am repeating once more, Samuel is fulfilling his task outstandingly. 
I am listening to you Grażyna.
Recently information about an Islamist fanatic in Egypt who plans to blow up the great Pyramid and the Sphinx has reached us. Could it come to that? In the sessions with Dolińska Samuel’s answers are without any sense. Can the ego cloud the reason so much, that they don’t see that? Please answer Enki.
Yes, that is the truth. Most of the answers are illogical, but a reasonable listener can see that Samuel also gives logical information, he is no just smothering with love, what people are still going for. As of today, instead of flying around America and opening up portals, if those who think of themselves as earthly angels, or crystal humans, would influence the Egyptian Government to prevent the idea of removing the Pyramids, the great Pyramid contains the protection, to which they have tried to get to already in order to remove it, Hawass wanted to do that, the Egyptian government does not see clear, the whole tourism business is based on these Pyramids… If that what they are planing would happen, then whole Egypt will go under. Here these angels of the Polish foundation have room to shine, and not to shine through opening up portals. Fortunately there are also people who are using their mind, and they are not allies of Andrzej. The Pyramid is eternal, it withstands time, and besides, it is a connector between the Earth and the comos, and it will stay that way. 
I am listening Grażyna.

The excavation of the tablets in Giza is being delayed. Can the spiritual world reveal the date of the excavation? How far can Samuel go with his sense of humor? What kind of absurd thinks like “planet Nibiru has been removed and put into the archives” or “the mother eggs”, has Samuel to make us of, so that the Polish group will understand that it has been misguided?
Are you asking if I could control Samuel’s nonsense? i could, but remember that this group is being out to the test, and I can not intervene in that. Samuel has been tasked with putting them to the test. Samuel is saying in his transfers: The tablets will throw themselves out of the tomb. That means that the Polish foundation will go to Egypt and just pick up these tablets. That is misleading these angels. Even the spiritual forces are not capable of something like that, what means that the Polish group is better than us. This task, getting to the tablets, is supposed to be achieved by human beings. The excavation of the tablets has been delayed just because there are humans who’s ego has outgrown them and they are allowing themselves to be led by Samuel. Now you human being have made us a lot of work, and all just because of the 2012 syndrome. Now we have to put “plan B” into motion and not expect your help anymore, because the protection must be activated, and Earth will receive this protection. The virus, meaning: the 2012 syndrome, will still be having it’s effect in this year, but it will be removed after the new year. We will trim these earthly angel’s wings. You can boldly say that a lot of all kinds of different angels have been born on Earth. These angels, instead of helping, are disturbing, opening up portals. Human beings are inviting themselves Sirius B to Earth.
Is Andrzej Wójcikiewicz and other Polish foundations being controlled by beings from Sirius B, who arrived during the time of the opening of the portal on 11 November last year?
I am answering you this question Grażyna, and everyone will have use from it. Not just those with the Polish foundation are being controlled. These beings have an allowance for this kind of control, but not everyone is submitting to that. Samuel is helping with this control, and one has to admit, he is doing well with that. Those who fell for his charm are following him like clockwork. Read carefully through John’s revelation. There you will find an exact answer to your question. In addition to that, the Planet-X issue is also very important. Dolińska and Andrzej claim that it isn’t there. The is there and it will be. No one of these earthly angels will remove it, no one of these earthly beings will be correcting god himself. Dolińska is saying that the planet exists, and that it doesn’t. People, start to use your minds! Dolińska and Samuel are right, they have knowledge, but it’s godly knowledge. And that what the scientists are saying is a lie. This planet exists and it makes itself noticeable enough already. 
The next question please.
Tell us Enki, what is this phenomenon that people paid attention to on different continents, the phenomenon of two suns. what is that for a phenomenon?
Planet-X is getting closer and closer, and the sun itself is beginning to attract it. What effects this causes, certainly that what you are seeing now on Earth. It is the phenomenon of a mirage, and planet-x, that is traveling in the direction of the sun, is causing it. And another phenomenon: In certain regions of your globe two suns can be seen. It is the force of that planet, or it’s energy, which is influencing this planet already when it is closer to the sun. The strong energy is causing this optical illusion, that you are perceiving as if the sun would reflect itself in the mirror. I am waiting for the next question, want to explain these three days of darkness, so that people won’t be afraid.
I am listening.

Our dear friend, we are counting down the days until the end of 2012 already, please explain us exactly how things will go down on our planet starting with the alignment of the planets in our solar system.
I will try to explain it in a logical way, I was waiting for a question like that, regarding these three days of darkness. People will reject what I will convey anyway, therefore I am addressing now the group of people who are thinking. I want to lessen the scale of the panic that is slowly arising already. Many will succumb, give themselves over to fear. Samuel will cause the people to fear, with the help of Dolińska. I will explain this phenomenon in a simple and almost scientific way. It is already scientifically proven that this heavenly body, planet-x, is approaching the sun. All the smart scientists know about it. They are not leaking this information to the media, since they don’t want to cause a panic, that is why I want to minimize this panic. It is is necessary for Mercury and Venus align with the Earth in one line to protect the Earth from the consequences of the violent explosions on the sun. Planet-X, approaching the sun, will cause a storm on the sun like never before in history. If the Earth would not be covered by the planets, Then the energy of these solar explosions would cause great harm on Earth, even fire would rain down on Earth and burn everything. The Earth would be burned down to the depth of 1 km. Thanks to being covered from the sun we will avoid this cataclysm. Nothing is threatening Mercury and Venus, because these are dead planets. The damage on Earth won’t be great. These two planets will absorb the energy of these explosions on the sun.But if these planets would be on their orbits as they are now, then the Earth would be uncovered, out there like on a frying pen. Then woe, oh it would be woe to it’s inhabitants. Instead of panicking, people should thank for the providence, and thank god himself, as well as these today spat on beings from Orion and from Sirius B, for these planets aligning in one line, what will protect the Earth. Otherwise the Earth would be hurt for a long time, and you would be gone already. There would be no “mother eggs”, because they would fry. This shall reach everyone, meaning: Also these earthly angels. The alignment of these planets in one line is the protection from these solar explosions.
I am listening.

Welcome dear Enki, I am very happy about having the opportunity to ask you a few questions. I am thanking you honestly and wholeheartedly for the care and the support, the love and the wisdom that you are bestowing us with. I am greeting and hugging you. Here is the question: Is there a chance that the Polish foundation that is being led by Andrzej Wójcikiewicz will hear it straight up form Samuel, that this is just a test, and that they have allowed themselves to be misled? Will the Polish group understand that they have been misled?
Welcome Iwona, I will answer this question a little differently. I will force those who will be reading this to think, or to search for the answer. He is blind since birth, and you want to convey what beautiful colors the flower has? Then you are being angry yourself about him not understanding it. Samuel has a sense of humor, that is a fact. But he is also conveying valuable information, you just have to know how to read them. I was saying a few years ago already, that the Polish group won’t be spared from a test. The people in the Polish foundation are acting like this blind man. Like the blind president of the Polish foundation who is blindly following Samuel’s words. Now he is starting to see, his sight is still weak, but he is rubbing his eyes already. But the ego isn’t allowing him to admit to it, that he has lost his sight. You can compare Andrzej’s Polish foundation to the contemporary religion. It made a mistake, but it isn’t admitting to it. Regarding the archive and planet-X, of course, it will be removed and put into the archive, but only after it will fulfill it’s task. It will holla again in 12 years. Regarding these “mother eggs”, the Polish group and Dolińska are acting very boldly. Even we, who are very close to god, are not intervening in his work. The act of creation belongs to god and only to him. If the Polish “Dar Światowida” foundation is that powerful, then god can go on vacation, or retire. The poor guy surely is tired. May they now create the “mother eggs”. Samuel is putting them to the test, but he is also giving good advice, you just have to know how to read them
The next question please.

In the sessions with Dolińska Samuel’s answers are without any sense. Can the ego, or the pride cloud the mind so much, that they don’t see that? Is the fight between good and evil going down in our thoughts?
Iwona, you have in your minds a certain code of good and evil. Additionally to this code god added the free will. Through the persona of Job, god has shown what humility is, which everyone should have. When Job was put to the test, to very painful tests, he did not stop loving god and to be thankful, that is why you can say that he was great. Just like Job, the Polish foundation was put to the test. That what is going on right now is what happened when Samuel and Dolińska joined the foundation. The foundation is and will be put to the test, and that what is happening right now in the foundation won’t end in 2012. The year 2013 will be hard. You will just have one thing off your mind, as you say,: The threat of planet-X. You will wait 12 years for the next passage. Andrzej will continue to go down the wrong path, because Samuel is playing him. That is actually the fight between good and evil. In these transfers there is foolishness, but also wisdom, but you have to know how to find it, how to read it. But the Polish foundation is comfortable with that, and by the way, many other people are getting involved into these manipulations, which Samuel is practicing. I am repeating once more, that if Andrzej, the president of the Polish foundation, would admit to his mistakes, to his defeat, then he would be an honest person, but he won’t do that. He is blinded, especially by Dolińska. Through this blindness they have lost god out of their sight. That what they are doing, following Samuel blindly, is not worthy of a human. That is just that fight between the good and the evil, that is going down in your minds.
I am listening.

Will the Polish group understand it’s mistake and change it’s demeanor?
Iwona, read carefully the whole session, and you will find your answer. Wójcikiewicz is starting to understand that, but he doesn’t want to admit the defeat. Since there was supposed to be success, it is hard to admit the defeat. The world religions aren’t admitting their mistake either. You are asking me if Samuel will be deceiving them much longer? No, he has time to deceive them until the end of this year.
I am listening.

Lucyna Lobos, who was chosen as the medium to be in contact with the spiritual world, through you Enki, is being led by you for 22 years! Why did so many people turn their backs to her? is that because of jealousy? Will this chaos of mankind last much longer?
Please answer.

In this year this 2012 magic is still at work, the desire to be great, admired, to be the center of attention. That is why people like Lucyna are being removed, oppressed, or even better, if she would stop to exist. Iwona, let’s go back to Jesus’ life on Earth. When he was at work, masses were following him. It was different when he was accused. Today the president of the Polish foundation is accusing Lucyna and blaming her: She became uncomfortable, whatever she does, it is being considered as wrong. In the days of Jesus it was the same. Not many stayed with him when he was accused, but he was innocent. He had to be accused, because he was uncomfortable. Not many stayed with him, the rest left, some even spat on him. That was also a test. Connect these two examples, Jesus and Lucyna. A small group that stayed with Lucyna, it has that what brings us joy: A heart, reason and humility. It will reach awakening, but will Lucyna be able to trust those who have hurt her?
I am listening.

Grażyna, Iwona:
We will stay loyal to you Enki and Lucyna.
Is the fight between good and evil going down in our minds?

Grażyna, I am not accusing anybody, everybody has received the free will, and will be held accountable for it. God did not forbid you to listen and to serve evil. Having the free will, you can differentiate between what is good and what is evil. Nobody from the spiritual world is forcing anybody to be on the side of good. Now you have to look at people and at their behavior, at how they are taking advantage of their free will. God is watching it all and making a summary of the deeds. A settlement for all these years of using the free will is coming. Do people having the choice between good and evil have to choose evil? Everybody can choose and stand on the side of good. And what is happening now? There is defeat and success. Most people are experiencing defeat. Starting with 2013 this will begin to change, but the free will will still apply. Humans are not mindless robots, you will be claiming
perfection, making use of reason.
I am listening.

Grażyna and Iwona:

We are thanking you with warm words, spiritual leader Enki, for your explaining answers. Grażyna from Spain and Iwona from London.

Thank you for the pleasant conversation, and for listening to my words. I will add that Lucyna, as a medium, is and will stay our link, if many like it or not. The strength of her energy, especially after the new year, will be rising. You took a picture, and an energy became visible, that is Lucyna’s energy. The transfer that was conducted in this unusual was induced me to be with you and to stand behind Lucyna. That is why you took such a picture. I saw how you snapped with the camera. That happen by my will. I wanted this energy to be visible. For today, I, Enki, am thanking you for the conversation.

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