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Session 159

Public Channeling Session with Lucyna Lobos-Brown in Ciechocinek, 09 June 2013

Questions are being answered through
Lucyna Lobos-Brown by the spiritual guardian of the Earth, Enki.
Translation from Polish into English:
Artur J. Domowicz with Mission Pharaoh

Welcome, I, Enki, am welcoming you in this pleasant place in Ciechocinka. I won’t make the words of introduction any longer than this, because you want to hear the answers to your questions. Therefore I am listening to the questions from you Maria.

Dear Enki, I am Maria, Zofi’s sister. I am welcoming you sincerely in this beautiful resort of Ciechocinka, and we thank you very much for honoring us with your presence. Could you convey us any news, messages from doctor Jan? How does he do, and does he have something to convey us?

How can somebody do, who was persecuted for a long time? Jan can be compared to Jesus, who also was persecuted. Who came to help people, and who did. But please do not confuse Jan with Jesus, because he isn’t him. His path is similar. Jesus was crucified, and people would have wanted to see Jan burn on the stack. Jan had a mental breakdown, and humans helped to accomplish that, yes, humans Zofia. I am saying this now on purpose, because it will be recorded and put on the internet, so put it in your heads: Jan deserves it, and he will still be needed, therefore am I, Enki, asking for help for Jan from the earthly, physical side.
I am listening, you can say something into the room, Lucyna’s hearing is good.

Wojtek Musiał:
From different esoteric sources I gathered certain writings from the Atlanteans, so called lost histories, which have been hidden in different locations. For example under the paw of the Sphinx, and somewhere else. Have they been hidden somewhere already and disappeared again? Or will they be discovered in the future?

They will be. When? It’s difficult for me to say. First the originals must be discovered, and on these originals there are exact instructions saying where the copies are. Under the paws of the Spinx, or to be precise, under the right paw of the Sphinx, where the chamber is, the tablets aren’t there. The tablets were there, but they have been stolen at a time when this plundering was very common, the searching for gold. They have been recovered and completely destroyed. That is why, after the recovery of the tablets, the normal tablets, the real tablets, it will be revealed where the next tablets are. People continue to be fond of gold, and we can not let it come to another plundering.
Anybody else?

What is hidden in the Pokain forest?

What is hidden there? In different parts of the Earth there are so called spacetime tunnels, and during certain times of the year you could travel to a different dimension, even a different planet. It is invisible to the human eye, it only appears during certain times of the year.
I am listening.

What will be the role of the optimal people in the nearest future, in the godly time, because god will triumph?

The role will be what you, who are gathered here, such a small group, will make it, rebuild. Actually the optimal people have to be born again, because how many of you are left? A handful, a little group is left. So that is what you are here for, in order to rebuild again. Yes, in this new order, to rebuild in the fourth dimension the diet of the optimal people, which has been blessed by god, and humans have destroyed that.
Anybody else?

Wojtek Musiał:
Towards the end of the 20th century the phenomenon of a time-traveler named John Kito from the year 1938, and the year 2008 appeared on the internet. Was it a real phenomenon, a real person? He is talking about different things, alternative realities, where he lived, where among other things there was supposed to be the third world war in 2012. His realities were differing from ours, they didn’t come true, some did. He did for example foretell the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle in Switzerland.
Are these information from the internet true? Was this being a time-traveler?

The truth is that you all are traveling, it is called astral-traveling, some remember it, others don’t, and others are adding to these travels a made-up scenario. I won’t be explaining now, because human beings like such imagery, especially about this beautiful end, which aren’t coming true. In reality I can only say this much: Read carefully what is being conveyed on the internet, because those who are conveying, who are writing, often want to shine, or even to make some profit of it. So I am recommending to be careful with that. If you already read it, then read it ten times, and then you will take from it what is most important. Do you have enough of me already?

Because I have diabetes for a few years already, and thanks to optimal children, I would say that: Sometimes I am healthy, when I watch my diet,, sometimes I am not, when I don’t watch my diet. As of today, at least I don’t know of anything like it, there is no other method besides Kwaśniewski’s diet, which would cure diabetes. From meetings with doctors, I am myself coming from a surrounding of doctors, and from meeting with doctor, smart doctors who know Kwaśniewski’s diet, I know, these doctors are saying, that this is the best diet. But they don’t know of a patient who would keep this diet for a longer period of time. And now combining the Tesla device with this diet, is this a complete cure? Of course being on this diet, because it is a wonderful diet. Is this a method to completely cure such a diabetes? So that I wouldn’t have high sugar when I eat two slices of ham?

And I can support this strongly here, that the combination of this Tesla device with the diet will provide revolutionary results. But that doesn’t mean, that you will be able to eat afterwards a half kilo of cake and you will be ok, it won’t be like that. You will be able to eat here and there a little something sweet, because the body also does need that, but you won’t have to deny yourself so many splendid foods that exist, and that are tempting. And so relating that, the diet in combination with this device is helping, not just with diabetes, but also with other ailments.

Is it also good for heart related issues?

Also for issues with the heart. If somebody has a pacemaker, then I’m sorry, but you can not use this device. The AC electricity will discharge the battery of a pacemaker. You also can’t use it in the case of an advanced cancer, if the diagnosis is malignant cancer. If the tumor isn’t malignant, then you can also cure it with this device. I am also not a great medic. I forced Lucyna to do the three months practice in Chicago, today I can say, me spiritual being, that it works. This device helps, I can go ahead and say what the doctors aren’t allowing: This device is healing. So by keeping this diet in combination with this device you can say: I am healthy.
I am listening.

What will agriculture look like in the near future, in these conditions after the eventual changes?

A good question, a very good question. Here you really need a wise head, “not from this Earth”, who will implement an agricultural reform here on Earth, without harming mother Earth. So that mother Earth will provide more abundant crops. Finally, you have entered the fourth dimension. Since devices of a new generation are appearing in order to heal you, so will also devices of a new generation appear, which won’t devastate the Earth, so that it will provide better, healthier crops. That is why the cleansing of the Earth has begun. That means that you have patiently listened to all my words in Ciechocinka.

Thank you for coming, for these answers.

Alright Maria, I thank you.

Alright, thank you.

And me shaking you up here a little doesn’t mean that I am vicious, because only a friend tells you straight up the truth, and you will here the truth in a moment… I will return to this question that was supposed to be asked, a trick question. The question is regarding 2015, regarding these elections in 2015. I have partially told you who will win, who will loose. It might be that there won’t be a winner, everybody might find himself in the same boat, meaning by that this good ending. The truth is that god himself is preparing for these elections. Actually it is the Earth along with the spiritual world campaigning, and who will help you mankind? You human being have become thoughtless and have entered, and are moving on very unstable ground. Is it not about that time to start to think, to start to think about what tomorrow brings, to think about yourself, about your family? Not relating on malice, on mockery, there is no lack of that. So now that the fourth dimension has begun, god came into action here on Earth. So even though you human beings a gods creation, you have lost somewhere along the way your reason, in which it is not allowed for us, spiritual beings who are subordinated to gods will, to intervene. We can only say something, draw your attention, but we can not intervene. So even though this question was malignant, it will have it’s effect anyway. Because if not for this question, I wouldn’t have said all this, and this way humans, human beings, start to think, and think about on which side you want to be on, this earthly side and it’s way of thinking, which has cause the Earth and mankind to be in the state it is now in, where even mother Nature is revolting, or rethink and stand on gods side, the side of this highest president, who will be ruling over the whole Earth. I am not asking, but gods son, ENKI, is pointing out that thoughtlessness is causing what you have caused already. And it can cause mother Nature to expand this campaign, making it even more ruthless to you human beings. And we, even though we are the guardians of the Earth, won’t be asking or intervening, because this question was total disrespect of the being who is the owner of the Earth. That is what I wanted to convey to you at the end. I am not only saying this to this group here, that is sitting here and listening to me, that is making a terrified face, but I am saying this to all those who will be reading and listening to this. I am repeating once again, start to think, because these elections will be difficult in 2015. That is what I wanted to say at the end of this meeting, which took place in this charming Ciechocinka, and one more thing: You great supporters of Jan should take into consideration, that Jan is only human. Therefore, thank you for this nice meeting, I, ENKI, thank you.

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