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Session 21


Telepathic channeling session number 21
Wrocław, 27 October 2003
Session carried out with Lucyna Łobos
Participants: Robert Bernatowicz, Agata Czapnik, Andrzej Wójcikiewicz

Andrew: Question from Andrzej Wójcikiewicz
Agata: Question from Agata Czapnik
Robert: Question from Robert Bernatowicz
Samuel: Answer from Samuel through Lucyna Łobos.

Welcome you all. First let me introduce myself and set some rules. I’m a spirit being. My chosen name is Samuel. My real name shouldn’t matter to you. I chose who goes first – ask the first questions. So Agata, welcome and ask away.

Welcome Samuel. I’m happy that we can talk again. I have a few questions about our mission pharaoh. After waking the pharaoh, will the pyramids in other parts of the world, in countries like Peru, Mexico, Bolivia and others play their role? Is so, what is their role?

No Agata. Cheops Pyramid will play the main role – as you know. The pyramid is Mexico has a connection to the Egypt pyramid, the one in Yucatan, known as the snake pyramid. That pyramid will have a role to play when the pharaoh is placed in his pyramid. I’m listening.

Who is Zahi Hawass? What is his energy? Whats his role?

He guards. He was sent to Earth to be a guard. The human lust for personal gain – is huge. If not for this man, then – trust me – then people would try to use explosives to enter the pyramid. He is a guard and he was sent by us. He is not likable, since his behavior is not considered normal, but he has to behave this way. I’m listening.

Are the machines, located in the pyramid and the sphinx, are they constantly active in some way or will they be activated when the pharaoh is awakened?

Agata, they are active. Not for a whole year, but they activate twice each year, spring and autumn. These machines have a connection with Mars, I I will defend my words, even if someone claims I’m lying. That radiation, or in other words, energy-magnetic connection was discovered by NASA and they know very well, that a connection between the pyramid and mars. Thats why they are interested in Mars. They are scared to touch the pyramid itself, since they know that damaging it would be dangerous. So if someone would like a second opinion, and knows someone high-ranking at NASA, then ask them. They will confirm. I’m listening.

Is the protective energy still working, and if so are there any methods we may use to discover it. I’m talking about the pyramid and the sphinx.

The protection energy is energy-magnetic. No technology on Earth can find or interfere with this energy. You haven’t reached that far yet. I’m listening.

Now something a little different. We heard a lot about the so-called “Area 51”, which is located somewhere in Nevada in the United States. Rumor has it that contacts with other intelligent life is possible and takes place there, that space ships land there. Can you say anything about this?

There are a few such places on Earth, and I will even say where. Easter Islands – landings take place there regularly. Brazil – same deal. There are many places like this so that humans would eventually believe that they are not the only life in the universe. That they are not the center of the universe. These landings are taking place quietly, since humans aren’t welcoming, and if they would officially show themselves they would risk death by human hands. I’m listening.

Two more quick questions Samuel. Lately there is talk of a gigantic spot on the sun. I’m no expert, but from what I know, this causes very strong magnetic storms and emits very strong electromagnetic radiation. Is this related with the cleansing to come?

I like Agata, people who think. In nearly every meeting I talk about the cleansing. I don’t warn, I don’t speak of a punishment, I just state a fact. It was said clearly: “We will use humans and nature in the cleansing” – so the sun as well. Your right. Its one of many elements that will help in the cleansing of Earth. I’m listening.

Thank you I have no more questions.

So I ask our guest to ask his questions, who will try to vigorously analyze our medium – Lucyna. Here I an say to you, our kind guest. Lucyna can be tricked, since she is just a human, but – here is some advice – don’t try to trick me. So – I’m listening.

I came here for the first time and have a question. Do you think that I’m the right man for this project?

I can say differently – welcome in our mission “Pharaoh”. Listen closely. Its easy to join the ranks of the mission, but remaining in the mission is much harder. You will not be an exception. Everyone who joins the mission undergoes tests, and so will you. Mission “Pharaoh” is not good fun, but great responsibility, especially concerning humans and the Earth. Reading the sessions you found out how important a role the pharaoh will play. When we wake the pharaoh, the cleansing won’t just stop, vanish. Cleansing will happen nevertheless, but it will be milder, it will happen in a different way, but that will only happen if the pharaoh is placed in his sarcophagus. So I say again to you, newcomer. Remember these three basic things: I ask for trust, I ask for humbleness, I ask for obedience. Even if the path you step on will seem impossible, a situation with no hope, or laughable – don’t lose faith. If you will heed my advice you will remain part of the mission. I’m listening.

For four years I participate in certain events concerning forces not from this Earth, which I had a chance to observe – I mean the events in Wylatowo. What can you say about this? Does it have anything to do with what we discuss today?

Yes, many signs are shown to you. Through people we give information. Wand what happens to such people? Often they end up in a place they can’t leave or spread the news. Also, there are signs on Earth – lately in Wylotowo. Here there is also speculation, that these signs have been left by people, people who want fame, want money. I can say – the signs in Wylotowo couldn’t have been made by human hand. Those signs are written by the energy of the ships that fly close by and I’m happy that you are concerned with such things so deeply. Even as you are often attacked by skeptics – keep on the path you are on now, and continue to tell people about the messages from space. Messages about the upcoming cleansing. I’m listening.

I have a question concerning this year. I read in the sessions, that this year the labyrinth will be uncovered, and also, that Cheops may be uncovered – but such things have not happened. Why?

Due to your human stubbornness. Certain barriers we, as spirit beings, are unable to pass through. We give information, detailed information – I’m talking about the pharaoh, about the labyrinth – but tell me, how can a spirit being get through human stupidity, to get people to dig in the correct places. To prove my words I gave you Sobótka, and I wish this project to be completed, since what you find in Sobótka will open your way – a window to the world, to Egypt, to Pharaoh, to the Labyrinth. I’m listening.

I was in Sobótka on the mountain Ślęża, I read your directions concerning the entrance and finding this treasure. My question – how will this look? Is it really enough to lift one tile? How many people must go down there? How deep is this treasure? Is it just beneath the floor, or is it further down a corridor? How will we be able to find it?

Very complex are your questions. Here you try to trick who? Me or Lucyna? Listen closely. Lifting the tile, even ten tiles in that place won’t accomplish anything, and you know that well. You must pick up pickaxes and shovels and dig down into the earth. The people who blocked the way to the dungeon were no fools – they masked it well. So you must remove the earth and the stones to cut a way to the dungeon of the castle. This entrance that I showed you, is the safest way. You can’t go through the cave, since as I said – its dangerous. The safest way to to dig down, like moles. How deep? Its deep, and I won’t sugarcoat it, saying its its two, three meters. The castle itself stood high, and the dungeons were deep beneath the castle. Its hard for me to say whether its 20 meters, or maybe deeper. You have the correct equipment to measure such things. The dungeon itself is not filled in, just the entrance is underneath a lot of earth. Then in the corridors, traveling through them you will reach a chamber where a surprise awaits you. I’m listening.

Will digging be required in this chamber? Similar work as in the church?

No, just enter it. I explain clearly, we speak the same language. Dig towards the dungeon, to enter the tunnel, which is empty, not filled in with earth, underneath the castle. These corridors are like a labyrinth, but thats is not a big obstacle for you to handle. Underneath the castle there is a chamber, and inside it – as I said before – lies your treasure. I’m listening.

Is the mission “Pharaoh” group complete, capable of reaching Egypt and finding the pharaoh? We know that Ślęża is ready to go, but what about Egypt?

We are still getting ready. As it was previously said to Andrew and Iwona – we will accept new people. We will school and observe each of them. If he won’t handle the test, fail the exam, he will be cut from the group and we will await another to fill his role. Many people are required for this task, since just a handful won’t be able to accomplish the great mission “Pharaoh”. Thats why we now actively work in America, meaning Chicago, and that makes me happy. Not so good back in Poland, since many newcomers automatically try to figure out how to get something out of this for themselves. You thoughts should be like this: Pharaoh. Pharaoh first, and then we will deal with your Earthly worries. We don’t want you to be poor, but your main focus – Pharaoh. I’m listening.

I have a question concerning Ślęża. All in all, you have chosen a difficult treasure to uncover. There is a solid, hard to break through rock, hard conditions. Why not somewhere easier, where less tools would be needed, less problems?

Yes, I chose a different one before – in Złotoryia. All it took was a small test for the group, and already trouble started. Everyone – and there were only three people – wanted to lead. In Złotoryia, in the town of Kopacz, I still stand by my opinion – there is not a treasure as in Sobótka, proof of the medium’s words. There is something underground from the time of war that would make Germans happy, since Germans hid something there from during world war two, in an old weapons factory. Kapłanek was right about the structure of the Earth being untouched. It should be untouched, since there was no digging. Its in underground warehouses. Underground, around four meters down, there is a corridor and a weapons warehouse. But why did I chose Sobótka? You are mistaken thinking that while digging down you will encounter rocks that you will have to break through. There are rocks that will have to be moved, but its more earth than rocks. Also, in Sobótka it will be easier to deal with legal issues, permits. In Kopacz, it was hard discussing the idea of setting up a dig site with the owners of the land and I assure you – if you were to go there again with the intention of taking measurements, you wouldn’t even be allowed to enter that field. I’m listening.

Last week, Andrew and me had the chance to meet two people, who gave us amazing information. What do you think of theses people? Are they sincere, will they be useful in mission “Pharaoh”?

Decision making I’ve left to Andrew. We need a human to chose who aids us. Andrew is that human and I wish, that regardless of all these tests that Andrew went through, he will remain in our group. Andrew chooses and we lead. Thats how it looks. I’m listening.

I have another question concerning Ślęża. Is it safe to say that we should start digging now, rather than search for treasure. And is the precise place of where we should start work known, since there are many sites that we could chose from. Can you pinpoint the precise location of where, since this work will take a lot of time. It would be a great boon for us to know where to dig and how deep.

Listen closely. The place that Lucyna has shown you is like a well, while you, while in the church, found a few other places. In the center, precisely in the center of the church you also found signals. The dungeon is quite large, and like a labyrinth, and if you would enter through those places in the church, you would end up in correct corridor. I showed you the easiest, the safest place. All the other places are also correct, but these would provide difficulty. I’m listening.

Do we need to use the georadar to locate this place? Or is it not necessary?

Its need to you only to make you feel confident, and to prove others that underneath there is – empty space. In case you wold not get the permit, there are other locations, such as the church courtyard – there you could also dig. But, as I said, it will be difficult, and all the entrances are protected. Only the entrances in the church have been left in such a state, like they were waiting to be found. Just dig down and your in. In the church courtyard it would be difficult, as there is a lot of hard rock to through, as you mentioned. I’m listening.

I have a question about other civilizations, that I know, exist and come to Earth. Tomorrow I will contact a lady who claims to have contact with such a civilization. He name is Elizabeth Wizental. Do you think she is telling the truth, and will she be a boon to the mission “Pharaoh”?

There are many people, as I said, that have contact. Some claim so openly, others are scared. They are afraid of other peoples reaction, rejection. They are afraid that they will be seen as mentally ill. Such people shouldn’t be send to mental institutions, but the unbelievers should end up there. Is the woman telling the truth? Yes, what she claims is true and applaud is in order for her bravery, but will she be of any use to the mission? Well, mission “Pharaoh” is open to all, but will she be able to cope – thats the real question. If you think she should be given the chance, the by all means, we can welcome her to our ranks. I’m listening.

Samuel, in the past you have talked about a cataclysm that will take place on Earth. There are many prophecies claiming the same thing. Can you say anything about this? Will Poland be affected? Will we, the people working on mission “Pharaoh”, be in a safe place during the cataclysm? Can you give a date of when will this happen?

I wouldn’t call it as drastically as you say – cataclysm. A cataclysm would affect both he Earth and humans, while its is in our – other civilizations – interest for Earth to be saved. I’m not sure if you understand? I say Earth. When will this happen – a date. There will be no cataclysm, but the cleansing is underway and there are certain humans that help us cleanse the Earth. The finale will be in 2012. Then there will be a time of peace, time to heal the wounds, lessen the pain of those that remain. The Earth is a jewel and it will remain one. Humans have just forgot that they have minds. So don’t call this a cataclysm. This part of the cleansing will have its grand finale in 2012. I’m listening.

When it comes to Egypt I have doubts of where to start? Do you thinks its wise to start looking for the labyrinth?

Yes Robert, the labyrinth. And to make it easier, since last time I had a problem talking with Kapłanek, who continuously messed up Lucyna’s mind, so as to make it easier I will try to explain in simple terms. Go to the third pyramid in Giza. Near the pyramid its hard to dig since stone is present, so pass the plateau, traveling in a straight line from the third pyramid and find a nice open terrain, and start digging. The labyrinth is massive, and it doesn’t matter if you dig ten kilometers from the pyramid or five. In this area, anywhere as long as you follow a straight path from the pyramid, you will reach the labyrinth. Finding the labyrinth will allow you to break through Hawass and reach the Pharaoh. I’m listening.

Will 5 diggers be enough?

Robert… You have taken my breath away. Are you joking? I see you have a sense of humor. Me too. No its not enough! Five people won’t be enough. Its a desert. A large group will be needed… Unless you mean five people from our group be present there, but diggers? Diggers you need a lot more. I’m listening.

After we reach the labyrinth I assume an event will follow, allowing us to reach the golden chamber. Will reaching the chamber be difficult? Will any major event happen? What will we have to do after finding the labyrinth?

And entering… You mean what you will have to do after uncovering the first level of the labyrinth…?

Yes, I’m trying to imagine a group that will be working in Egypt, and I have a question…

Exactly… You try to imagine the labyrinth, what is needed? Rope, Robert, so you won’t get lost. Tie yourself with a rope and then enter the labyrinth. How pathetic it is Robert – everything that is simple to humans is so difficult. You try to make things complicated, so they seem beautiful, wise, and simple things are just rejected. I say again – a long, very tough rope and you can venture inside the labyrinth without any difficulty. I’m listening.

Tell me Samuel whats the whats the best way to currently help Andrew? We are in a moment where we can pretty much enter the church. Can you give us any advice, what the best way to help him?

Andrew called himself the wonderer and its true – he continuously wonders, but thats just who he is. Its no accident that you found your way to mission “Pharaoh”, since we treat mission “Sobótka” in the same way as mission “Pharaoh” since it all leads to the same place, meaning the center point of the Earth in Egypt. Robert, how can you help? Simple – since Andrew is away take matters into you own hands. I trust you. I’m listening.

I have no more questions, thank you very much for your answers.

It was a pleasure to speak to you. Forgive me if I was to rough/sharp, but Andrew can tell you, thats just the way. Sometimes I even when I give lashings, I lash with love. Now you Andrew. I’m listening.

Hello Samuel – I have a few questions concerning my trip to Eric von Daniken. How do you think the meeting went?

How do I feel it went? Daniken after reading what he received experienced a shock since he recognized what he read. Its like you wrote out his thoughts. Daniken will help you, will co-operate but he will do so quietly, since Dankien and Hawass really hate each other…

Yes, I’ve noticed that… Do you still suggest, that we try to contact him or do we wait patiently for his reaction, until he contacts us?

Give him a while to take it all in, since after such a dosage it will take a while for him to get back on his feet, and then we will continue to talk to him. I’m listening.

You already mentioned this… Eric von Daniken does not believe in any possibility that Hawass will give permission for excavations, and felt insulted when I claimed we may be able to change his mind. Will his lack of faith be a problem for us?

No, he will observe with curiosity. He failed, even as he continuously receives information from us. Just remember – aggression attracts aggression. The news about the unearthed treasure of Światowid will be heard by many. Not just people in Poland, but the whole world, and after that, we can break through Hawass. Who doesn’t like gold, but like I said, first the labyrinth, and then quickly we move on to the Pharaoh. We don’t have much time. The year 2012 is fast approaching. I’m listening.

In my conversation with Eric von Daniken I noticed that he is extremely arrogant and its hard to talk with him. What strategy should we use towards him?

Not the same as others use. Why can’t Daniken come to a compromise with Hawass? These two people are on the same level, meaning both are aggressive. Neither one lets the other win. If you go to Daniken aggressively, then you wont accomplish anything. But if you give him some warmth, then you will get through to him. In truth, he isn’t really that arrogant, but realize something Andrew. How much abuse has this man received. He was and is attacked from every side, considered a madmen, crazy. He simply defends himself. I’m listening.

Thank you very much. Its a great explanation from the psychological point of view. Samuel, I’m currently writing about the Sphinx in my book and I have some doubts that I would like explained. Do I understand correctly that when the Sphinx was first built by the inhabitants of the village Irr, he had the head of a lion?

Lion Andrew – it was a lions head… Even when the Pyramid was still built it was a lions head. Later Chefern gave him the head of a God. God Olina…

And the head of Olina was similar to his?

Yes, similar enough to make it seem its his face.

I want to go back to Ślęża. We can do some work with the georadar… Do you think we are able to uncover the location of this chamber you speak of?

Alright. The castle ruins – you would have to go into the castle ruins. You already crawled around there, but you didn’t find the chamber. Somewhere in the middle of the ruins you could locate the chamber, in the dungeon.

The radar, as far as I remember, can reach a depth of 15 meters?


Twenty meters… will this be enough?

I’m afraid not…

Aha, so we can only find the dungeon corridors, not this chamber…

The dungeon Andrew, the dungeon. First you have to get down to the dungeon anyway. Then you will move towards toe chamber.

I understand. So first we need the permission to dig in the church, meaning removing the tiles, digging down to the entrance of the dungeon…

…and then the way is clear.

Then the way… its easy for you to say Samuel “the way is clear” as when we get down there there may be many different corridors and chambers… Will you be able to lead us the correct way, bypassing any traps, since I’m sure there will be some…

Traps are present. Thats why I showed you the safest, easiest way. If I wanted to lead you into traps I would have told you to dig somewhere else. One such dangerous route you know of. Its a cave, or something like that. The one Agata found. There is a trap there, since moving certain stones would cause the rest to fall on your head, while here, in my entrance, you may venture forth safely. I’m listening.

How will this actually look, physically? Lets say – a few of us go down there and Lucyna will lead the way? Am I close?

Good idea Andrew. True – we will let Lucyna lead and you will safely follow. No harm will come to her, as you know, so you can follow her lead safely. I’m listening.

Good. Robert mentioned a meeting with two people before my trip to Bydgoszcz. Ne of these people… I don’t remember her name…

Me neither…Miss…

…Miss Zosia…or…

Lets just leave it at Zosia…

In any case I hope you received her energy, since I’ve sent it to you during our meeting. She mathematical calculated the position of different chambers… Did you feel… Can I ask you something… She claims to have found the mathematical proof … how did she put it… for the blueprint of the universe coming from the number Pi…

Easy with this blueprint of the universe. But – as you say Robert – lets leave it at Zosia. In truth your human names have no value to us. So – this is the plan. Lets take this Zosia to Sobótka and let her precisely calculate. Show where what she must do, where she must work and leave her to it, and then you will see the results. Thats my proposition. Whats yours? I’m listening.

Is the Cheops Pyramid, and the other pyramids in Giza, were they built using the mathematical number Pi, meaning 3,14…

Don’t worry about it. It is true that the Cheops Pyramid is a mathematical marvel, built with the mathematical precision, nearly up to a millimeter. Here I bow to this Zosia. I’m listening.

One more thing – answering Robert’s question concerning the labyrinth in Egypt you spoke about a straight line from the third pyramid… towards the desert. Am I to understand that the straight line runs at a straight angle from the pyramid, or towards the lake Moeris, and if so, which part of the lake?

The closest part of the lake, but start from the middle of the third pyramid, from the side facing the desert, not the pyramid. Do you understand Andrew?

The side facing the desert, so from the south, where you said that the sun… No, the sun at midday will shine in the correct direction?

Yes and you stand in the center and go straight ahead.

At a straight angle from the pyramid?

From the pyramid.

At a straight angle – yes?

Straight Andrew.

Aha, yes alright… now I understand. As for me, thats all the questions I had. I also wanted to thank you for you presence at Ślęża, since that was the first time I felt it strongly, so…

Andrew, this great mission is our mission too, and the mission “Pharaoh” is not just about the Pharaoh, but about every human on the planet, and be sure to realize that fact. Anyone else thought of a question? Am I listening, or am I done?

I have no more questions.

So I thank you all for listening to my words today.

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Barbara Choroszy: