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Session 26


Session number 26
Wrocław, 5 January 2004
Session conducted by Lucyna Łobos
by automatic writing method

Barbara: Question from Barbara Choroszy asked by Lucyna
Lucyna: Question from Lucyna Łobos
Sława: Question from Sława Malarz asked by Lucyna
Samuel: Samuel’s answer given through Lucyna Łobos.

What happened on the court of Piast and his wife, Rzepicha? Samuel – are you able or do you want to answer this question?

Welcome both of you, Barbara and Lucyna. Certain group of people may not like what I’m going to say. Well, converting people, that is converting pagans, began shortly after Jesus had left. It was the time when early Christianity came into existence, so certain groups decided to convert pagans.

But even pagans, as you say, believed in true God.

Certainly, their faith was supported by their deeds, coming straight from their hearts, but now let’s return to Piast. It happened at the end of the first millennium in Poland and reached Slovakia. By these who were converting to God, Polish pagans deserved special attention and a effective plan of conversion needed to be worked out. Thus, here we are in the end of the first millennium after Jesus. Groups of appropriately trained priests have already been sent. As you know, prince Piast was also a pagan, so he and his wife were to be put to the obedience test as the first ones.

What did these tests, or in other words converting pagans, consist on?

Patience, we will get there, too. Well, Piast and his wife and family couldn’t have died for a simple reason. Piast came in a direct line from Atlantis and at each successive return to the Earth was to pass a small part of Atlanta’s lineage. Moreover, Piast was to leave his heritage in the form of his children.

Can you please stray from the topic a bit, a question has just come to my mind. Do all the people, coming from Atlantis, bring a small part of Atlantis to the Earth when they return here?

Good and relevant question. Yes, all the people, coming from Atlantis, pass a small part of Atlantis in each incarnation.

Was Piast baptized and did he convert to Christianism?

No, Piast didn’t adopt this faith, he remained faithful to his gods.

What happened to Piast next and who were these strangers, who arrived to him?

Are you asking about these two men clothed in white garments, who appealed Piast to the other room and began conversation…

Yes, my friend, I meant them. What were they talking about and who were they?

I answer, then. They were two angels who took the shape of men, they had been sent by God Yahweh, who no longer could stand what the priests were doing and that they were committing all these atrocities in the name of God, saying that God himself told them to do so. The messengers – let’s call them so – came to warn Piast and his family that they were in danger. They told Piast to run away to the deep woods, where there was no settlement at all. From this hiding the messengers wanted to help the prince to take revenge on the priests. And so it happened – the first Christians suffered a hard defeat. The first attempt was unsuccessful, the pagans won this battle. The priests drew back to strengthen forces. The millennium was approaching, when the priests returned do Poland and Slovakia. A difficult country and a difficult nation.

Were they still murdering people?

No, they were more careful, as five priests were being murdered, if one Slovak or Pole had been killed. Also, all the time these two men were appearing, strengthening people to fight. People believed that their God was helping them, that he answered their requests.

And was he helping? After all, priests were also men. Maybe they should be explained that they were doing wrong?

In those times explaining anything was pointless. The law “an eye for an eye” applied then.

Cruel times.

Very cruel, but now, in the Age of Aquarius the times are even more cruel.

Did the messengers convey any other information to prince Piast?

Yes, so you are going to write it down. The messengers said, that his descendant would be baptized and become a king. Then they said, that the signs of their faith in god of the Sun should remain. The bear was also a symbol of strength. These signs were to survive to the times of Aquarius. King was the first whom Piast told about the messages given by those men, and king performed the request and built places of worship of god Światowid.

Did the priests leave the pagans’ places of worship in peace?

They didn’t look at these places calmly, but the law “an eye for an eye” was still applying.

I don’t understand. There was a baptism, a bloody slaughter – what else did they want?

Unquestioning obedience, destruction of all signs of pagan worship. People and Piast especially promised the messengers to defend their beliefs and particularly everything that they had received from their forefathers. The defenders of the oppressed appeared and they always appeared in places where people were being trodden down. The stepbrother of king Bolesław was very famous. People loved him, priests hated him. He died in a horrible way. He was betrayed, then captured, and died a martyr’s death. Nowadays, he is venerated as a saint, saint Christopher. King Bolesław fills in for his brother and at every opportunity he pays the priests back for his cousin’s death. That is why Bolesław gained fame in history as the king- outlaw in religion. After he died, the burial of the king in the holy place was forbidden. The king, beloved by the people, was finally buried in place of worship of god Światowid.

Was prince Piast told all this?

Yes, he was told all this and many other things. It was said that the times, when people would meet other gods and believe in true God, would come. It was said that any religion that was introduced by force – would fall.

I will go back to one of your answers. You said that Piast and his family ran deep into the country. Will you tell me where he was hiding?

He was hiding in the area known today as Wielkopolska. There were huge woods there and it was impossible to travel there without good knowledge of the area. The one who entered these woods, simply disappeared. The settlement of Piast grew on the territory of today’s poznańskie province.

Are Poles a pagan nation? I know their roots come from Atlantis, is there anything else I don’t know?

Listen carefully – there is no pagan nation. The priests used to say that, as they wanted to rule the world. Everyone who treats others with love, is worthy of God’s love and such religion is good then. It’s not the confessional affiliation, but the admirable behaviour – what makes the religion true.

Is there anything else that Piast was told when the messengers came to his court for the first time?

Yes, the conversation concerned the future, as the clock of times was already on. The messengers said that good deeds should be kept in hearts and that people shouldn’t be focused on gathering material objects on the Earth, as goodness gathered in your heart would be rewarded in the next incarnation. Piast taught this too, and that is why people living in the time of Piast and king Bolesław were open and loved each other.

Let me come back to one of the previous questions. Jesus taught his disciples to be faithful to his teachings, so why is there so much evil on the Earth?

You have forgotten about something. Apart from the disciples of Jesus there were also Phasisees and scribes, and among them also these, coming from another planet, who took the shape of men and did everything they could not to put the Jesus’ teachings into effect. This has been happening until now.

And God let this happen?

Yes, the Council of Gods gave permission to this. Human beings are a kind of an experiment and this experiment is being watched by different worlds. This experiment failed and human beings should be replaced by other beings, except from a small group of people who heard the calling for awakening. These human beings have the sign of life.

I will return to Piast, so please answer my last question. Why didn’t you describe what happened between Piast and King Bolesław?

Because both princes (kings, as they were kings accepted by people) – Mieszko I and Mieszko II – didn’t play a major role in things that came about. The events, that became history, happened because of Piast and Bolesław. Only one fact deserves attention – Mieszko I built the castle in Ślęża and a landing pad, which had existed before, but hadn’t been fully adapted.

Do you mean that in the time of Piast…

Yes, in the time of Piast Gods were visiting Earth on their dashing steeds. People treated these Gods with respect and even fear. These Gods came from Sirius or Mars. They came here to mine minerals from this mysterious mountain. Generally they used to mine twice a year. There are still minerals, iron ores and something in the sort of liquid mercury there. These messengers, apart from the warning, gave Piast information on how to improve his people’s work on the plateau, so that when the messengers arrived, people would work efficiently.

Good Lord !!!… What did their arrivals look like?

Normally. When you looked, it was like fire coming down from the sky. Then, when they worked, the fire ball hanged in the air and stones fell out of the mountain, with the boom, and the plateau became greater. After that everything calmed down, the fire ball rose and disappeared in the sky. This is how people saw it. Piast closely cooperated with the strangers, while Mieszko I and Mieszko II refused it. They were strongly spoilt by the priests’ teachings. The cooperation was resumed by Bolesław, who was very stubborn and who, in spite of accepting the baptism in Poland, did what his grandfather had done before. Later, there was cooperation with the messengers from the sky.

This is my very last question. As I know from the history, it was 1000 years ago when the mountain of Ślęża last fell the stones out. Are there still any mineral deposits there or was everything already mined?

You are very curious, indeed. No, there are still deposits in there, you will enter inside. I won’t appease your curiosity, I can only promise we will be vigilant. I can only add it’s time to reveal the secret. Thank you.

Second part carried out on request of Sława Malarz
Wrocław, 7 January 2004
Session conducted by Lucyna Łobos by automatic writing method

Do the scientists know about the events that are going to happen in year 2012?

Welcome Sława, I will obviously answer your questions. Do the scientists know about the events that are going to happen in year 2012? Certainly they know, Pentagon knows, NASA knows, Russia knows. It is known that the displacement of the Earth’s axis will cause huge destruction on the Earth and many people will die. It is known that it will be purification, but people of science don’t believe it at all. At the moment a solution is being searched in a big rush, only for a small group of people, of course. There are adequately equipped shelters for many thousands of men, but this is still not enough to solve the problem. A few millions of people should be resettled to another planet. Such planet has already been found – it’s obviously Mars. The planet is lifeless on its surface, but below its surface there is something that people need, very well equipped shelters. There is only one little problem – these shelters are inhabited. The scientists don’t know yet who lives there, but this is the fact. The scientists have one goal – to destroy these who live on Mars. They habitually fly to Mars. Every probe sent there has a strategic target and every probe will be destroyed. Scientists from the Earth can’t win with Mars. Earth’s creatures, particularly such inappropriate ones will not colonize Mars.

What can people do about it?

Certainly, they can do a lot. Surely not directly, as technology on the Earth is still in its infancy. But people can unite energetically and they can send good, positive energy to the cosmos. While creatures from Mars, the Second Earth, are waiting in readiness to bring help to the Earth, as it’s not about destroying the Earth, it is about saving as much as possible. Still, the Earth can be inhabited by different creatures. Who said only human beings will live on the Earth. Other creatures may come as well and they might respect this gem. After such turning upside down the Earth will rest and then it will be inhabited. This is the plan, but there are wonderful humans on the Earth and they deserve to live here. And for them we will eliminate some people and support the others.

Samuel, what do you think about the Mission of Orion?

What is my opinion regarding the Mission of Orion. Mistake, people of science are making a huge mistake. It’s not difficult to hide like a rat or to run away from a threatening danger, and people of science are doing these things. They want to save themselves and their families. They don’t care about the rest of people. They think that there isn’t much room below the ground. The same concerns Mars – there isn’t much room there, too, it can be inhabited by the chosen ones only. The undeniable fact is that when the probes are being sent, the information is floating to the computers on the Earth – the information from someone. And the ones who send information are not going to let anybody smoke them out of their planet. There was a signal transmitted from Orion, regarding saving the Earth – but it was rejected. Human beings are afraid that the strangers from Orion could colonize the Earth. But when we look at the doings of the people of science, there is no other choice than to give ourselves to the wiser ones. We have to save not only ourselves, but also the Earth. And I repeat once again, the Mission of Orion is the mission of peace. The goal is to save the Earth and people.

What about Pharaoh Cheops?

The question concerns the unfortunate Pharaoh, who is the bone of contention for more and more people. Some say – why to destroy the Pharaoh’s peace, or what will we get by finding the tomb? I said this many times before, but I will repeat it for a hundredth time. Pharaoh is the key to the gate of time and the Pyramid is the gate. After inserting the key to the gate, the door will open and the channel will be actuated. In other words – a connection of network will be created, a connection consisting of energomagnetic field which will protect the whole Earth. Somebody asked if such protection will secure from displacement of the Earth’s axis. This is terrifying for someone who can think. Creatures from the Second Earth make such offer: we will help you, but you have to let us act!!! After all, the Earth will not cease to exist. But people might. Are people so dull that they don’t understand it? Or maybe it’s a simple arrogance of a certain group of people? So this is the puzzle: Pharaoh + Pyramid + Orion will secure from displacement of the Earth’s axis. If this doesn’t happen, the results will be tragic, people will reap what they sowed. We, the spirit creatures, together with the beings from Orion will take care of saving the chosen ones. This is the truth, Sława, this is the truth, Barbara. Should it be this way that we start shouting to the human beings, instead of asking them? After all, everything that is happening on the Earth is not just a coincidence or „it has always been like that”, as I often hear. It certainly has been, but not in such a large scale. Now, we would like more and more such swallows. After opening a main Orion channel, other energetic channels connected with the Earth will open. The Earth will not die. And now – as you have written, Sława – I’m sending love and energy for all swallows. Thank you.

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