Public channelling number 310
Łódź, 31st January 2021
Spiritual Entity – Earth Guardian ENKI through medium Mrs Lucyna Lobos Brown answer asked questions, and the message from Spiritual Being from Sirius B.
ENKI: I, Enki, welcome, welcome you all who gathered in this hospitable Paweł’s house. I am not by myself, there is Sirius with Me, who, as you already know, got permission to help in Cleansing of the Earth. He has something to say, or he has a lot to say, and he would like that THIS would be included and appeared on the session in the Internet, especially the message from Sirius. So that to not waste time, because there are quite a few questions, which I also will be selecting, or will try to answer one question in such a way to please a few people… But now, I, Enki in this hospitable house I will take space, a fee space and I will be listening, what will have to pass to you Sirius.
Sirius: Welcome, welcome, I, Sirius. I have [sigh] a lot to say, but my message I will split into two parts. Since the 1st of January has started mine, already such open activity. Today I would like to say about those Associations, no, Foundations, which scrolled [as appeared, existed – translator] since actually eleventh year. I will not say names, but those, who will read, and will read, they will know what concerns themselves. So… we will start just from foundation. The first Foundations, the first Foundations, which began, it was Poland and America. Then, as the Guardian of the Earth, Enki was passing information, he was, he was coming to the meetings, other people started to appear, who wanted to participate in this Work: “Mission Pharaoh”. Since, actually, since the eleventh year we took control over foundations and those who wanted to join… “Mission Pharaoh”. As I say: the eleventh year and (!) and beyond the twelfth, but the eleventh year is the most important, where We started to observe this human activity. Now I will say, who begin to join in, or joined this Work “Mission Pharaoh”. Yes, here you are right, because I arrived today together with Enki and I have had a look at you, to listen… Well [sigh], when… it had begun to being talked quite aloud about Pharaoh, about excavations, other countries started to join: Germany, Hungary, Switzerland… already not mentioning Poland and… America. All those countries, I will not mention names, who usurp to be the most important, but I will say this one thing – who stood on the path to further excavations. And now I will tell you a very important thing. This, that you are here gathered and interested in further work in Egypt, is not only a curiosity, because since we now begun our activity on the Earth, we are going to move Egypt, yes: move Egypt. To continue further excavation works. That is why, my proposition, no, not even a proposition, an expectation is to not have such stumbles, which were in those foundations. So: it has to be. I do not ask, but: it has to be here, in Poland, started a Mission Pharaoh Association – so that, to… so that we could further choose to work together over excavations and reaching the Tomb.
It was stopped, that is the fact, but it was an appropriate time so that everything else could gain power, or through this selection, which is already in progress, to choose those, who will be helping us in cooperation in this mission – “Mission Pharaoh”. Now slowly I will come back a bit to this, how it was. Polish Foundation, “Project Cheops” – it was so grand, so loud… We were also observing those, who… the first violins were playing, so Germany joined. And because the person, who started foundation in Germany, communicated all over the place, that [this person] is the most important as a person and that this person will reach the Tomb, so, that the terrain was ready, because for sure you have been following and you will be following the events, so that… so that Polish foundation and also American one, would not move forward to reach the Tomb, it was necessary to secure. The wall appeared, which definitely cut out path to the Tomb. I will not mention names now of those who simply interrupted. The same was with foundation, started foundation in Hungary. Also, that person claimed to be the most important one – nobody will be standing in that person’s way. And the same – this person did, that further works in Egypt was put on hold. So… foundation “Project Cheops” closed itself, because there was no approval for further works. Everything, but everything we have noted scrupulous, so left the American Foundation. The American Foundation already usurps the right to everything. The worst thing that can be, is lack of humility. Everything… everything in appropriate notepads we have noted. Now, when… actually through my, Sirius, cause, will be started Association, already not a foundation, because there are enough of those foundations, but association, which will take part in further work to reach the Tomb. It is Us now, who choose, who actually has to be in this Association. At least… those, who will be responsible for further works, for helping Us. It was chosen Rafał and Paweł, that is why here in this house we are. They will also be observing further, who has what desires, what drives who, because if someone will want to slip in an to direct the Association, as it was with German Foundation, Hungary Foundation or Swiss one – now in turn we will observe and guide this.
The Guardian of the Earth, Himself is very, let’s say polite, He wouldn’t want to offend anyone, but We already are not. I, Sirius, in this case say now, here, at this meeting and this will also appear in the Internet – let them read. Here I address words to …America, America, yes – America. I… will not ask, I expect. I actually demand this help and cooperation. No one will lean out or feel omitted, or what is the best: there will not be now the important one or the most important one. All of you we will treat in the same way, so… since you already know what is it about, then the Polish Association, which is being formed at any moment, it will. Be settled legally and (!) American Foundation have to bury the “war ax” and together, conscientiously with each other – cooperate. There are no exceptions and (!) exceptions there will be none. I expect, I expect and even I demand this mutual cooperation, and this will happen soon. So [sigh] stay with Us only you: “Mission Pharaoh” – American one and the Polish Association. They will be deciding, who will have and what duties, here – just in Poland. And… if there will be a need, you can and Us directly ask. We also can telepathically with you communicate, but there will already not be anyone signing up saying: “I am the most important person”, because it is Us, who will decide, who – can be – important. So again, I repeat those two – things: Association, association which is being created and (!) “Foundation Pharaoh” have to contact each other and cooperate, because Egypt, that is further excavations will move in this year, and We will choose those, who are worthy to cooperate, or even are worthy to in that place be. Am I understood correctly? If not, then I will something add during this meeting. I will also be listening and interfere if necessary, into the conversation, but now, I, Sirius, treat me as a Friend, because enemy of yours I am not. Here it is about Cleansing of the Earth and people, and to this we will lead, so that later you will be able to live better, calmer. So, I, Sirius in this moment, I give space just Enki.
ENKI: I, Enki, welcome, for the second time I welcome. I listen very carefully and I am glad that Sirius did not mention today names, only gave such general information, but this is, let’s call this: the first part of this, what has to say Sirius, and now I, Enki, am listening to the first question, I’m listening.
Paweł: Welcome our Friends. Today I have privilege to mediate between out participants and You in presenting questions. Thank you for this extensive introduction, because yesterday we debated here for a long time and we didn’t know, what is the purpose of this Association, but now it became clear. So, we thank for this clarification. And now: from the room there are not many questions, because here we don’t have conditions to have personal session, so there will be two personal questions, for Your decision Enki, if you will answer or not, and later there are sent questions from Internet. There are many of them – almost fifty. I connected some of them, two or three into one and there are thirty-six of them and when we will read them, please decide, when to finish reading this.
ENKI: For certain I will not answer to all. There was a session, a meeting, when they were leaving to Poland. It was ridiculous, pathetic also: there were almost no questions and the meeting, that last meeting was such… disrespectful. Disrespecting Me actually, because… medium, as she was humble, so will she be and such will stay, but greater respect they should show to Me. Neither through Internet, nor in the room there were no questions and there were no people. We will see, we will see to how many I will answer. I would prefer that from the room those two questions first to be, and later we will see. I’m listening.
Paweł: Good, so questions from people, who are here present on the meeting. First question: Being here on the Earth you were creating by genetic engineering method human bodies. Please tell, in which moment of history the Creator created human souls? Wojciech from Jędrzejów.
ENKI: There is no such a thing, nor specific date, when the Creator started to create human souls. It was even before… the Earth was created, because in this System, first there was a Sun, and then one after another there were created Planets in this Solar System. And when… everything was ready, then the decision was made – it could be said… billion years, when the first beings inhabited the Earth. Those were not such beings like, like you are here, that is it was later necessary to make adjustment, but before that happen, already at that last Planet of Solar System, on the Planet Nibiru, there already in full started to function life. Souls have been created just as incubators, where chickens are hatching. The same, let’s say – such large incubators – till this time are – in Our Spiritual World, however… at this moment already there isn’t this act of creation, until will be orderly… actually Solar System, actually the Earth. And this will take some time [sigh], so in Spiritual World, in the World of My Father, when the Spirits had been created for the purpose, so that later on they could take a body, not necessarily on the Earth, other Planets as well, but let’s say such great incubator, there is one. At this moment it is – suspended until this will be completely orderly, so why so far you go in the future, and do not focus on this what is in the present. Because you are curious, when souls were created… Billion, two billion years ago, saying earthly language. The time in the Universe – has no – meaning, and does not play any role, so… the next time you must think, what question do you want to ask God Himself, because I also was created just as chicken through this hatchery. I’m listening.
Paweł: Can such situation occur, that there could be so many human bodies, that there will be not enough souls for them? We Kind Regards, Mariola and Wojtek from Jędrzejów.
ENKI: Oh children, children, there won’t be on the Earth or in the Universe so many beings, so that they could not find space. Can you imagine, how big is Universe? How many there are Galaxies? It is difficult to imagine, isn’t it? But… pay attention to this, to something else: Cleansing, it is now for this to carry out this selection. During time of this selection, where they will have this unfortune to find themselves in this compartment of selection, will land to the third level. So many times, I have already said what is happening on the third level. There already is no possibility of repentance, return to body, so… such large, big “treatment plant” at the Third Dimension there is of hell. And do you imagine, how many human beings, spirits will be… at this level cleansed? The Spiritual World will already make sure, so that those, who will be as “baby chickens” brought to the Earth, would find themselves in such situation, on such level, where they will be able to live calmly, freely. However, …the Earth, will be such successively cleansed, so that Sirius, who – part of Beings from Sirius declared this desire to settle here – will arrive and the Earth will be filled. Not over-populated, but filled. And if there will be some lacks, then… also such beings will be transported. There will not be such something, so that would lead to over-population. Because right now, as you already know, still those same souls are keep coming back to the Earth, who were earlier created. I’m listening further.
Paweł: Welcome Enki, if governments had not been implementing restrictions, would the process of Cleansing through pandemic look the same as it is now, or differently? Joanna from Warsaw.
ENKI: You call this Cleansing, Joanna, this what is currently happening? This what is currently happening is… actually difficult to define. You [plural] called it pandemic, but this [sigh] actually is virus, who to decimate starts human population. Those restrictions, which now are resulting, this can be called big – well, stupidity even, because to tire people is not a challenge. The challenge it will be, to gently cleanse – the Earth, but with this Sirius will also handle, and He already started activity since the first of January, which you happened to partly hear about. Now, at the next meeting, which can take place, …Sirius will not be so… polite, but will specify one after another by names, so that larger scale of humanity would find out, who really was in those foundations. And now from this Association, which is being created, where earlier Sirius has had already took a closer look at you, and… will still be observing. He does not invite, does not ask and to ask he will not. He simply requires. Requires this, to start to cooperate with Him, and those who will be leaning out, or will try to show own wisdoms… Well, I would not want to be in skin of such person. I’m listening.
Paweł: Will resistance from bottom and people’s protests influence restrictions to be more intense or to be more relaxed? Grażyna from Karczew.
ENKI: What intensifications will influence to calm people – none. And it will be like that. Even in this intensification will be cooperate with rulers of the Church, so that… people were completely being led to nervous breakdown or to stresses. So, do not count, so that in this year it would be calmer, so that in this year they would announce the end of pandemic, because it will not be like that. Sirius does not care, because he has his own to accomplish, and so now he will be gathering, but for this Polish Association – entities, so that they could help, cooperate, with honest heart and large dose of humility. Not this dose, which they propose you [plural] in those vaccines, but this will be… vaccination such spiritual one. I’m listening.
Paweł: These could be private questions, but because we do not have here conditions for private session, I will ask them in public, and it is about the meaning of mine two dreams – visions. The first dream – vision: Beside me stand two Masters of martial arts. One tall, black, and another short, white. This white may be more important because tall one listens. The tall one is weaving with some weapon in my direction suggesting that he would like to kill me if the white one would allow, but there is no such permission from the white one. The black one is angry. Stands back from me, telling me: “what kind of being is this, that is protected on the Earth in the best way, but is not able to do anything…”. Paweł from Łódź.
ENKI: What kind of being is that…. Currently it is as if crowded on the Earth actually from those, who what the best for, for the Earth… and (!) actually there is no greater meaning, who will be further manage and who will be doing selection – of people. This White one, it is Me, Enki, where… for so many thousand years I have been and hated, and liked. The Black one, well… the Black one – it can be calmly called today: religions of the world, who know, who is… Enki. Under many names I was hiding and also how much some hate just Enki, but they can do nothing, so the White one in your dreams, Pawel – he will be, he will be all the time – even till …not the end of the world, because there will not be the end of the world, only this, what is being told: there has to be – made – order, and this order is being started to be introduced. So, this is this answer to you regarding your dream, so in such way I appeared. I’m listening.
Paweł: The second dream – vision: I am on some meeting. I sit at the round table, and at both of my sides sit huge, black dragons and with long spikes on the head, like gnarled branches. The center spot in front of me is free. We are waiting for someone, who is supposed to come in a moment. We do not see him, but we hear as he approaches. It can be heard as if something huge is swimming under water and chugs loudly.
ENKI: How to explain this to you, Paweł… These gatherings of, so called Council… they are keep gathering, just as it is here today, where you supposed to hear those few words from Sirius. It all gathers for that to, further get to decision, in what way to cleanse the Earth in the most delicate way. Or not, not in the most delicate way, as soon as possible so that, later could on the Earth rule tidiness and order. You were waiting for Someone, and it is good that you were waiting, because on such more important meeting, there always will be found even a split of the second of time, so that the Owner of the Earth could arrive. And who is the Owner of the Earth? This I already do not need to tell you, because you [plural] know well. So Paweł, try to, such dreams – visions, which have let’s say something from horror, to eliminate. Now, when Sirius has already designated you, Rafał and others, who here still, who aren’t, he could you also ask for this: sign up, sign up to Association, and with open heart start to help in this what soon is about to begin. That is why Paweł, you had this vision such, that on this gathering for, for a moment there was the Owner of the Earth Himself. I’m listening.
Paweł: Now we will move to questions from Internet and here, as I recall, when the medium will be tired, we simply stop reading those questions and we will move them to the next session.
ENKI: That is correct.
Paweł: The first question… These questions are placed chronologically, as they were arriving, so we will be reading them as they arrived. Welcome whole Spiritual World, I thank you very much for guiding me and I thank my Guide, that all the time he guides me to this path, which I have planned. I have such a question: If dogs and children are happy to see me, does it mean that I go on the right path? For example, dogs are happy to see me, even when they see me for the first time ever, then they jump on me or wag their tails, and children are smiling to me and are happy. Once on holidays I had such a situation, that I entered in an aisle in the shop, there was a child in the stroller and when saw me it started to laugh as if it did not see me for a long time. Generally, I try to be myself and I try to analyse situations which happen to me, to conclude. What it supposed to teach me or what I should I have understood? (Paweł: Not signed, there is only “adamosek from Internet”).
ENKI: Then it is very badly from his side that he did not sign with his name, but (!) I can say one thing: exactly animals, not necessarily only dogs and cats, but also larger animals also PERCIVE ENERGY. Children especially – see energy. You, as yourself, actually are not in such superlatives a good man. You should, you should at this what you see, that gather toward you animals and little children, think what is behind it and also change your, your life, submit to Spiritual World, which so far, for now you are not doing, but you do this because of curiosity. I’m listening.
Paweł: Second question from the same person. Who looks after us, so that nothing happens and so that we were walking the path we should? Our Spiritual Guide or Guardian Angel?
ENKI: It would be good, if you [plural] started to listen to the Guide or Guardian Angel, but do you know how many there are Spiritual Beings on the Earth, who with such desire disturb you, who are in matter, body… Multitudes, so from this first Umbral… are those beings. Before they move to the second level, much they can stir here. So, you think that human beings go in the right direction of development, or wellness to the Earth? I would suggest you listen, or read once again all the sessions and then you will find out how much “goodness” were able to do human beings, those in bodies. It is a handful, small handful of people. Even this handful, what managed to do… by impersonating Mission of Saving the Earth, “Mission Pharaoh”. This also you should thoroughly study. I’m listening.
Paweł: Another question from the same man. After cleansing oneself, after leaving the Earth (seeing the Book of Life and after consultations with the Guide regarding out behaviours, decisions etc.), is it possible to not incarnate further, if for example spirit would not want to, or is it necessary one way or another?
ENKI: Every soul, which leaves body must be placed in this Transitional World, Spiritual one, that is why there are three levels. The first one, which is here on the Earth among you, among you-alive ones. It is so called the first Umbral. All almost must go the second one this Umbral, for that to even more cleanse oneself, for that to also see oneself mistakes, but will… you go further? It is difficult for Me to tell, because it will be possible to reincarnate, or – if your life was a denial of this what expects God Himself – then you land on the third level.
Change of the recording tape.
ENKI: And from the third level, well, unfortunately the path is already closed to come back to the Earth, so [sigh]… I’m listening.
Paweł: Question from Zygmunt Bednarek. If we drink celandine for three months and we take a moth break, and again we drink for three months, then now for how long should we take a break?
ENKI: A month, if so, because within a month, Jan, an organism can beautifully regenerate. I am surprised that [sigh]… Jan, that it is you as a specialist of this medicine unconventional one, such a question you ask. But if so, then… it can be useful for others: so, three months, a break for a month and if an organism for example – because the best such a proof, if you will be able or not, is your organism. If after this break you will make yourself a tea from the great celandine and start drinking, and organism will still not be ready for this, then, then it will give you a sign, it will reject and then you make next break in drinking, until the moment, when organism will say: “yes, I am ready”. I’m listening.
Paweł: Question now from Jolanta from Poland. I welcome You, Beloved Enki, You, Sirius and Your whole Army. I bow very low and with whole my heart I thank you for care over me and my whole family. Question: we want from January let our granddaughter go to the kindergarten, because so far, she hasn’t been going. We were afraid about her, because she has a weak immunity.
ENKI: Immunity can be – worked out, but since currently you are so much afraid of this, what produced government, then it will be better to hold on. Such remote learning, this I guess it is called, can be with child worked out in home and it will be the same. This year, I highlight, will be much more difficult than the year before, especially, especially because from the first January on the Earth – works – Sirius. That is why… nothing forcefully – if… you do not feel this need, for child to go to the kindergarten, then let it stay home, and teach… taught child should be done in home. I’m listening.
Paweł: Second question from Jolanta from Poland. Will monetary reset occur, because I take out all the money from the account? Thank you also for care over my brother and my sister-in-law. They went through covid quite lightly, I’m glad very much, that Lucyna and Bill are coming back to Poland. Hold over them your protective coat. Thank you once again, that you look after me and my whole family. Look after everyone, and especially all those people, who lost close ones. Give them relief in pain and see you in Poland. I bow low. Jolanta.
ENKI: I do not have choice Jolanta, and they are for us still very needed. And so many years we have survived together, then we will survive further. Even more so, that now, when Egypt moves, and it will move, then one and another will have their own task to fulfil. That is why [sigh] Jolanta, even if someone… has this Protection and will get ill to this, let’s say kind of corona-virus, then will very fast defeat the illness. To look after – yes, we will, but… also we give free will to Sirius, who together with his Mighty Army will already act on the Earth. So, relax, if your faith and trust to the Spiritual World is powerful enough, then you do not have to with such fear keep asking this sort of questions. I’m listening.
Paweł: Tytus Kosiarski asks: When we will be able to meet in reality again on the public session, as it was even in the August 2020 year? I miss those meetings, and remotely, it is not it…
ENKI: Correct, I also do not accept this your dummy, which is being called computer. When… live, then live. I keep an eye on all participants, receives also energy medium herself… I think, that… a bit those “wise ones” …will lower these restrictions and (!) hotels will begin opening. Then we will do such session – live one and then also will be possible maaany questions to ask. I’m listening.
Paweł: For the current medicine given through syringe, is there any effective remedy? Asks Sebastian.
ENKI: There is – of course. For those, who [sigh] will be vaccinated, or are not vaccinated, that is application of Energetic Protection, which permission I received from My Father, Great Father, Mine, yours [plural] also, because you [plural] also come from the same incubator. This, that you [plural] have now such bodies, and not different ones, and the Spirit is much, much older, and also was in such an incubator like a chicken produced. That is why those, who already have been given Protection, do not need to afraid anything. Even when will come to world governments’ heads this idea, so that to vaccinate, calmly you can show your arm and say: “here you are, vaccinate”. Such vaccine will not work at all on those, who have the Protection. “Did I understand?” – you [plural] have to digest this. I’m listening further.
Paweł: The next question from Sebastian, it is a question which bothers many people. Whether to stock up food? Whether to prepare hideout? How our ancestors were building undergrounds, is it necessary or not? Because faith, that it will be all-right, will overcome all setbacks.
ENKI: If there was in you… such faith, true faith, then you would not send such question. When… lose temper… to world leaders, it may lead to such let’s say… greater chaos, and it may lead to activation of the weapon, such, which will be killing people without destroying this, what people produced. Food, you do not have to prepare – to stock at all, and… houses? Why, why to dig somewhere underground like a mole since you HAVE this Protection, then I ask you: where is your faith and your trust?! It is not there in this case, because you are afraid: “what it will be with me, what it will be with my family”. If – once again I repeat – you have Protection, then… you can be completely calm: and after yourself, and after your family. I’m listening.
Paweł: Katarzyna z Kościerzyny wanted to pass thanks. Beloved Enki, in mine and Wiktoria’s name, thank you for care and for Protection which we received. For everything we have and what meets us, we sincerely thank you.
ENKI: This, I already like, because in those words, there is faith, and the faith makes miracles. The faith will give protection, the faith – you will be protected by. I’m listening further.
Paweł: Przemysław asks, how should look like prayer to God, Energy – the Highest, so that it would be listened to? Should it be prayer more asking one or thanking one?
ENKI: For example… here, in this corner, where you live Paweł, you have desire to talk to God, go to… garden, even start doing something, tidying up and then connect with God Himself. And then you will be heard, and help will come, because if you think, that… you will go to… church, to the priest, who will help you in contacting God, then – you are – mistaken. In the church there is no God. Such is “holy church”. I’m listening further.
Paweł: The second question from Przemysław. Beloved Enki, with my whole heart I ask You for help, because it is very difficult for me. You know what I am talking about. I ask for further care and further guidance. Yours Sincerely, Przemysław.
ENKI: Then Przemysław, maybe we will use this “wise” computer, “wise” dummy and you will send Me question, such one, one personally. I do not have to know everything, because… obligations on the Earth just now, since the new year, I have more. Even though, I am such, let’s say powerful, that a lot I see, a lot I hear, but not everything, so I can say: I invite you at a personal session, such a computer one. I’m listening.
Paweł: Next question. With my whole heart I would like to welcome in Poland our Guests: Enki, Sirius, Lucynka and Bill, and whole Spiritual World. I am hugely grateful for shown care and guidance which is felt every day. I know that without Your help I would not achieve much on my own. I ask very much for further support and guidance for every day. Agnieszka Basiura.
ENKI: Also I invite to personal session.
Paweł: In my house there are still five cats young ones and two adult ones left. Cats, already grownups, are great “cuddlers”. When they start to purr and cuddle to me, I’m filled with such feeling of happiness and lightness, not describable. I love them with whole heart. What is this Energy, which accompanies this? I could be like that whole day if there were no other duties. This is also Agnieszka asks.
ENKI: Animals… in majority, teach – us – behaviour, mind, humility and trust to Spiritual World. Learn, learn from those animals, what person to be, how to behave, because only words – do not count. I’m listening further.
Paweł: And here Agnieszka also asks for interpretation of dream: I was in tall building made of glass together with my family. From the top I saw whole street in large city. Suddenly from the sky started to fall rocks in various colours, in sizes from nuts to fists, round, polished like those in sea or river. People were escaping even on the roofs. When I opened window, so they could hide, they did not want to enter. After a moment a black cloud, very strange one, only alongside windows on the height of the second floor, started to break, as if with fist, windows in constant periods of time, as if seconds – one after another pulling everything from the inside. We were looking at this speechless. I left safe. When on the other end of this hallway window was broken out, I saw that through it flies out some child, boy around 8-9 years. Then I ordered all to stay away from windows and to hold on to the pillars – in case powerful blow. Suddenly all went quiet, black cloud disappeared and we through the ruins on the street tried to reach house. Here alarm clock went off. If I can, please, I ask very much for explanation of the message. Agnieszka.
ENKI: Yes, it was let’s say not even the message, but it was shown through those stones, what will be happening with people. It gave you to understand, Agnieszka and to WORK, positive work – over – yourself. I’m listening further.
Paweł: And here now question from Marcel. Welcome Dear Enki, Star Brother Sirius and Spiritual World. I sincerely thank you for care and help for me and my family. I ask for further help. Do our souls, who are on the Earth in current time, were aware when were descending to our Planet, that they will be participating in this “fight of good against evil”, which we currently see, which unfolds before our eyes and is it for us in some sense a lesson to go do?
ENKI: In some sense yes, Marcel. Good, that you see, because… majority of people simply this, that this is currently happening on the Earth, does not see. Even those who… slip through “Mission Pharaoh” also… did nit see, or they were characterised by wanting, wanting to be on the pedestal, on the first place. If, Marcel, you see this, what is happening, it is enough only to do yourself a summary and to have greater trust to Spiritual World. Take a closer look Marcel to those, what will be now… happening or what will be played in this Association – Mission – Pharaoh. That is why… it can’t be avoided, cannot be changed this, what… had been earlier planned. Humility and once again Marcel humility – you have to be in this and children teach humility. I’m listening.
Paweł: Now Bogdan Kroczek from Chicago writes: Dear ENKI, my Lord and true Friend, thank You for Your care, guidance and first and foremost for Protection for me as well as my family – with my whole heart. Recently I was watching in television in Chicago on historic channel opinions of a few American scientists, who claimed that in the Universe there are at least four hundred billion planets. Lately a few thousand new planets were discovered, at least three new planets each day. A few planets have living conditions, so atmosphere, oxygen, oceans and so on. Is it really like that? Are there so many planets?
ENKI: No, they write, they write plenty, variously Bogdan, but for that, so to stir a bit in people heads, so that people start to wonder, to think, and above all to dream to be on such Planet. It is not going to happen, on the Earth it is going to be well, in this Solar System and… here also you will be able to live Bogdan. And on top of that, when you will start reading this, what… today was created, just like Sirius said: card to entry to association is open, so you will have to come forward with this signature on this card and you will also be necessary in Egypt – as it was at the beginning. That is why in the future read a bit less of those nonsense, which are written into computer. I’m listening.
Paweł: Welcome Dear Enki and all who arrived in body as well as spiritually. Will, announced by Alojzy Irlmaier, world war three break out? And will eruptions of volcanoes on the whole Earth, which can be observed in recent time, cause announced three days of darkness? Asks Przemek from Krakow.
ENKI: Przemek, war [sigh], cold war already is – on the whole world. This “beautiful” corona-virus, which already has widespread also on the whole world, what is it, what is this? Isn’t it connected with cold war? If it comes about… events on the Earth, Mother Nature also cooperates with Sirius. Eruptions of volcanoes, earthquakes and other things are only the beginning of this, what… will be happening. That is why… calmly, calmly at all of this look – without panic, with trust especially to Us, to Spiritual World and do not revile at Sirius, that it is all because, what is wrongly happening, is because Sirius, “because they want to get rid of people from the Earth”. No, they willingly want to live together with human beings, but those, who will respect the Earth and one another. I’m listening.
Paweł: One more question from Przemek. Is pope Francis the last Peter Roman and do the last times written by saint John will occur in 2021-st year? Przemek is thanking for everything what meets him in life, even though it is not colourful, but like our pope used to say: “nothing happens by accident”.
ENKI: Nothing happens by accident and actually this pope Francis, also was not chosen by accident. Whole this gathering of cardinals was, let’s say anointed by Holy Spirit, where only later, when pope was chosen, they were wondering, how did it happen, that such one they actually chose to be a pope. Pope is not to be touched – I highlight, because he has strong Protection and strong safeguard from Me, from Holy Spirit, and now also will be protecting him Sirius. That is why, those crows, who… would like currently to remove Francis – will – do – nothing. I’m listening.
Paweł: We still have fifteen questions, among others from Wiktor from Mexico. Should we continue?
ENKI: No, no because… one, that it is finishing… No, still it is not finishing… Good, let’s go further.
Paweł: From Evelina, still… Who… I apologise, from Ewelina, the first question. Who is behind this, what is currently happening (remote working, masks, closed businesses)? But people are and will be further and further harmed psychologically and physically. Will they be able to shake it off? Is there any chance for some normality? Ewelina asks.
ENKI: And you Paweł, don’t you have wiser questions?
Paweł: Well, this is not mine question I read…
ENKI: …But you read. Do you have mind?…
Paweł: …Right…
ENKI: If you have mind, then it is good, then those, such kind of questions omit. Sirius, has only begun to work, he will be eliminating those, who stirred up so much, but on this meeting, actually working meeting, where this meeting supposed to be mainly for Sirius, you read Me this kind of question? I’m listening further.
Paweł: [Sigh] Okay, now Wiktor from Mexico asks. Welcome Dear Guardian of the Earth, Enki and Eminent Sirius. We have kind request to receive Protection for future wives of our sons and their nearest families. We sincerely thank for this in advance and with whole heart we send Kind Regards. Wiktor with family.
ENKI: Wiktor, Wiktor, Wiktor and once again Wiktor… But I know your sons, you already want to get them married? Ahead of you and ahead of them there are still many, many years before they will find themselves this chosen one, and already now I supposed to for them choose wives? Also, it is necessary to think a bit Wiktor, before sending a question for Me or for Sirius, because for this kind of question I am not able to answer. I’m listening.
Paweł: Still from Wiktor. How should we behave towards those Spiritual Beings, who appear in out home?
ENKI: “Good morning, Spiritual Being” – say, “Welcome” – that is all. Not to chase away, because chase away can’t be done. “Good morning, Friend” …Do you [plural] not know other warm words? Maybe it is a Beings, who needs help, so ask: “How should I help You?”. Such a Being will find a way, to give information, what It needs, but it is never allowed to chase away! I’m listening.
Paweł: Now question from Piotr. Please tell, why pope Francis exhorts to vaccination?
ENKI: You probably wouldn’t want, Piotr, to be at his spot… how they harass him and how they torment him. It’s a pity that pope also did not add: “do you, people, have mind?”. Do you understand Piotr? Here between, between lines it is needed to read, that there is no coercion, BUT direct yourself [plural] with mind. I’m listening.
Paweł: Also, perhaps the same Evelina, even though I don’t have certainty. I wanted to ask about Bill Gates, because there is many contradicting information in media on his subject. What is this being and what are his intentions? Why does he say so much about climate change and various viruses?
ENKI: In this case… pass… to this being, so that, with this question come to Me for the personal session. It can be through this your stupid Internet, but in this moment, on subject of this man I will not give an answer. I’m listening.
Paweł: And here still also there is a question from Ewelina. Will it always be on this Planet, that the collective consciousness will be dictating rules for life, limiting single, individual unit? Why there is allowance for this, so that the rich ones, the greed ones, those who desire power, full of ego, were dictating the poor ones, how they should live? Why so powerfully they are being supported by forces of darkness? How other Civilisations went through that and entered the higher level?
ENKI: Because other Civilisations… has in them this, what here on the Earth human beings in majority do not have: humility, trust, obedience. If THIS, human beings, you won’t learn, then, then decimating of this human population will be huge. This was decided. But not for nothing met the Council of Gods from other Galaxies, from other Planets. Because they were also debating – what to do – with – human beings. Since people received mind and free will, then they should finally start to work on it. I’m listening.
Paweł: Łucja from Bielsko-Biała asks: There are information, that after vaccination a few people died. Will vaccinations be withdrawn? Prime Minister Morowiecki says, that there will be also vaccinated children from twelve years old. What society should do, so that it won’t happen?
ENKI: They debate also over this, Łucja welcome, but they debate over this, those “governments wise”, so that it should be necessary to vaccinate dogs and cats – yes, because also supposedly… can have corona-virus. Will it be stopped? For now… still not. When… Sirius will more unite with Mother Nature, and Mother Nature will be more powerfully… here on the Earth work, then they will be forced to this to stop so much harass human beings. Because in fact, this is true, that people – after those – vaccinations will be dying more, but it is about this, so that even more accelerate this decimation of people… So, Łucja, do not think about it. Do what you supposed to do, this what you do, and be calm – because you will do nothing when you will be stressed, when you will be thinking about this. Calm and once again keep calm, and Sirius will also take care after the ruling ones… on the Earth. About this you can be certain. And if it comes to the vaccine, then it was already said: those, who HAVE the Protection, no vaccine, have to be afraid of, and vaccines themselves are not done as they should be tested. So, they test on people, and that people die after vaccines, it is true, but this can be also further stretched under Cleansing. So, Łucja: calm, and once again calm. I’m listening.
Paweł: This will be the last question, which today we will read, also from Łucja. Which etheric oils help to balance nervous system in psychosomatic illnesses like allergy, psoriasis, albinism? Which etheric oils are virucidal enough to support in curing corona-virus and to fight the virus, which causes this disease? Bows to Spiritual World and Lucyna and Bill. Łucja from Bielsko-Biała.
ENKI: You had been already told Łucja, only you have short memory, or you adjust this what I say – to yourself. You were told, a few times you were told, so I once again will repeat, because it CAN be useful to someone next: oil from cannabis, which, which has in itself -part – of oil – from marijuana. This actually will be working for this, what you write about. Use it to therapy, even to drink oil from cannabis. Five, it has to be with powerful volume of this marijuana, so number five thousand. I’m listening.
Paweł: I wanted now to thank You very much Enki… Unless, someone from the room has any questions… Last chance… If not, then I wanted, Enki and Sirius, thank You very much for that, you led to this, that this meeting could actually happen at all. We all are very happy and I would like to sincerely ask You [plural] for blessing for all of us here, so that You, Enki would take care of this our enterprise, which here you see, how it looks like.
ENKI: And how it develops, yes?
Paweł: Yes…
ENKI: Precisely THIS I have as a goal, and this also assigned to Me, Sirius, to look after this who enter Association in Mission Pharaoh. You [plural] will have – this Protection, this care, but this has to be honest, honest – with full – trust and – faith. In this case, I, Enki, for this meeting, to you, very, very much thank you, all, who arrived here. And (!) Rafał, as well as Paweł, will make a list, where it will be possible to sign up for this wanting TO BE in Association Mission Pharaoh, which… which will be running Sirius. So, once again, thank you for this meeting, I, Enki together with Sirius – thank you.
All: Thank you very much.