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Session 311

Public channelling number 311
Chicago, 14th March 2021

Spiritual Entity – Earth Guardian EN-KI through medium Mrs Lucyna Lobos Brown answer asked questions, and the message from Spiritual Being from Sirius B.

ENKI: I, Enki, and not only, because… there is with Me Sirius, who has a lot to pass. I say a lot, because this, what today He will. Say, it is only the second part of this, what they already have noted. That is why I, Enki, I give space just to Sirius.

Sirius: And I, Sirius, welcome. I welcome you and as an introduction I want to pass one important thing, because this will be the basis to this my message. You don’t like that, where in Łódź I quoted: “war ax to remove”. Now, I am explaining, what is this “war ax”. The wall, in Egypt wall, which was put up – this is that ax. Not for nothing I said: “needs to be removed”, because just at this area underground, under the temple there is the Tomb, the Tomb of His, who built the Pyramid. Only now I can start. As I have already said, this ax is the wall, which was put up, and … to this putting up of the wall contributed actually two people: Project Cheops and the chairman with name Andrzej and also helping him woman called Maria from Germany. And since I already have to be honest, then I will say who this wall put on, who contributed to this. Foundation, foundation, the one which was created in America, just in Chicago, willingly to this contributed, so that… there something could already start. Good, I am returning to year 2011, when one foundation was pushing to this, to as soon as possible reach the Tomb. The second foundation, which… the main foundation, which was in Poland. Was directed by the chairman – veeeery dynamically he directed. He was traveling through the world because of his profession, because he was a Silva teacher and (!) he was talking about the project and this, to what leads the time of the twelfth year.
People started to contact him. Today I will only say about Andrzej and Maria, but there was a person… from Hungary with a name of Ida – this one has just made a huge fuss, but about her, today, I will not talk. I will leave that for the third part, so together they started to act: what to do, how to do it, for the wall to be already created, which was built from just American Foundation donations; to prevent from reaching the Tomb. It was created, the wall was created, beautiful wall. They contributed to this and (!) they were happy. Time was passing, and it was year 2011, when people, because of the fear, were waiting for the year twelfth, for this historical twelfth year to come. The point was, so that during this year 2011, to not reach the… Tomb. To prevent. Just, very powerfully in this prevention acted those two, so that Enki’s medium could not reach as the first, because she deserved it, she was chosen – she thought so too. The wall was put up, cut path for the America, for the American Foundation, so that they could not move closer even by a step. And so, they did not move.
The hour twelfth has struck, so the year twelfth, two thousand and twelve. It did not happen, this… what… was predicted by, by people: the end of the world. It did not happen, and for now it will not happen. That is why I think that… the blame for the downtime, a looooong downtime take those two: Maria and the chairman of Project Cheops foundation. Oh well… [sigh] there is a lot it could be said on this subject. The American Foundation is also not without the fault, also has done something. And we, and we everything, but everything we have noted. What else interesting I can add – the time of construction. It will only a moment take you: the time of building the Pyramid. Those people were being perfectly informed, that in a few thousand years the history will repeat itself and (!) this history will be necessary to reveal, to pass to those who will be living.
Now I will say, because I had to go back to… the times of building of this Pyramid, so jump. But this only a moment will take you. Here in this room, I can easy say, that almost, almost all of you were participants of construction of the Pyramid. Now just think, how many years your souls have. Those two, Barbara and Ryszard, also participated in construction, but they were, let’s say the pilots of space-ships, those working ones, which were working on the construction site of the Pyramid. They both did not live among people, because they did not belong to… Earth’s people. They were coming from, they were coming from Orion, that is why so much they were involved in building of this Pyramid. Good, enough, because if someone will want more to know, then I still am ready for this supplement.
I am going back, I am going back to the year eleventh, two thousand eleventh, when still on the meetings there were plenty of people, but ended the year twelfth and there wasn’t end of the world – and there will not be. That is why plenty of people left. But… people did not know, they still don’t know that, everyone, who now touched [as had contact with – translator] this foundation, has a spirit from before a several thousand years. And us, in turn, we also worked on the construction site of this Message – Pyramid. That is why… think, think over it, what still awaits human beings. And [sigh] what’s… the most important is this, that… beings who participated in construction of this. Message – Pyramid, are noted in our Books. Already many people are being taken, because us – the Sirius, we can’t be deceived. And those who pretend, that believe, that serve, that help, and in reality, it is a fiction – they will be in the first turn taken. That is why your indignation over this war ax, I explain today: indignation is wrong, because this ax is just this wall, which should be taken down. But let take down the person, who this wall put up, who contributed to this, so Maria, who, according to her, according to her words is the chosen one, who will enter as the first one to the Tomb.
It happened otherwise, because otherwise it should have happened. It is how it is. The wall so far stands, and when it comes to the Polish Association, also those two pilots, who sit here, also a bit were indignant: “How so? How so something like that can be made in Poland?”. But here I highlight, I highlight, that… [sigh] it is Us, who chose those two: Rafał and Paweł, and no one and nothing will disturb us to change this. For a long time, both of them were tested, the same as you, who have for so many thousand years and… good pilots were at the construction site. This particle of the Pyramid’s stone, every one of you had, to be able to touch and build. That is why, for how many times I highlight, your indignation at all – at us – doe not work. It will start working now, when [they] will read this today’s session, and then only they can, even though the pride, egoism, lack of humility will not make that those two could come back to the womb of good deeds. That is why [sigh] we will wait for a moment, to remove this war ax. You received as the first this signal, that it is necessary to remove war ax. That is why even today, during this our meeting I will want to interject a few words, when it will be Enki talking to you. Now I give back voice to Enki.

ENKI: I, Enki after this message, unfinished Sirius’s message, I am listening to the first question. Nicely he called you: pilots from the past. I’m listening.

Barbara: We bow beautifully, welcome and primarily we thank you for today’s meeting. We welcome you, Lord Enki, we welcome You Guest from Sirius. Allow that also for me, so that the situations was clear, in first words I will explain, that from our side there was no indignation, quite opposite actually, happiness appeared in us, that there are people in Poland who want to continue the Egypt matter, because (and here I will say maybe not only for myself, but mainly for myself, that) the enthusiasm energy to work in Egypt for present time, at least in me, it is gone, so for me it is a honest joy and very willingly we will talk with colleagues but indignation there was none. Anyway…

ENKI: There may be such moments, Barbara, that I will interrupt. The truth is that there was indignation, especially for this war ax. Today you have been already explained, that this ax till current moment is wall, which was put up by Maria and (!) Andrzej from Polish foundation. I’m listening.

Barbara: Thank you very much, let it be this way. Anyway, we congratulate to the Polish Association and we wish All the Best.
I have… one question, I will allow myself to start from it, if I can. I would ask for explanation of what is the fate of the Soul, who is conscious of this, who he truly is in the moment when he is leaving the body, and the Soul who is leaving the Earth entangled only in the string of Earthly histories?

ENKI: And again, it starts that I have anonymous questions.

Barbara: My question.

ENKI: Your question – how it is. Barbara, so many times it has been already told and so many times it was passed, that the Spirit, who will come down to the Earth, chooses for himself: the time and (!) choses the type of life for himself, which will fulfil here on the Earth. Often Spirit does not realise, while being already in this Spiritual World, especially in Umbral, or already in Colony, how difficult is to live. You, Barbara, for now, have clearances of this far distant time, when you were on the Earth and you were helping with this Act of construction of this Message. As you know, what I will repeat again, that Pyramid stands on the central point of axis of the Earth – axis connects with Orion, with the first Star in Orion’s Belt. This is yet to be launched, because this, what Andrzej [sigh] together with Maria did, in Egypt they did, when it was said before, that must be opened the canal connecting the Earth with the first Star of Orion’s Belt, so went a group in this composition to the Pyramid. There, after paying a generous dose to guards, they reserved hourly stay and (!) they started to open canal connecting the Earth with the Orion’s Belt. In which way? Simply, each one of them laid down in Sarcophagus and through mantras, (and there was, there was with them medium Maria, in secret they went there of course, so that, medium, My medium Lucyna as well as Bill did not know about that) there also through mantras they were opening this canal that connects the Earth and the Orion’s Belt. The Sarcophagus is prepared for… mummy of the Builder. No one and nothing will change this. It was like that and for now it will stay like that, until the Builder himself will not be placed just in this Sarcophagus. Only then it will be opened, this connecting canal will be opened. I’m listening.

Barbara: A question from Małgorzata. Welcome, my Lord Eki, EA, The Greatest Friend of mine and all people. Thank you, that you are in mine and mine family’s life through Your Envoys., Spiritual Guardians. Thank you my Lord for help to my daughter Gabriela with choosing the school, for support of Your Envoys during the “interview”, for her peace and calmness, and she was accepted where it is the best – near home. With whole my heart I thank You that you guide her through all those Earthly schools, for allowance and according to will of God Father, our Creator. I also bow very low and with humility to Correspondent from Sirius B today. Thank you for hard work of whole Sirius’s Army in Cleansing of the Earth and people. Thank you for the grace of being able to contact You as well as to the Friends every day. With humility and gratitude, Małgorzata.

ENKI: Welcome Małgorzata. As a matter of fact, …you did not have to such a long thanks give here. We help, because there is something in you, that lack for many, many people. It is called humility and obedience. And… your daughter, one as well as the other we will be helping – so far until they will not stand strong on their own legs. That is why I also thank you for those pleasant words that flow from you. I’m listening.

Ryszard: Dear Enki, my Lord and True Friend, I want to thank You for Protection, care, guidance, as well as to the Whole Spiritual World, who helps God of Everything, Lord Yahweh and You. The first question. Edgar Cayce, said that opening the Great Pyramid will be the greatest event, that awaits Humanity (Ryszard: I am sorry for a sec. One, one, one… One, two, three, four.)

Roman: Breakdown.

Ryszard: Excuse me?

Roman: Breakdown [of the speaker or mic]

Ryszard: Breakdown? I’m sorry…

ENKI: Ok, Ryszard, it is enough…

Ryszard: No, no, no, no… because we can’t hear. I’m sorry

Roman: I will go for backup one.

Ryszard: I am sorry, because…

Barbara: Then sit here and use one of these.

Ryszard: …So, we have to stop, no, no. We have to stop, because there the battery does not work

Roman: There is…

Barbara: That one also does not work?

Ryszard: No.

Roman: Both do not work.

Barbara: So… Do we have to stop, yes?

Ryszard: One second, one second… We have to stop unfortunately.

Ryszard: …Bogdan. Edgar Cayce said, that opening the Grate Pyramid will be greatest event, that await the humanity, it will be a breakthrough in the time. Do you also think so?

ENKI: Welcome Bogdan, surely you listen to what Sirius said and it will happen like that – it will be a great event, but first it is necessary to reach… the Tomb and for sure, will not put the first steps by the entrance to the Tomb Maria, nor the one from Hungary with the name of Ida. Many thousand years ago was called just medium, when she was saying goodbye to the Builder, when he was leaving. That is why… this wax ax, because it was called like that – it is a good term, it will need to be removed, but if, but if that does not happen by this term, when it has to be removed, then I can add now one – important – thing. All this, is connected there: The Pyramid, the Tomb and behind the Tomb this wall, which separates… the Pyramid. Well, in this village, which actually adheres to… the Pyramid – there is, was rather… not the Tomb, but there was a Palace, the Palace of the Builder of the Pyramid. And it is in this, in this Palace also predicted that… the Builder, that in the future people will look for – not the Knowledge, the Truth, but… hyenas will look for gold. That is why till this time under, there is hidden a thick passage, and in this moment, there is a created garden, there, where there was the Palace, the Palace of the Builder and when there will be such need, sudden need, then… together with Sirius we will point the place of the entry, underground entry to the Tomb. This is how looks shortly the truth, so when… later also Sirius will be talking, and he will be talking strong things and about those who, in the Egypt so much, so much disturb or… keep closing the path, to not reach the Tomb. Among others, the first one, such cooperating with Andrzej from Project Cheops, was Abdel Reda, that is Egyptian; they know perfectly, that in this garden, which at this moment is very tightly protected by the army, there is an entrance, precisely to the Tomb. That is why, if good everything… will go, then we will try together with Sirius through this garden, which is located there, enter to the Tomb. I’m listening.

Ryszard: And now, from my questions actually one. A long time ago, because we spoke many years ago on the subject of this Energy, which has inside King Chufu, himself, that is Cheops in Greek, this or that: what meaning, what meaning (I would like just as a reminder), what meaning has activation, connection of this Energy from the Orion with the Earth? What impact will it have on the Earth? And besides that, and besides that, a few times, already quite long time ago we spoke together with my wife on this subject, if the humanity is ready to accept this special Energy?

ENKI: Then, in the twelfth year, when so loudly it was being said: “the end of the world”, and yet I was never saying about the end of the world. Yes, I was saying about the change of the system, about the change of the system, about the change which will occur – that is why in the year twelfth, Ryszard, no, people were not ready for this event. Now the next thing: so many thousand years have passed since putting the mummy of the Builder in the Tomb. The most important is this, what is inside of him, in this mummy, in the chest. And even if there was no way to transport to the sarcophagus the whole mummy, then it will be enough to take out the device and to transport just to the sarcophagus, because mainly it is about this device, which will connect the Orion and the Earth. I’m listening.

Ryszard: As you said in the past, that is also necessary to move this sarcophagus to the right place. It weights a bit, that is why, I already do not remember how it was, but I know that you explained that in the past.

ENKI: Then I will remind you. This sarcophagus is not so heavy. A few tall/big men will be enough and the sarcophagus can be moved – precisely, the spot, where there is a connection with the First Star of Orion’s Belt. And this is also – very – important, to first move the sarcophagus, and later to put inside either the whole mummy or this device. That is why, this was in its’ own place, which supposed to be, but it was by people exactly moved. I’m listening.

Ryszard: Yes, yes, and if it is possible of course, could you tell what influence will have this energetic connection with Orion’s Belt, with this First Star for the Earth and the humanity?

ENKI: Peace, calm down of this situation, which is at the moment, because this, what is happening currently, even surpasses capabilities ours – Spiritual ones. Sirius doubles himself and triples, how – what to deal with this, what is currently happening on the Earth. And when, when this will be placed in the sarcophagus, then as if with the touch of actually the magic wand, will start to settle peace in you – inner peace and in Mother Nature. I’m listening.

Ryszard: Thank you sincerely for the answers to my questions. And now the second question from Bogdan. Pope Francis went to visit Iraq, as the first pope he visited this country, which in the past was cradle of human civilisation. Can you tell us something more about this visit? Thank you.

ENKI: Actually no. Francis already prepares… to this what is supposed to happen soon. That country – as East – is closed for Spiritism, the true Spiritism, so Francis went to sow the seed. Not to teach, but to prepare already for that, what soon is supposed to happen. I’m listening.

Barbara: Question from Marcel. Welcome Dear Enki, Star Brother Sirius and Spiritual World. I sincerely thank you for care and help to me and my family in this difficult time. I ask for further help. I have a question about Mountain Ślęża, will in the nearest time come back archaeological researches and hot the Church will relate to eventual exploration of this terrain? Thank you, Marcel.

ENKI: Welcome Marcel. For now, Me as well as Sirius we have more on our heads than, how to reach this hierarchy of the church, so that it would allow for further archaeological works. For now, …it will not happen. It will happen, of course – but when in the sarcophagus will be placed the mummy of the Builder. Then, there will be veeeeery strong breakthrough on the Earth. I’m listening.

Barbara: And the second question. What is the point and aim of enslavement of people in the current time and for how long will it last? Marcel.

ENKI: Until people will knock on their heads, and they will knock …that …this …all what is happening, it is in reality, to enslave people. It will last for long. Until the world… will get occupied with something else, and as well excavations further, as well as inserting the mummy into the sarcophagus may be a huge, a huge event. And this cannot be stopped. I’m listening.

Barbara: Welcome Friend Enki and Friend Sirius! I will allow myself to remind Marduk’s words: “Since you can’t ignite from yourself love then start to use minds” and Jesus’s words, that: “The truth will set you free”. My question: is it logical, and reasonable to realise the goal of the Mission Pharaoh despite differences between people, because it will bring only advantages for everyone? Thank you for answer. Grażyna from Karczew.

ENKI: Welcome Grażyna, welcome. I think that… already… today both Sirius and I – a lot on this subject was said, a lot. Everyone has a right… because either way, you are old spirits and to well… read into your brain, then you would recall to yourself, this, what was happening during the construction of the Pyramid. Many of you wanted to be later a participant of just this event, when… this, who died, will be put into the sarcophagus, and when… this channel will be opened. It matters just about this for those who are returning. I’m not even talking about those, who despite warning were from the Earth taken, because no remarks worked. That is why calmly, calmly Grażyna it is needed to wait now. Once again, I turn with this, what said Sirius: he does not ask at the moment – he requires. He actually demands accelerating of the works, so that this ax, which was pounded by Andrzej and Maria to be removed. Because, if this ax will not be removed, because also stands on the way Egypt and those, who manage there, over this Plateau, then it will be necessary to enter the Tomb through this village and this park, over which not there is village, and under this village, under this park there was Palace. So – patience, because patience really is very weak side of you [plural]. I’m listening.

Barbara: Question from Olivia. Sincerely we welcome You, Beloved Teachers and Guardians: Enki, Sirius, Spiritual Entities. We thank You for help and Your enormous work on the Earth. Honourable Sirius, we sincerely thank You for Your Protection and also for help – of Someone from Sirius, about who, Spiritual Guardian of the Earth, Enki mentioned in December. We are immensely happy, that the path to the Egypt rebirths. If there would be any need – in anything that we could help from this place, where we are – with pleasure we will do it. And question: Beloved Enki, I ask You, if it is possible, for answers to questions. First. From this, what I understand, when someone who is already conscious of very difficult program, which one chose before birth and wants to finish it, then will it be enough to ask God Father and ask for help with faith, to finish this program and if given person has to put in a lot of work to re-program one’s mind?

ENKI: Welcome, it is not that simple – to ask. Do you know how many… human… beings, who descend to the Earth with a program, only on the Earth realise what program they chose for themselves? Leave the Earth – aaalso it is not that easy, because you have appointed time. I think that… not only I think, but I know, that when this momentous event of placing the Mummy or this device in the sarcophagus, then also improvement of – the human life. But also, it will be like this, that until it happens, Sirius will be taking from the Earth – maaaany, a lot of beings will take. And also, this – cannot be removed, this process must go on. I’m listening.

Barbara: Second question. In which way one could tell the difference, if the adverse thing, which happens to the person, is as a result of the program, which one’s chose before birth, or is a result of the fact, that allowed, his mind to be polluted by earthbound programming of present absurd system? Thank you in advance for Your words. Olivia from Mexico.

ENKI: You stirred – with this question, Olivia. As it is already known, everyone makes a choice of life – here – on the Earth. Also, everyone can, if understands this program to try to change this, to adjust to it. The more difficult program, the easier it can be to pass on this another side. For now, it is necessary to simply to this system, which people created, slowly to adjust. I’m listening.

Barbara: Now Wiktor. Respect Spiritual Guardian of the Earth, Enki and we welcome You, Entity from Sirius. We welcome You with whole heart. We kindly ask for answers to the following questions. What means statement: “to become”, which in Book “The Sign of Time” regards to Priest Juno and King Chufu? Maybe it is about improving oneself, to become similar to God Father – just like for example student becomes like his master? Wiktor.

ENKI: Enough. You start to exaggerate. No one so far from living ones, even Jesus Himself, who descended to the Earth – and though He was one of the First Sons of God – did wasn’t becoming similar to God Himself. You supposed to live on the Earth like everyone else live. Juno was priest, The High Priest to whole actually Plateau, for… for whole construction site of the Pyramid. He also passed away, but whole life he was Earthly Priest. He did not model himself as God Father, because… this would have been egoistic. That is why, you also try to live as it is necessary: with modesty, with humility, with obedience, but never do to model yourself as God Father! I’m listening.

Barbara: The second question. If spirit descending to the Earth, unnecessarily chooses for himself a difficult life, then to his cleansing it will be enough work on himself, removing his flaws, striving to excellence and love?

ENKI: That’s how it is, that every spirit choses life for himself, which he wants to fulfil. If he chose for himself difficulties of life, enormous difficulties of life, then his passage later from Umbral to Umbral is very short and then you don’t… go straight to Heavenly Gates, but awaits you still… a bit of work, until you will be for example in the third sphere, that is so called purgatory. To this necessary is still time. Much better have those beings, who can survive difficulties, but with awareness, so… calmly Wiktor, calmly – still – wait. I’m listening.

Barbara: And last from Wiktor words. We thank for each day of our live and for all experiences, which meet us from hand of God Father. We apologise from the ground of spirit for our imperfection, for our weaknesses. We work on ourselves and we try to not repeat the same mistakes. We are greatly grateful for Your care over us and memory. We bow low to God Father and You, Dearest Friends. Wiktor.

ENKI: We thank you – I, Sirius – we thank for… your words. And only about one I ask: for perseverance, for further cooperation with Us. I’m listening.

Barbara: Now Rafał. Welcome Guardian of the Earth. I thank you for given answers to my questions, which Zofia from Wrocław asked. I ask for answer to those two questions. One to Sirius and one to You, Guardian. The first question. Sirius, you listed in Łódź people, who “tripped up” [translator: as “put a spoke in someone’s wheel”] Mission Pharaoh, so it couldn’t work further. Do those people have a chance in any way to fix their mistake or mistakes and come back to the team? Thank you. Rafał.

ENKI: Rafał, to come back into the bosom on Mission Pharaoh, necessary is humility, honest humility, because words… “forgive me, I did wrong” – will not be enough. Humility has to come from heart, and there won’t be such humility, especially now, when… there may be large interest while removing this war ax. Then will speak the true nature, especially of those two. I’m listening further.

Barbara: Second question from Rafał. YAHWEH and Spiritual World, what should be done, so that people who came into contact at any time with Mission Pharaoh, now created in this time a team and cooperate with each other?

ENKI: It can’t be done, those, who were and left, and now – as they say in earthling way – spit at… at Mission Pharaoh, then… horse with a row [translator: as a big reward] I give to anyone who knows a way to bringing back mind and humility to those people. Shake, it is necessary an enormous shake and such of course will occur. I’m listening.

Barbara: Beloved Friend Enki and Sirius, and to all Star Brothers I bow, who help You in the work on the Earth. With whole my heart I thank You for Your work, thank you for care over me and my family. I remember Enki, how a couple of years ago you told us, that “without Us you can’t handle”. Yes, now painfully we see, because nothing hurts as much as taking away freedom. We should unite and join honestly to the Association, because it is the last chance for us, and the time is running away. To who will we have grievances? Zofia from Oświęcim.

ENKI: Welcome Zofia, exactly – and to who? Reflection will occur only when you [plural] enter the first level of Umbral. This is such vestibule [sigh] before the second… Umbral, so there a reflection will happen, also because you will receive… a movie to watch [of] your life, what did you do, and what you didn’t do and what you should do. Of course, that reconciliation should occur. Now people say: “it is only about money”. No, it is not “only about money” – about sincere willingness to help, because… when you would be able to go through Palace to the Tomb, then – really it won’t be large money, and when we will begin, then it will be an assignment to Sirius – remove those, who were interrupting in Egypt, then also case will be easier. And WE WILL BE REMOVING, that is actually Sirius will be removing, because the time indeed runs out. I’m listening.

Barbara: Now Paweł from Canada. Welcome sincerely, Lord Enki. For some people during dream, vibrations of the body rise up so much that they feel vibrations of their own body. Why is this happening? Thank you. Paweł from Canada.

ENKI: What during the day you think, it often during the night manifests itself. Paweł, once again I repeat: you are… really with good energy you came and keep it that way. Do not try something, to be too smart, or something extraordinary to pass. With principle: allow yourself to be guided – and this is what I ask. I’m listening.

Barbara: And second question. Why our consciousness will not catch subliminal message? Thank you. Paweł from Canada.

ENKI: Why… why your consciousness is like it is. Difficulties of life, contact with people, after who you don’t keep up, so try, try… Paweł to… let yourself be guided by Spiritual World or Guardian Angel, who also watching over you, but who not always you are able to listen. I’m listening.

Barbara: Welcome Enki, welcome Sirius. Last Sirius’s speech and Your answers Enki, shook me very much and caused deep thoughts. Did many other people react similarly? Has this time of spread of the virus caused already some, even small change of consciousness of the human society? Joanna from Warsaw. (Barbara: Actually, two questions.)
A moment of break to change the recording cassette.

ENKI: Welcome Joanna, I think, that… this virus made confusion in the human minds, but yet in previous year it was said, that Sirius will look after human beings, and now grievances about what? Grievances to whom? To God, to… Enki, to Sirius? To whom? [plural] Start to use mind and humility. After humility will come obedience and it is necessary to think about this. I’m listening.

Barbara: Now question sent over: Silke Augustin and Michał Fiedorczuk. Welcome our Honourable Spiritual Guides who do channellings and people who come to the meeting. Dear Enki, I ask You, please answer the questions that are below. Silke received in telepathic way images regarding new device. Please Enki, answer, is it already suitable time, to such spirals, as those on attached picture, to place in the icosahedron?

ENKI: Welcome Michał. Something like that – for the first time, but apparently, I am yet to experience some things. Those spirals will be easier in use… than this, what in this moment, are those circles. Yes, correctly received… your… partner. But this, only [sigh] we can discuss when we will meet. Many of those devices will become active then, when… the canal between, the connection between Orion’s Belt, or with the Orion and the Earth will be opened. Now also this there is a connection, for not that much, for it to be – so – strong. This can be a good device and it can help people, but – still, a bit more patience. I’m listening.

Barbara: In what way I can increase my trust in moments, when I start to worry about future of my children? Silke Augustin.

ENKI: And is this just this request and this guidance to the Spiritual World? And where is your faith? And where is obedience? You want to help, you want to cooperate – of course, we are glad because of that, BUT… on another hand doubt comes, fear appears – and what next? What next, I have already said, Sirius also said: we will start – to act – dynamically. From one side Sirius will be… acceleration Cleansing on the Earth from people, and… from another side it will be necessary to give more even information to those, who will be appointed, chosen to this cooperation. That is why… once again I repeat: where – is – the faith? Where is humility? Talk, is not everything. It is also necessary to work this out in the mind. I’m listening.

Barbara: And when it comes to this work in the mind: therefore, the latest science has already connected with the ancient knowledge, practically it became one and the same, it starts to spread wider and wider this knowledge on our Planet. How Spiritual World looks at it? How long humanity will be maturing to this, to work this out in own minds?

ENKI: If… it will go… according to Sirius project – then not that long. They will start to act in Poland, you… here… in Chicago also will start to act and this can move. Sirius will be doing clean up on Egypt, because he will be and at all we will not be disturbing him. So… long already it cannot last – because simple reason. Plenty people are already tired, to the breaking point – tired. And this goes also beyond Spiritual capabilities. Now, as you already know, Sirius takes on after the rulers on the whole world and… sharper he will take on, so that they already stop disturbing. I’m listening.

Ryszard: I still have such question concerning the Association in Poland, concerning colleague Rafał and colleague Paweł. Two times a text message was sent to us concerning meeting on so called Skype. Text this, those texts concern practically meeting to talk. I don’t know about what, simply I have no idea about what can I talk with them at this moment, since even this company does not yet legally exist.

ENKI: Enough. Today’s session was long – Sirius’s message as well as my words. I think that Rafał as well as Paweł, who – I mark, once again I remind, so that some would not understand: that they were chosen by Sirius! Just by Sirius for long they were been put to tests and observed, so to this it just led. Let them firstly carefully listen to this recording, from the beginning – to the end. How many times it can one and the same thing be repeated… Without end? Now it is necessary – yes, to organise, to formally organise, and then we will get to work solemnly. However, during the next meeting, will show – Sirius, what – did Ida, the one from Hungary. Contributed to this chairman of Cheops, Mission Cheops. But this, I already leave to Sirius, let him say, what happened, not even mentioning France, not mentioning Switzerland. That is why… now let them carefully listen to, what will be passed to them. Only then we can add something or subtract. We will see. Thank you.

Ryszard: And we thank you very much. We thank you for session, we thank you for answers, for today’s meeting. And, well, we wish you pleasant journey and till the next meeting. Lucynka – and You we thank you too.


Note from translator.
In many cases when you see “himself” it means both “himself, herself”.

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