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Session 314

Public channelling number 314
Wrocław, 29th May 2021

Spiritual Entity – Guardian of the Earth ENKI – through His medium, Lucyna Łobos-Brown, together with Entity from Sirius B answers to asked questions.


ENKI: I, Enki and not only, because together with Me there is also Entity from Sirius, why will be… also participating in this our session, so we will be together answering to your [plural] questions. Just at the beginning thank you [plural] I, Enki for such a numerous arrival to this meeting. Let it be so, if it was like that… in Chicago. I also would be glad, but unfortunately it is not like that. And it will be [said with sigh] certainly even worse. And now already slowly (not slowly yet), I also would like, because colleague Paweł said, that there are many requests, thanks and now I can – bravely say: you all, gathered here in this room – I am not, not only I am here and Sirius, but… also Spiritual Entities observe you, and… my, my thanks for this, what you ask – for requests, for thanks to Us. I announce, that all of you, who are here today, you will receive – additional – help, in various matters. And those matters… such… which are let’s say not according to your thought start to intensify… so [said with sigh] Cleansing not only of the Earth, but also of people, starts – in full – to happen. I would like also, even this – small – spirit is here, to thank him for coming, because… even when this spirit wasn’t here on… on the Earth we already were striving, I was striving, so that everything went well. And such also happened. He was born – healthy – the spirit, who today is for the first time on this meeting. And I think, that it will not be the last time here. But now, so that not to talk too much, Paweł – let’s start. I’m listening to the first question. 

Paweł: Beloved Friend Enki and the Siriusians, we spoke with Chicago about changes on the Mission’s website. At first, they accepted them, and later on they withdraw. They gave permission for small changes, which in my opinion do not allow realization of given by You, goals, that is show us as unity. Currently it still looks like a private website of Foundation from Chicago, and we are only guests there. What do you think in this matter?

ENKI: For the time being, Paweł, treat this as hospitality – for the time being. This I highlighted, I clearly highlighted, that first there has to be registration, legal registration, and later we will be – together – working. Does… [to] Foundation Chicago not reach this, that it has to be common goal? Common work? In a moment certainly will want a word to say Sirius, what even more will not be liked by this Mission Pharaoh in Chicago. As it has been already said: TIME IS PRESSING. There is no time for scuffling, there isn’t. It is necessary, it is necessary to begin… working together, to help each other, and not to “rip the cat to shreds” [Polish saying, meaning: argue over something]. But now, already to not… too much to tell I would like to, so that a word, to you could say – just – Sirius.

SIRIUS: I, Entity… from Sirius – welcome, I also welcome. I am surprised, pleasantly surprised, that so many of you arrived – for the first time – of this Association. And now regarding the Association. It will be, it will appear on the website, because appear it will must. Namely, you are as pioneers, as the first Association, which… goes to… the Tomb. And now I would like so that similar groups would start to form – on the world groups and also… signed as Association and oath to… the Tomb. They will answer, they will answer soon, because many people, from what we already noticed, read. Some read as a curiosity, others just to read, others still try to disturb, because they think: “what is it truly about?”, “what for is this Cleansing on the Earth?”, “to whom is it necessary?”, “Though on the Earth are such great people, how can Earth be cleaned from those great human beings?”.

Weee have already taken a look – not since today, because our work on the Earth, already has a lot of time. For the first time, over twelve thousand years ago we evacuated human beings from Atlantis. Not… mentioning that we were also helping to evacuate beings from this shattered Planet, which was between Jupiter and Mars. And it was this nail, because before arrived those beings from that Planet, on the Earth it was… quite well. Human beings, through our genetic, evolve, developed, they worshiped the Owner of the Earth, that is God, and when – those started to arrive, then this already started to change. History… repeats itself. And when over two thousand years… ago God said: “I will give human beings – Teacher”. And this Teacher came. He supposed to teach, and he taught. What did he teach? For today’s day – you see. Not only that, God gave further thousand years – now… for this, so that there will be this understanding, to wake up and start care about each other and about Planet Earth, which human beings precisely destroyed. We will rebuild her, but first we will be Cleaning the Earth – from human beings.

That is why… still I will be adding word to this our today conversation, that is why I want you to place, this invitation let’s say… from other foundations, from other Missions Pharaoh, because word: “Mission Pharaoh” – I keep repeating – is international name. It is not chosen just like that and with principle “it is mine, I own it, it is private”. It is general, world-wide. That is why… it will be needed to… pass. Pass to the World and to organisations, that are in this Mission Pharaoh, to unite with each other. I will tell also, but not in this moment, I will tell you… on what We care the most, who received the permission to, reach the Tomb the fastest. But now I already again give space and give the voice to Guardian of the Earth. I’m liste…

Paweł: In Revelations of Saint John in description of the Third Trumpet we read: “And name of the Star is “Wormwood” [pl: Piołun]. And the third of the water became wormwood, and many people died because of the water, because they became bitter”. Is it the description of the catastrophe in Chernobyl? – because Chernobyl in free translation is: “mugwort-wormwood” [pl: bylica-piołun]. Monika and Tomek.

ENKI: Not necessarily, not necessarily. Now Me – Enki will be bothering you for a bit. Chernobyl let’s leave alone… This Wormwood at this moment it is this, what is happening on the Earth. This Wormwood, it can be equally well… compared to this pandemic, which conquered the Earth thanks to the Mighty of this World. And this pandemic it is already this decimation of human population. Not Chernobyl, but easily you can say, that… this Wormwood, which… began from, it can be said, from Chernobyl it is – this – today’s – pandemic and Cleansing of the Earth. I’m listening.

Paweł: In current days increases activity of volcanos, activity of the sun. Is it connected with some specific position of Nibiru? Thank you for answer. Piotr.

ENKI: Nooo, Piotr. Still cooperation of Mother Nature, Mother Earth continues, exactly with this, what was established by the Gods’ Council. Yes… Gods’ Council… said: “We Begin Cleansing of the Earth”. And to this cooperation in Cleansing were called – Us, from Sirius, and additionally was called Mother Earth, which in her language shows, what she is capable of, and how She can Cleanse the Earth. I’m listening.

Paweł: On the Sain Mountain of the Poles forestry tried many times to plant trees. In the place, where there used to be temple, planted trees did not survive. Could God Enki refer to this event? Andrzej.

ENKI: No. God Father, at this moment can be said that, our Great Father – is resting – on the basis that, when it is needed – He helps, but mainly he gave the Earth in Our hands and – Mother Nature. That is why… this, what will be happening and what is happening on the Earth at this moment cannot be attributed to… God, “because God is unfair, because God does not love people”. It isn’t true, He loves, because, if He would not love, then when two thousand years passed and there was no response from people, then at that time it would have been necessary to destroy everyone and (!) start from beginning human settlement. At this moment God is observing, and Mother Nature either allows for something, or does not allow and in own language – gives – a sign – to people. I’m listening.

Paweł: In stone circles Wedding in Kaszuby near Prądkowica, legend says – around that place, wedding procession was coming back from the church. Cool, who did not manage to finish feast on time, for fear of losing reputation, thrown a curse: “may they petrify”. Enki, what is the truth? Andrzej.

ENKI: Where did you read this fairy tale, Andrzej? The Nature… does… what is does… and people add from themselves, so… put it on a shelf among books, as a fairy tale. I’m listening.

Paweł: I am disturbed about situation in Poland regarding forests. Long time since I saw such deforestation in Poland. Is this on purpose? Can I save them [trees] somehow, for example by starting association and gathering money to save forests by buying land on which are those forests, which will reduce clipping? Currently I left my previous job and I have plenty of time for other activities. So, if I could be useful, I am willing to help with Association Mission Pharaoh, as well as for other purposes. I serve help to You, Enki and Sirius. Kind Regards, Sebastian.

ENKI: Welcome Sebastian. There is such… a song, and it will concern this first Association: “there are few of us to bake bread, only for us – you are here needed”, so such willing to act in Association with all respect, with open heart – we invite. Not only, when it comes to Poland, because… this… those associations or foundations, archaeological foundations, which will connect with the Association, we also invite. I’m listening.

Paweł: I welcome You sincerely, thank you, for that again I have the opportunity to ask You question. For some time now I started to apply treatment of doctor Otto Horak, which is about deacidification, cleansing and nutrition of whole organism on a cellular level. I am pleased with effects and I think to seriously look at it from the business point of view. Is it a good decision? I would like to ask You for support for this project. Katarzyna.

ENKI: Project… is good Katarzyna, but not yet for current time. Firstly: this half year which, as a matter of fact left… will be very hot in this regard, that… there will be accelerated Cleansing – of people, people, because the Earth will manage. It is good that firstly you try on yourself, because it is the best to test on yourself, in order to later be able to further distribute. But… to open this business in this year do not jump yourself yet, because… you will be met by disappointment, and you should be pleased, instead later cry in corners. Half year. I’m listening.

Paweł: In his latest book, titled “The Fifth Dimension” Andrzej Wójcikiewicz, guided by Spiritual Entities, tries to find the Ark of the Covenant, which in connection with points in Israel, Ethiopia and Egypt will lead the humanity into the Fifth Dimension. Sands are supposed to collapse and the Great Labyrinth will be revealed. Will, in reality this occur? Or is it somewhere in far future? Thank you, Marcel.

ENKI: Welcome Marcel, who like who, but you… are able to find something that… hairs stand up on people’s heads. The Labyrinth [said with sigh] has already been found – the Great Labyrinth, and it is placed in Hawara. The Labyrinth has also the connection – via underground tunnel – with the Pyramids in Giza. Will it be now? No. It will be in the future. We have to fit in this millennium, so that all of this at… show people, so [sigh] Marcel, concentrate on this, what is important today, and not to run away in such distant future. I’m listening.

Paweł: Marcel also has a question and Piotr also has very similar one – regarding vaccination. I have in family pressure in some sense to get vaccinated. I do not want to do that, because I feel internally and I am not convinced to personally allow to be vaccinated. I also advise against to others. How to relate to this?

ENKI: It depends, it depends… who convinces. People have CLOUDED MINDS by governments, exactly by governments – if not Polish one then the World’s one, where… they say and claim, that… there is no better way exactly to liquidate human population, as this – current – pandemic. I cannot tell you: get vaccinated or don’t get vaccinated, but carefully, carefully read what say “the wiser ones”, who got vaccinated, and now they regret it. Your decision, only – your – decision regarding vaccination. I’m listening.

Paweł: Many times, on sessions you told us to appreciate our own value, rise high our head and to remember where we come from. But how not to get confused courage and being confident with self-conceit? Iwona from London.

ENKI: Be yourself, Iwona. While appreciating your own value, notice also your behaviour. The most important is to: respect another person, give another person what you have the best. It will pay off. Respect also Mother Nature, because Mother Nature already has… exhausted is. That is why Iwona, it is not possible at this moment to stop this, what has already begun to happening. It can be only accelerated, but not stopped. And… human beings – start to see another person. Even though he could be the worst, give him this part of this, what you have the best in you and you will see, that THIS will pay off. I’m listening.

Paweł: The history of Mankind, since prehistory till current day, is deceitful. Will it be rewritten using method of channelling by appointed to this, inspired scribes and will that method be finally accepted? This is also Iwona from London.

ENKI: And do you Iwona… read… channellings – as I asked from the first one to the last one? When the history will start to change? Aaaalso it was said: when you will reach the Tomb and will excavate from the Tomb messages written on the boards, just like the Ten Commandments. Then – will change the history – to this true one. To such, which should be, because at the moment… governments of the world, religions already write their own history: about how as fast as possible to lead to destruction of the human kind. I’m listening.

Paweł: Will vaccination passports will be introduced, without which it will not be allowed to move? Thank you. Iwona from London.

ENKI: Well, it can happen, but Us, The Spiritual World, we do everything, so that such thing would not happen. At the moment, it is in plan, because it will also be in favour for Cleansing of the Earth. I’m listening.

Paweł: Reading first channellings from 2003rd year, you clearly gave us to understanding, to roll up our sleeves and strongly get to work, because if the Key will not be placed in the Gate of Time, that is the Builder in the Pyramid, then the Cleansing will be very difficult. And such unfortunately happened. We received the chance in form of the second Association and for that I thank you very much. Bogdan.  

ENKI: Welcome Bogdan… welcome. The Key… actually… is one, which… will be used to open the opening gate to the Tomb. It was decided over six and a half thousand years ago and nothing has changed. Appeared other, placeholder keys, I don’t want now to list names of those “additional keys”, but the right Key is one. And this Key has the purpose only to break the protection, open the gate, the gate to the Tomb. And after that the Key can retreat, and to… further to work enter Foundations Pharaoh, Mission or Association, which will emerge and they must emerge, because you [plural], as one, one association is a bit too little. You will be trying also through those earthly connections, or those your dummy computers, to make a connection with other Foundations, Missions – also Pharaoh, so that to… start further associations, which are necessary, to… reach to the Tomb. Maybe partially Sirius, who will want to say a word, will say that actually there are three roads to enter the Tomb. And now I listening further.

Paweł: Since I entered the current spiritual path, I feel that I’m traveling on the right road, even though I know that I still have a lot in me to work on. I trust You, Enki and I am glad that I can learn from You. If I can be useful with something in Association, then I’m glad to help as much as I can. I would like to ask You for the Protection and tell me, who I am as a spiritual being and what is the goal of my incarnation? Thank you with all my heart. Andżelika.

(Paweł: Andżelika may be is on the meeting today…).

ENKI: At a distance… I do not give Protection. Necessary is the touch, are necessary to Me… physical hands, so that I could give this Protection. Sure, that… useful will be all earthly hands for this Association and for the further ones also – Associations. But… at this moment focus on this, what is necessary, about what I asked – about registration, so that you could calmly begin to work and engage other institutions, missions… to… this Association, so STARTING NEW ASSOCIATIONS. That’s what I mean. I’m listening.

Paweł: Spiritual Satanists believe that Satan and Enki is one and the same Being. And regarding that, with which Energy do they contact with their practices? (Paweł: This is also Andżelika asking).

ENKI: And in this moment… you have… poor this question, but I give voice just to Sirius.

SIRIUS: During my times, when… by now, over twelve thousand years ago we were helping the Earth and we were teaching people, someone like Satan local beings, being did not know. Satan was created by religion and not all of them. The most successful to create such Satan was religion just Christianity, Catholic. And it is like that: if something bad is happening, then always the fault is on the side of the one, who created… priests, religions. And now I can say a bit on the subject of this Satan – let’s say. This Being also came in this time to the Earth as we did, however He received, together with a group Planet Mars – to inhabit and to… other goals. His name – I mark, his name was Shaman [pl: “Szaman”], Shaman, as today use this name beings, who try to heal or help to heal. And… [sigh] Satan had to be… something like that had to be created, so that people would be… afraid of and would listen to this, what… tells Christian religion, so that truly there is no such a being, which they called “Satan”. Thiiiiis was a Being, who received this Planet: Shaman, Shaman. And that currently people do what they do, then once again I repeat: we have a huge field to act, oh, huge. We will start to select even more, to shell out those, who so much disrupt us. And we will do this, oh we will. I’m listening.

Paweł: Recently in my house died a person. I would like to ask for the reason of the death and if death was sudden, has that person reincarnated, or maybe went to Umbral? If for any reason this soul wanders on the Earth, then is it possible to help somehow? Andżelika.

SIRIUS: In that case Andżelika… because if one more such illogical question will be, because I, still Sirius am here, if there will be more – such illogical question just from this Andżelika, then please do not read it to me. I mark, SO MANY TIMES that it was… being said: every human being, who leaves the matter has to go to Umbral! There is no other way! And what did you think Andżelika, that your passed away cousin already is at Heavenly gates? – without any absolution? For this also it is necessary to de-serve. That is why each and every single one, who leaves matter awaits – just – Umbral. But also there are THREE LEVELS of Umbral. There is this Earthly Umbral, which is here between you, people. There is this second one – Umbral, where the selection is being made and this third one, from which, there is at all no chance nor exit. This is how it looks like, so I propose – still carefully read yourself – those – sessions, which gave you Enki. I’m listening.

Paweł: Here from Wiktor I will read such a whole message, Wiktor from Mexico together with Olivia: Welcome Guardian of the Earth Enki, Noble Sirius and we welcome all who are present. We thank with all our hears to God Father Yahweh for His help through You, Beloved Enki and Sirius in those present Earthly matters. We thank you for interesting facts about Mission, which we didn’t know. We thank you very much for the Protection, which we feel, when we are witnesses of various events that are happening around us. We know that we have to support Polish Association and we will do this as much as we can. The experiences which we all go through and the distance cause that sometimes we show our typical human, passivity. We apologise to You for inconveniences. We try to respect free will of every person, as You, Beloved Spiritual Entities respect human’s free will. Yours: Olivia and Wiktor (from Mexico).

ENKI:  Welcome Olivia, welcome Wiktor, I Enki – I even liked it… this what was written here: Association – you like it. I do not see a problem, so that in Mexico also… to start such an Association – of Mission Pharaoh. Think about it Wiktor and… later we will together act. You would be already second, or second Association, if you would start to act. So, your involvement is huge, stubbornness as well, so act and help – you will receive. I’m listening.

Paweł: Dear Friend, Lord Enki, I ask You for help to my father Gerard. Currently he is on the intense care in the hospital, but I have hope that soon he will come back to us. I ask You as well for pointers on how to help him remotely. Unfortunately, this ward is so called “covid ward” and without pcr test I will not be allowed to enter. I ask You, Lord Yahweh, Sirius and Spiritual World for help for him and fast return to health. I thank you for all the help so far and I send my Regards to You. Filip. (Paweł: Here is the picture).

Medium Lucyna wispers: I have already seen this.

ENKI: Welcome Filip, we have already on this subject… spoken, because you called, so clearly, clearly, I told you, but I will repeat once again, so that… it would reach someone else, who has similar request. You already know Mission, you are known to Us, Filip. What did I ask for? To help your father needed are YOU, exactly you, who through the picture, because to the hospital you will not enter, but through the picture and your hands we will – be sending – your father – the Energy. The case is very heavy. If he already has very damaged lungs, if you did not write this, then I say this, and… regeneration can be very long, but you will serve Us and pass thought your hands to your father the Energy. This you were told already. I’m listening.

Paweł: I would like to once again warmly ask You, and also Brothers from Sirius B for help in finding by me occupational work, in which I am unsuccessful for many months. However, question I have one, will there be a war in this year in Poland? That means, will Poland be military attacked by another country?

A moment of break to switch the recording tape.

Paweł: I will repeat the end. However, question I have one, will there be a war in this year in Poland? That means, will Poland be military attacked by another country? – because many people warn from this and I, myself, don’t know, what to think about this and what to do about this. Deeply devoted to You Edyta from Warsaw.

ENKI: Listen Edyta… you live actually in such a hornet nest – in Warsaw. To be honest… such war already is, division of Poland also already is. That is why there will not be… such a big war, because of simple reason. Poland already is divided into zones: Eastern, Western. You… happened to live in this hornet nest, that is in the central part of Poland. Truth to be said… neither Russia not Germany will not rise hand on each other. Poland already is repressed. I’m listening.

Paweł: Lord Enki, will Your Son Marduk come back to the meetings? Asks Paweł from Canada.

ENKI: No, for the time being… no. As much, as he was mistreated, just in Chicago, it will be enough for him for the eternity. So, he will not come back. I’m listening.

Paweł: Lord Enki, when channellings are being read, such a good Energy can be felt. Could you say something more about this Energy? Thank you. Paweł from Canada.

ENKI: Well, channellings – it is Me. So many times, you already had been said to… and even you declared – respect towards Me. What can I say? – I could, I could call Myself braggart… but I am not, so… if someone to Me, to Me addresses with request, with respect, and (!) foremost with the faith, then exactly such an Energy receives. I’m listening.

Paweł: Those who protected the Earth from the side of Cosmos were Siriusans. Will placing Pharaoh in the Pyramid, mean protection from the side of the Earth? Will, as Sirius said in December 2012: “Siriusans will be settling on the Earth in 300 years”. And if the Cleansing has to last thousand years, then maybe then? Asks Barbara from Łódź.

ENKI: If you Barbara [sigh] carefully would have read all sessions, then you would read, that the Time can be slowed down or accelerated. In this moment the Time is accelerated. And Sirius also cares to as soon as possible Cleanse the Earth, so that they could evacuate. Thousand years? – by then, already everything has to be tidied up – so that on the Earth it could be possible to live peacefully, happily, and… beings, who will stay on the Earth – human, will live in friendship just with Sirius, I’m listening.

Paweł: Is extraction of boards as equally important as placing Pharaoh in the Pyramid and if, when Pharaoh will be placed in the Pyramid and energetic system will be turned on, will then people feel this? Barbara from Łódź.

ENKI: They will feel, but not necessarily the mummy itself… has to be placed… in the Pyramid, in the sarcophagus. It will be enough that… they will put this device, which is in his chest. Then… will connect Orion with the Earth, that means that will open this time-space tunnel which will be very, very much needed. But this, this should be done as soon as possible. I’m listening.

Paweł: Is there, in the centre of the Universe, a gigantic black hole? Or is it a nucleus made of the dark matter? And what are the dark matter and energy? Also, Barbara from Łódź.

ENKI: To this question, if so, then… I can answer, but on the personal session. Today I will not answer. I’m listening.

Paweł: Various thanks left for us, but I also wanted to ask: recently on the session you said, that when looking for a logo for the Association, we should follow here according to this picture, which shows the Pyramid and a tunnel of light. And here we have various sketches. Has any of them a chance according to You? Should we look closer at any?  

ENKI: Three.

Paweł: Three, thank You. I have another question. On this picture Dogon people painted people from Sirius. I would ask Sirius for a question, are… [said with smile] you similar here?

SIRIUS: Yes… it is Me – Sirius. A bit, let’s say… a bit we are similar. Of course, we have mid… I will describe, I will describe more less how We look like. Average let’s say height We are and colour of the skin is such shade of bronze, eyes large. And head also a bit larger than yours, than you, Earthly beings and a bit wiser. That is why I will you [plural], We will teach you afresh, because this, what you currently call “wisdom”, it is far, far it is from wisdom. That we do not look disgusting – characteristic for us are only those large eyes, a bit larger head, because this wisdom of this brain must fit in this head. Such more less we look like this. A huge part We currently have in this, what… soon will be done, that is – a Tomb. And now I can calmly a word whisper, a word whisper, because already earlier it was said: there are three -paths – to – the Tomb. I will not specify, I will not describe precisely, because such vultures among people there are plenty. So – here, where… the first road, where there was huge garbage dump, where with help just… then still good faith from Chicago this mountain of garbage was cleansed. But, so what? Person who… [said with sigh] claimed to be Priestess Ki caused that, that on this cleansed terrain the wall was built. And this was actually the place, the shortest place to enter the Tomb. Because if you don’t know, then I will still remind you, that the Temple is placed on top of the Tomb, and… the entrance to it, to the Tomb is through the Temple, so… it is already a short path to, to, to tunnel, which used to lead to – leads still to the Temple. The second place – the second tunnel, which leads to the Tomb is places in the right – foot – of the Sphinx. It is a chunk, a large chunk of path. The third path – the third tunnel is placed, currently it is a park, but during the times of the Builder there – was standing – a palace, so the Builder prepared for himself everything: path, paths to this Tomb, which [sigh] – there – was created. Those two paths are relatively far to get to the Tomb. The neares… is, this what I said at the beginning, so this, what is under – this Temple. That is why I insisted and I keep insisting, so that to cooperation engage other associations, because the more associations the easier it will be to break the ices in this Egypt, because they know, that there is something – under the Temple. That is why they – don’t want to allow, so… I, my proposition, it is this to, so that this… this first tunnel, which, for which there is currently lack of access, and it is the nearest to the Tomb, that is under the Temple. It is enough, because I start to talk too much and I could say too much! I’m listening.

Paweł: Only thanks left for us and here there is also a request from Elżbieta from Wrocław, who with all her heart asks for help to the Association, to reach Chufu. Should I… Do you, Enki would like me to read all those thanks and requests for support?

ENKI: I, Enki, am again, because this what was a moment ago… said, those were Sirius words – it was close and he would spin up too much… That is why it was necessary to pause him. Thanks, I like thanks, but those thanks, there are plenty of them – here in this moment and everyday there are more and more. People, people are scarred – of this, what is happening, and fear causes this, that they do not see way out. They look in Spiritual World and rightly. It is necessary to unite, I repeat again: unite. Aaand I will also remind, this, what I said at the very beginning Paweł, that all, who here in this room are, you will receive… this such… thanks for this, that… that you listen, that you believe and this causes this, that We will be helping you, but the Protection, such [sigh] physical Protection, which I do, which I give, I can only through the hands of medium perform. So, what I can add is, that vaccine, that is, that is vaccine – yes, vaccine, The Spiritual Vaccine, which I give, serve is the most powerful. And even if someone will be vaccinated with those dummies, which are being served by scientists, then… nothing bad will happen to such person, because such dummy will be levelled. Also, too much I say, too much I say… even maybe with harm for medium, BUT – what’s necessary I said. That is why you will be under the constant protection, just those, who here, today to this meeting arrived. I promise, I promise – I, Enki. I’m listening.

Paweł: In this case I would like, together with Sebastian, Marcel, Iwona from London, Bogdan, Andżelika, Edyta from Warsaw, Barbara from Łódź, Elżbieta from Wrocław, Agnieszka and others, to thank You very much for those words and for this support, which you give us, which is felt.

ENKI: May everybody wanted to feel it, Paweł. But we will, despite everything – we will be helping. And I, from My side, once again I can repeat Sirius’s words: such Associations, like the one that is being created here, in Poland, I would like, that through information, which will appear, would begin to be established throughout the world, because it will be with advantage for… the Mission Pharaoh and to reaching the Tomb. I’m listening.

Paweł: Those are all questions Dear Friends. I thank You very much for this meeting.

ENKI: And I am pleased very much and Sirius is also pleased very much with this – today – meeting and I think, that… on the next meeting already we both will be able to hear, that the next association is being created, especially this, which has been already more-less tracked, that is from Japan. And when you will make contact with this Mission Pharaoh – the Japanese one, then… We are signing under this document and cooperation. I – Enki together with Sirius, we thank you for coming, for the meeting and till we see each other at the next meeting. We thank you.

Numerous voices from the room: Thank you.

Loud applause.

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The Mysteries of the World
P.O.Box 345 86
Chicago, IL. 60634 – 0586


Barbara Choroszy: