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Session 70

A open to the public session of telepathic channeling
Session conducted with Lucyna Łobos
Stuttgart, Germany, May 13, 2007
Conference: “Lebens Energie”

Session conductors: Andrew Wójcikiewicz and Iwona Stankiewicz
Participants: participants of the conference

Andrew – a question from the audience
Iwona – a question from the audience
En-Ki (Samuel)’s answer to a question through Lucyna Łobos

(The session is simultaneously translated into German)

(After bringing Lucyna into a state of altered consciousness with the use of a relaxation process)

Here I am, En-Ki, the spiritual being of this day… I would like to welcome you from this city – a city of energy and the birthplace of witches. Distant times witnessed the priests cleaning this city… a lot of blood was poured… and many wise people were killed. Before I proceed to answering the questions I would like to anticipate a question which was to be asked – the excavated mummies are supposed to return to Egypt. They are cursed and if they are not returned to where they are meant to rest, your city will experience serious trouble. How old are the mummies? They come from before the times of Jesus, Moses and pharaoh Ramzes I. Those were – and are – the mummies of people who opposed against Ramzes’ reign. I once more repeat: for your own peace of mind the mummies will return to Egypt. Now I am ready to answer your questions.

Welcome Samuel En-Ki. I would like to refer to what you have just said, the question is how can we contribute to the mummies’ return to Egypt?

I believe that among the participants of this gathering there are people capable of thinking… do you know what the word „petition“ means? One consisting of many signatures, all demanding the mummies to be returned? One which would be shown to the authorities? It is not by coincidence that the mummies have been discovered now. Everything is meant to happen at a certain time, this „discovery“ coincides with our arrival. So simply petition the government. However, if you believe my words are of little significance, you may ignore them and see for yourselves what will happen. I am listening.

Welcome En-Ki. The question is: what actions should be taken on our part if the excavation „Plan A“ in Egypt will be accepted?

Your earthly regulations are difficult to understand. The ultimate aim of the excavations is to find the pharaoh. At first there will be no excavations at the Constructor‘s Tomb, that is why we have decided to first excavate the restorer of the Pyramid as he has left information about where Chufu I is buried and what information he conceals. In order to gain permission to carry out the excavations some money must be given. Therefore everyone who finds the well-being of the Earth of personal importance should add a share – a bit of “gold” because you can‘t excavate anything without “gold”. I will say even more – in a couple of years, if you will not succeed in awakening the pharaoh, your “gold” will be of no use. Now I will say a couple words about the excavations themselves – it is not the foundation which will carry them out, it will only supervise them and they will be done by the universities. That is how this matter needs to be solved because of your earthly regulations – the universities need mammon, “gold” as a confirmation of the foundation‘s partnership. Here I will say more – if only there will be enough “gold”, the Earth’s protection will be ready later this year. Keep in mind that the year 012 is not only „crazy imaginary thinking“, this time the augury will become reality. I am listening…

Samuel, why is the Silva Method so vital for the awakening of the pharaoh?

The Silva Method… well… Silva was a very strong medium, he was connected to us. He was told to participate in the transformation of the human race, in the transformation of peoples’ minds. Transformed human minds – the effects of the Silva Method – will be needed after the year 2012 when Earth will enter a new cycle. Human minds will then be entering a higher level of spiritual development. The purpose of the Silva Method is to prepare your minds for that year. If you will be properly prepared, the process called „mind-opening“ will proceed gently – the „added percents” will be easily received. However, you alone without such sufficient foundations will not know how to make use of them. If you are of those, who will remain at their current level of spiritual development, who do not want to believe in anything – you will not be capable of withstanding the changes. Such people will become insane and eventually die. That is why we send out our message in such an alarming way: „open your minds…”. So, for now, Huna, the Silva Method are the most important things for humans. I am listening…

If already centuries ago the year 2012 was placed as the last one in the manuscripts of the Mai Indians and as the Apocalypse in the Bible, it means that that is the will of God. Why has God changed his mind?

God did not change his mind, he promised the Earth to humans and he has kept his word. It was like that already 3 thousand years ago, at the time of Jesus’ arrival to this world. However, God has also given humans free will and reason. The person who asked this question finds God unjust because he apparently wants humanity to be driven to extinction. I once more repeat… there will be no end to this world. What we are speaking about is a change of the system, the birth of a New World and new humans. God’s aim is only to bring an end to the way humans currently approach life, you are to be shown how to lead a new lifestyle. The twelfth year brings the Earth into a new cycle of the cosmic clock, that is how things were and will continue to be for millennia – the cycle repeats itself every 25000 years. Beings alive today must be reborn and God gives them a chance to do that. Many people speak about the need of changing the attitude which humans have towards life, the change they all speak about is one which must take place in human hearts. What is certain is that you must look at what God has prepared for you in a different way, change your attitude towards the upcoming events into a more open one. I will quote the words of my brother Jesus: „when that time comes – like a thief in the night, be prepared so it does not surprise you“. God does not want to change you for someone else. You were created in order to live on this planet alike gods so they will help you in your development for as long as it will be needed. You are to become worthy of representing your DNA and transform the Earth into paradise. When that happens, death will be a completely unknown term. All this is prepared for mankind by God. I am listening.

Thank you very much Samuel. The next question: do projects such as The Cheops Project have the right and permission to help in the salvation of mankind by means of activating the planetary shielding system?

Yes. The Earth needs a shield which will protect it. Apart from the cosmic clock – the 25000 years which I have already spoken about – Earth will encounter yet another ‘surprise’… a sad one… independently from the cosmic clock’s cycle there is a planet flying towards the Sun in its own cycle. It bears different names – “the cleaner” or “the bandit planet”. They all derive from the fact that this planet destroys everything in its path. Earth has already experienced its force 12 thousand years ago for this planet cyclically circles the Earth every 12 thousand years causing great devastation each time it approaches. It is known that you are not the only beings in the universe and so, in concern for your planet and humans, higher developed civilizations want to prevent the catastrophe. It has been calculated that the planet will find itself in alignment to the Earth in the year 012 – the Earth’s energetic shield will cancel out the negative effects of the planet. What do the pyramid and pharaoh have to do with this? The first pyramid, called Cheops’ Pyramid stands on the central point of the Earth’s axis, and therefore is used to establish an essential connection with the universe, a so called portal. The pharaoh, being the constructor of the pyramid is a sort of key which will start the main aggregate – the pyramid. Although there are plenty of other aggregates on Earth, the pyramid is the main one, the Main Gate. Therefore if it is not started, the other aggregates will not get started either and Earth will not have its necessary shield… the effects of the cleaner’s passage will be truly horrible. Don’t be fooled by good, sunny weather – “thunder” will strike nevertheless. God gives you a chance of rescuing yourselves, isn’t this a sign of love on his part? It’s enough to excavate the pharaoh, place his mummy in its sarcophagus and wait… that is all, is it too much? In this way you can save yourselves and your relatives. Like I said before – love, the energy of love – for humans is a completely unknown expression. Now I say: excavate the pharaoh and in return you will receive something most precious – life. I am listening.

Thank you… what value do dolphins and people training them have in the process of rescuing the Earth? What importance do white dolphins have?

A story of the Hopi Indians says: “When the white bison will be born to the world”… the white bison has already been born and is on this planet… “When the white whale will be born to the world”… and so it has happened… it has been born… “When white dolphins will speak in a human language”… they are speaking now… then it will be the end of the old system and the birth of a new one. This is a story of the Hopi Indians and an indication of the new system soon to come. A new system on this world has been born… even though everything might have to be started anew because of it. So these signs indicate the end and the beginning of the new. I am listening.

Samuel, can what we were experiencing yesterday and are experiencing today be called a success?

Only a preamble… the beginning of a great symphony, your admission to the “great orchestra”. Jesus is the conductor of this orchestra but he is yet to start fully participating in it. We will speak of success when laughter and tears of joy will be accompanying the start of the excavations. I and my brother welcome you to our great orchestra. Start playing… then we will begin what will save the Earth. I am listening.

What is the content of the Prophecy of Fatima? Today is its 90th anniversary, can our session therefore shed some new light onto it?

Fatima was only the beginning. We have come here in order to shed light, cast a small “grain” into the heart of each one of you gathered here. You will then pass on the light further on and brighten other peoples’ hearts with it. The Earth is beautiful, it is enough to start perceiving yourselves as part of it to preserve it for yourself as well as for the man standing next to you. The gathered here today will live to see themselves and their relatives on the New Earth. The Prophecy of Fatima speaks of a New Earth but it also speaks about great devastation because people want neither to open their hearts to the power of love, nor truly accept Earth as their home. God out of his pure love gives humanity a chance – I will give you a home, he says, so care for it and don’t let it be destroyed. I am listening.

Is Chufu (Cheops) currently alive on Earth? If yes, in which country does he live?

No. Chufu remains on the plateau, next to the Pyramid awaiting the awakening. He will live on Earth in a human body but now he has a mission to carry out. It is a mission of saving the Earth. So, the information about him being currently incarnated into a human body is false. If you want to meet Chufu the constructor, go to Egypt, enter the First Pyramid and request being left in the King’s Chamber overnight – then you will meet Chufu. I am listening.

Thank you very much… the next question – what meaning does the extinction of bees have on the global scale?

The same story of the Hopi Indians says: “If people will not understand the purpose of their existence, if they do not open up their hearts and minds, they will pass away from the Earth”. The disappearance of bees is a sign of the upcoming end of the old system. Bees mean life… if there will be no bees – people will die. People contribute to the extinction of bees by destroying their natural habitat, by killing Mother Nature. Another danger comes from the cosmos – the negative substances about which I have already spoken earlier kill the most delicate life forms – that is how bees are killed. It is necessary to repair the earthly shield which has been destroyed by humans. There will be two shields – the energo-magnetic shield and the ozone layer, which will regenerate itself once the first shield will be established. So I once more repeat – it is worthwhile to care for your home… I am listening.

What happens with the soul of a person who dies in a car accident?

At first it is in a state of shock. The spiritual being still thinks that it is alive and does not understand that nobody sees it. In most cases such beings immediately incarnate into a new body and return down to Earth, even without entering the transitional world. I am listening.

Thank you very much… the next question: what is the energetic quality of beings from Orion and Nibiru and what do these beings want to achieve on our planet?

Some of them only want to help, others – those from Sirius B find their own planet in a similar situation to Earth’s and are looking for somewhere they could move to, find shelter and a new place to live. Earth is ideal for them. The only aim of the beings from Orion is to help in the salvation of the Earth and humans. They were the ones who built the first pyramid, who put all the energo-magnetic devices which can be found on Earth in place and finally – they will help restore the Earth after the year 012. They are already coming down to Earth – you tend to call them “indigo children” – future teachers. So, there are two groups with the same goal. The members of one group want to inhabit Earth and so they are partaking in its rescuing, the second group of beings doesn’t want to inhabit the Earth but they do want to save it – for certain reasons which I will not disclose at the time being. I am listening…

Would it be a reasonable strategy to embark on an enormous ship with ones whole family on the 20th of December 2012?

And what makes you want to do that? Egypt, the Pyramid of Chufu I is the Noah’s Ark of your times. If instead of buying a ship you will spend the money on excavating the pharaoh you will no longer have to flee. If the pharaoh is not excavated, catastrophes will take place throughout the whole world and there will be no escape… it will all happen very rapidly. However, why does it have to happen I ask? If you love your family, and I know you do, excavate the pharaoh for them and you will thereby give them the greatest gift – life. I am listening.

Thank you very much. The next question – what motto should we establish in order for our actions within the Cheops Project to have a greater response?

I will ask the same question I often ask Andrew – do you, the being which asked this question, possess reason? Think… love – that is the motto… life – that is the motto. Present some arguments: will a money-bag full of money be of any help in the year 012? – will it be enough to save lives or will love perhaps be the thing needed? Are you certain that everything that can help save yourselves and your closest relatives has already been done? I am listening.

When will the newcomers from other planets officially contact us?

They are already present on your planet but must remain under cover for now. Many of you gathered here has had visions when sleeping… your dreams presented either a world catastrophe or a vision of a beautiful Earth… those were all signs given by those, who are between us. After the year 012 they will bear bodily forms and present themselves. Indigo children and crystal children also come from other planets. However, there are also beings on Earth which come from other planets and which promote evil, they care not about the salvation of Earth and even less so – about the salvation of human beings. In order for the newcomers to make their presence officially known, your ways of thinking must change because as things currently are, you would not find them welcome – you are still unready for that. So, what is of highest importance for now is placing the pharaoh in his sarcophagus. I am listening…

Why is it so that in the end only a few people helped us meet here today although thousands more were asked to and surely could have done so?

Lack of proper consciousness… your knowledge has several gaps. You have received inappropriate teachings – while your preachers promise you access to heaven, God the Father, the owner of all things, promises you life on Earth as that is your destiny. However every single “grain” casted into the heart of an open-minded person eventually begins to spring up. If there had been more talk about this, we would now be starting of with a greater group and as things currently are, we start of by casting “grain” only among a little group. Here, as an example, I will call upon Jesus, one of the most powerful preachers of all times, who spoke precisely of the times in which we are now living – he had a great group of listeners but only a few of them remained faithful once he was killed… Everything has to happen in its own order so the 2000 years, which were given to humans by God, must have elapsed. The beginning of new life, the beginning of enlightening human minds began in the year 00, so as you see – the spiritual world is also organized according to some rules of its own. I am listening.

Thank you. The next question comes from two young children, who were present at yesterdays conference – from Alexia and Claudia. Is there any hope for the school established by Monica Pisingen to flourish in the future? Why do only four children attend to this school? Why don’t they have friends and why do the parents of other children forbid them playing together with the four children from this school?

The mother of these children should be proud of them for they are indigo children – so as the other two children who go to the same school. Their minds are developed far better even than those of their teachers. Indigo children outclass other children of their age in every aspect and don’t know how to play with them. As you know, someone who is different is simply kept aside. We are talking about indigo children who live among you and aren’t accepted, now imagine what would be the case if foreign space ships were to land on Earth and what would happen if some beings would exit such space ships. Would they be accepted? The two young children are experiencing rejection because of being smarter and different than others. What is my message for them? Hold on and be patient you young, wonderful beings. Your time will soon come and then you will experience true joy and you will be paid back for all your patience. Always keep one thing in mind – both the Earth and humanity will soon need you, be proud of your origins and of the fact that you have come down to Earth. Rewarding time will come. I am listening…

Thank you. Samuel, I have been obliged to ask the next question already some time ago – if the person will wish me to do so. His name is Jurgen and he is absent today but wishes me to ask the following question: “How can I help in the process of saving the Earth?”

Each bit of help which is given with good intentions is accepted. The answer for Jurgen is: you receive instructions in you telepathic visions. Don’t let yourself believe that what you see there is unacceptable or that it will be rejected by people… start listening to what you are being told and read what we pass on to you… follow what you are being told to do. You receive all the needed information – about how you can help and what you can do for the salvation of the Earth. You are still dominated by fear but it will soon go away and then you will begin to act fully like we wish you to. I am listening.

How can we free ourselves from the radiation caused by mobile phones and the project HARP carried out on Alaska?

It would be best to abandon the Earth for it is in every way contaminated but running away is not a solution. The best thing you can do for now is to buy a mountain crystal and carry it with you in your pocket. You should also place something made out of crystal on your computer and your TV set. That will keep you safe for now, later we will do all that will be needed to clean the Earth. I am listening.

Who was Isara? What is nowadays her role in the overall effort of mankind?

The person who asked this question didn’t have enough courage to present her name… the name “Isara” which you bear is a remainder of one of your previous incarnations and clings to you till this very day. You used to live in Brazil, in those distant times Isara was considered to be a saint, she helped free slaves and was a patroness of the week and oppressed. I am listening.

Can you – spiritual beings somehow help transform the powers opposing to the awakening of Chufu into non-opposing ones, like the power of love for instance? On which side are the Illuminati, Bush, Putin?

It’s not exactly that the Illuminati don’t want the Earth to be cleaned… they do but the point is that they think of the upcoming events as a sort of “sieve” which they mean to use to purify humanity leaving alive only the “best race”. Bush and Putin? They also belong to the Illuminati, what’s more, they have access to the “sieve” and are therefore in position to form it. The Illuminati care about the Earth and human beings so it is in their interest for what is called “the cleaning of planet Earth” to be carried out. Once it will be over, we will proceed to reorganizing life on Earth. First of all – what is of greatest importance – the Earth will be populated but no longer overpopulated. However, we will not follow the criteria which the Illuminati and their leaders – including the named ones – currently do. We will not be using a “sieve” as every life is of great importance… The Illuminati do care about the awakening of the pharaoh, it is he who will save the Earth and a saved planet Earth means saved human beings… I am listening.

Thank you – the next question: why are the people gathered here today the only ones who have come to this meeting? After all, there was a large group of people notified, including 80 TV and radio stations…

I have been waiting for this question for it was said yesterday that a message would be given. You were brought to this room not by mere coincidence but by careful selection… so, the ones who were to come, did so – the ones selected to act – to cast the “grains” – are here. It is not quantity but quality that is important, it’s harder to choose from among a thousand people than to gather a handful of the right ones, who will bring other people with them to the next meeting… and these new people will already carry a “grain” in their hearts. This was done in order to choose the best from among the multitude. I repeat my words: go and cast the grain – speak about the awakening of the pharaoh and about what the pharaoh can do for humanity. Learn how to open your minds, that is what you have come here for and for that, for coming and allowing yourselves to be guided, I – a spiritual being, En-Ki – thank you today. I am listening.

Thank you… do highly educated people live with their eyes and ears blocked? Are they capable of comprehending the need of saving the Earth or is this issue so inconsistent with their overall worldview that they will always be bound to reject it?

They follow a seemingly straight route but have “shutters” in their eyes. That is why we did not choose a scientist with a diploma, they usually turn a deaf ear to our calls. When the time of cleaning the Earth will come, it will turn out that behind those masks which most scientist bear, scared people live. However, until the very end they will refuse admitting having been wrong, stubbornly stating their arguments and saying “I’m right”. That is why we choose from among simple people – just like Jesus did. Education doesn’t go hand in hand with wisdom, you can have vast formal education and yet not possess reason. Though a simple person may not possess formal education, he has wisdom and a great heart… such people we seek, not overwise, conceited scientists. Do you see the difference between a puffed up scientist and a open-minded being? I am listening.

Thank you very much… the next question. Why are we humans to activate the earthly safety system? Can’t it be done by the ones who built the system?

An agreement is an agreement, six and a half thousand’ years ago it was said that they will set up the system on Earth but humans will help activate it. Anyway you look at it, it is them who will do the biggest part of the work. All humans have to do is excavate the pharaoh and place him in his sarcophagus, that is where their work stops. An agreement is an agreement… information about the upcoming events and your role to play in them was given continuously for millennia, and recently you have been virtually bombarded with it. You have to participate in awakening the pharaoh, not everything can be done for you and so that tiny bit in the overall effort of saving the Earth is to be done by you. I am listening.

Thank you… do the underground passages under the church in Bisingen, a town on the Swiss border where those children live conceal any treasures?

Well you’d like to know that, wouldn’t you? You’d like me to say where the treasures are… they are there but the entrance to the underground passage where they can be found is located inside the church. I seriously doubt that the religious authorities will give permission for carrying out excavations there. However, you can always try to influence their decision with the use of money for priests all over the world have a huge desire for “gold”. Indicate the most suitable place – it is small, like one leading to a cellar – and let them carry out the excavations. The treasure is there. I am listening.

This is the last question. Samuel, what can be done for the Silva Method to become more popular in Germany and Switzerland?

First of all – speak about it. Make known the fact that after completing this workshop you become different people. I can say more – the teachings received as part of the Silva Method will help you arrive at the year 012 more gently, they will also help you receive the “added percents” of “mind opening”. So, the Silva Method is the beginning of your spiritual development and of the development of your minds.

As I’ve heard there are no further questions… that’s a shame because I was having a nice time chatting with you. I am extremely happy that I managed to touch your hearts and that you have the desire of living. If you want to see just how beautiful the Earth is, have a look at your city – see how beautiful it is… isn’t its beauty worth living for? Everything possible ought to be done in order for the earlier mentioned planet to safely fly past the Earth without doing any harm. Thank you for patiently listening to my answers. Andrew, please bring the medium back to its normal state of consciousness.

(bringing Lucyna out of the altered state of consciousness)

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