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Session 82

6 APRIL 2008



Barbara: A question from Barbara and/or the public asked by Barbara Choroszy
Spiritual Entity: An answer through Lucyna Łobos

Spiritual Entity:
I’d like to welcome you today in this city, my city of Chicago. I’m “a substitute.” I will reveal my name once our conversation has ended. According to what was established, the Guardian of the Earth is not coming. On my part, I would like to draw some conclusions from my observations. I have seen a lot… and I’ve heard a lot. Like the Guardian of the Earth has asked you… I’m speaking not only to the participants of the meeting, but I expect my words to be broadcast and heard by the majority.
And this is what I have observed since I took over the care of Chicago from the Guardian of the Earth: what does the creation of “opposition” that acts against the Guardian of the Earth mean? I’m telling you, they don’t act against the Guardian but against themselves!!! I’m staying until September and today, taking advantage of my being here, I’m telling you – I’m telling the opposition: “You shall hear about me!”….
Now, I’m going to name somebody who breathes hatred against the Guardian of the Earth – this is a woman… a woman from New York. I can say: your illness comes from you, from your hatred against the Guardian of the Earth. If you don’t get rid of your hatred, Barbra from New York, your illness will destroy you! You cannot, cannot profane the name of the Guardian of the Earth!!! I won’t dwell on it as there are a lot of questions, so I’m listening to the first question.

I welcome you warmly, our present Guardian of Chicago. Let us also greet the Spiritual Guardian of the Earth – the Great Lord Enki. Thank you that you have honoured us today with your presence and that you are ready to answer our questions. I beg to ask the first one from myself. Despite constant talking about the aim of the Mission Pharaoh, there is still a lot of misunderstanding. Most people consider the Mission Pharaoh/Cheops Project, the mission to dig up Pharaoh Cheops, who is the Key to the Earth Protection System, to be only our task. They feel excused from helping us to switch on the protection for our planet for the time of Nibiru’s passing by in the year 2012. They suppose that when the Earth protection system is on they will be saved as well. They are completely indifferent to our calls for help, while we need great funds for the excavations. Please explain and comment on this.

Spiritual Entity:
They can’t be more wrong. I will explain this using an example from the Old Testament. There was a city of Babylon which fell into ruins and a great number of people perished. This is going to repeat now. There is also a Babylon, a Great Babylon, and in this Babylon, marking, giving the Sign of Life, has started. Those given this sign shall stay alive! The Cosmic Clock – the Clock of Time or PRECESSION; and with PRECESSION Heavenly Troops will come under command of the Great Commander – guess who he is. And they will divide people – some to stay alive, others to perish. The Sign of Life will be visible only to the Heavenly Troops. It will be given by chosen people, our earthy co-operators. And don’t think that you can cheat us. You, human beings, are cheating masters but you cannot cheat the Spiritual Entities. And you should wake up from this lethargy because the security system alone won’t save your lives. You should change yourselves, change your hearts. Get ready for the new cosmic time and for the arrival of the Heavenly Troops. It’s not enough to say “my heart is pure;” this heart will be seen by those who are going to divide people. So compare these two Babylons – the previous and the present one. I’m listening.

In what way will the energy of Precession be felt by people ready to receive it and in what way by those not ready?

Spiritual Entity:
Everybody should prepare themselves for Precession. First of all, everybody should see the best in others and give the best from themselves… What will somebody touched by the energy of Precession feel? Joy, happiness, inner peace, joy of being on the Earth, and joy because of another man’s rescue. This will be experienced by those who are ready to accept the energy of Precession. Those not open to this new cosmic energy will be in quite a different situation: there will be hatred, struggle for survival, robberies, and murders; but this shall not touch those given the Sign of Life. I’m listening.

Thank you very much. Is 21 December 2012 the exact date when three cycles (entering the Age of Aquarius, Nibiru passing by and the Precession) overlap?

Spiritual Entity:
The Earth has already entered the Age of Aquarius, it happened in the year 0000. This is not a mistake but an intentional delay whose aim is to give certain groups of people time to organize shelter or evacuation. The cycles overlap; don’t associate Nibiru’s passing by and the Age of Aquarius: this is DESTINY – NOT A SENTENCE!!! Some groups are talking about sentence but there won’t be any sentence! The destiny of Nibiru is to keep to the course and the destiny of Precession – this is also called the GREGORIAN CALENDAR – is to enter the next cycle of energy – increased energy – every 25000 years. This is what it looks like. I’m listening.

Even if the shield is on, will people be evacuated in the time of PLANET X?

Spiritual Entity:
If the security system is on (just imagine a “bell-glass” with another one, the Earth, inside), the consequences of Nibiru’s passing by will be small, the affected locations will be known, and the polar shift will not occur. The tail of Planet X, made of meteors, will touch the Earth, but meteors will burn in the shield and, in fact, evacuation won’t be necessary; yet, that will happen only if the energy protection around the Earth is created. THERE IS NO ESCAPE OR EVACUATION FROM THE PRECESSION! This will occur all over the Earth. I’m listening.

Will governments, mass-media and priests inform people at last about the events of 2012?

Spiritual Entity:
Both yes and no. They will inform people just in 2012 when they have managed to evacuate or hide. And then “everyone for himself and let the devil take the hindmost,” as you say. Until then, only pieces of information will be revealed. And so, this group and the media will proclaim the informers insane. The purpose is to exterminate the majority of people. This is the truth.

Thank you very much. Will a “simulated attack of aliens,” prepared by a certain group to threaten people, really occur?

Spiritual Entity:
Yes, but it won’t be performed by aliens. This simulated attack will be organized by the Earth’s military forces, by the army, just in order to announce that extraterrestrial entities are responsible for it. To arouse fear and spread panic! In panic, human beings will kill each other. I’m listening.

Should we have our own emergency sources of electricity for the period of climatic perturbations?

Spiritual Entity:
Only if you’ve got fuel to keep them running. All systems, including computer systems, may cease to operate. And this is a part of a certain group’s plan. At the right moment, I will tell you what group I have in mind. I’m listening.

Will the things described in Jan van Helsing’s book happen in the next years or months?

Spiritual Entity:
As far as I know, it is about your “mammon,” so careful organized and hidden. Keep on hiding it, especially in banks… And then your mammon, along with your bank, will disappear! And then what? What will you do? Money will cease to exist, but only after 2012. Until then, this “source of safety” will exist together with those for whom mammon is both God and security. I’m looking at you and I can say: collect your treasures, not in banks, but in your hearts… Because when the Troops of the Supreme Commander come, you will be able to say: Lord! I’m ready! I’m ready to settle accounts! And then, then it will turn out what there is in your hearts. The Troops won’t look at your fat bank accounts or huge houses! It may happen that the Sign of Life will be given to somebody you look at with contempt, and an owner of a beautiful house and a fat account will be omitted. And he/she will hear: “I don’t know you! I don’t know you!”… I’m listening.

Do we or our children have to agree to have a chip implanted?

Spiritual Entity:
Do you want to be a slave of this group? Nobody can force you to be chipped. This group, that is starting to be in trouble and is losing control of the situation, wants to have you under control! Do you know what they call the whole mankind? Masses of people to decimate! The chips have nothing to do with the Sign of Life, and believe me, believe me now: nobody can force you – there isn’t much time left – and if there is a stiff resistance, they won’t be able to control you by implanting chips.

Will there be a war with Iran?

Spiritual Entity:
They won’t make it, won’t make it. There is going to be some “rough and tumble,” but not a regular war.

May we ask you what the global economy will look like after the year 2012 and in what way it will influence our lives?

Spiritual Entity:
Yes, you may. The year 2012 will be like cleaning the mess in your house after having too many guests. So, there will be a great cleaning. In addition, the Entities who have been helping to save the Earth all the time will start appearing and will be visible. Entities of different professions and specialities will come to teach you and to put their technologies into practice. And now, here on the Earth, you can say that this “system of commonwealth” is not very interesting. But in fact, this system is very interesting because neither too rich, nor poor will exist. The standards of living will let everybody be happy, and believe me: HAPPINESS and LOVE will never be boring! I’m listening.

Is it possible to turn genetic altered products into food of full value with REIKI energy? If so, how long and intensive should the transfer of energy be?

Spiritual Entity:
It depends on who gives the energy, who has been given an initiation of Reiki. Whether it is a real Reiki person or just a “dummy.” It happens very often that wrong people become teachers or masters, and these people try to cure, try to teach how to transmit energy. There are a lot of such teachers in Chicago. As I have said, you can cheat each other, you may succeed in doing it for a while, but you cannot cheat US! Jesus used to cure people with the true Reiki energy and so did the other true Masters. But THEY were true! And their energy obtained and transferred from Heaven was strong and true! They performed miracles, but they were true… Entity who asked this question, answer this question yourself. I’m listening.

Is it possible to purify our drinking water, which contains a lot of pollution including waste, toxic pollutants, medicines, secretions, chemical impurities and so on? Can we control it and make water drinkable?

Spiritual Entity:
Water purification is necessary, you are right, because your water contains pollution harmful to human health. And the water that flows today out of your taps is “dead.” It should be “vivified,” energized. Today, rock crystal can be helpful: drop it into the water, leave it for 24 hours and then you will have “vivid water” with all pollution fallen down. This is what you can do now. After the year 2012, not at once but soon, special equipment will be brought to the Earth to purify the atmosphere and water. As for today, save yourselves and vivify water using the very rock crystal, for the time being, there is a lot of it.

Is the method of freezing and unfreezing water also suitable? I mean: to freeze it and thaw before drinking?

Spiritual Entity:
Barbara, I’m a wise ghost and you don’t need to repeat. Freezing is also good, because it gets rid of bacteria and purifies water just like the rock crystal does. But there is more trouble with freezing than with dropping the rock crystal into water. Apply one method or the other. I’m listening.

How can we get to the people who jeer at the message of the Mission Pharaoh? What shall we do if it is someone from our family?

Spiritual Entity:
Nothing. I’m referring now to the New Testament. I won’t tell you which chapter it is taken from, I want you to find it yourselves. Jesus answered the same question asked by his disciples. The answer was: “When the time comes, first it will be said and preached, they will predict and call, beg for awakening, heart opening and understanding.” If there is no recall, Jesus said: “When the time comes, from the same bed one will be taken and the other will stay”… So, you can do nothing. You can keep silent and this may puzzle your intimates – why does he/she keep silent? Why doesn’t he/she say a word? Why? And this can be the salvation. Just read about Sodom and Gomorrah, about what happened, and this can teach you a lesson. Because it will be so, because God also said: “At the eleventh hour I shall give a chance to leave the danger zone.” So, don’t nag with information – SILENCE, silence will be more effective than speaking and proving that you are right. I’m listening.

What will happen to Vatican after the decline of religion?

Spiritual Entity:
Well, the buildings, like buildings, may be used for different purposes, but certainly it won’t be “a hornet’s nest” anymore. It will find its use; there will be a lot of empty space as priests will be the first ones to enter the shelters. I’m listening.

Will animals also live longer after the year 012?

Spiritual Entity:
Proportionally to the length of their lives. The main project of life prolongation is designed for people. Animals will gain respect after 2012, as people owe it to them. I’m listening.

What is the measure of a person’s spirituality: how can we recognize a spirited person and not get lost on the spiritual way?

Spiritual Entity:
It is as if you wanted to drink up the Atlantic Ocean with a spoon… As if you wanted to know the nature of a woman…. You should listen to your heart, just your HEART, and let your heart lead you to another person. The most important thing is that every human being should see himself or herself in another and expect the best from him or her. And only then does the spiritual way begin, when you start to respect another human being. I’m listening.

Will the Vatican’s Archives be opened before the decline of religion?

Spiritual Entity:
It is a joke, this question, isn’t it? The priests will do everything to cover the tracks of their activity during these thousands of years. How could they reveal what they did wrong? The archives won’t be disclosed, of course. What won’t be taken to the shelters, will be burnt. And don’t delude yourselves that priests will take so called “ordinary mortals” with them… For “them” there will be no place in the shelters. The history of the Earth will be revealed but only after excavations!… I’m listening.

Will priests come back from the underground after the year 12?

Spiritual Entity:
They will. They will take off their monastic vestments and, as the prophet says, “They will take the plough and till the ground. Cardinals will take off their cassocks and start families: thus, they will be unrecognizable.” They won’t revive to the old religious system, because a new system will come. There is no return to the past, the NEW will be born! I’m listening.

Can Chicago help the Mission in Hawara in any way?

Spiritual Entity:
We keep repeating this on and on. Why only Chicago? The whole world should be involved, the whole world! Not only in work but also in fundraising. As for today, what has been done is the start of the great work of EXCAVATIONS. But this is for everybody, for every human being! Because the excavations mean LIFE! For you, your children, your family. Everybody who gets involved in the “Mission to Save the Earth” will save themselves and their families! And if at a certain moment the funds don’t come in, the excavations will be stopped. And those who have signed the agreement will pay for the stop because, as you know, there can be only one head on the block… The head of the one who ensured that funds would be delivered: the foundation Svantovit’s Gift. And now, you are asking with surprise – why Svantovit, why does Svantovit put its head on the block? What do you think, for whom? For themselves or for all of us? It depends on you whether the foundation will be decapitated … If the guillotine cuts off Svantovit’s head, if Svantovit doesn’t keep to the terms and the money isn’t raised, then there will be no protection. Of course, the excavations will start, but what next? What next? Well, you are intelligent, in your own way, beings so keep telling, keep telling about the need of action! The need of excavations! And may they not stop because of lack of funds! You can work, you can have your contribution because Hawara opens the way to Giza, to Khufu-the-Builder – the One Who Is the KEY. If you can count, then count… The Clock of Time goes inevitably ahead and won’t stop. It strikes minutes, it strikes hours – hour after hour. You are asking me: what shall we do? Don’t let the head of Svantovit be cut off; the head of Svantovit’s foundation, who today pledge with their head that the excavations, both in Hawara and Giza, will go full steam ahead!!!

Isn’t there a threat that a certain group could take over the device, the KEY to the System, after the excavations are over?

Spiritual Entity:
If it was to be so, we would have pointed the burial place of the BUILDER long ago; but everything has its time and place, and people. This is not an accident – these people, this time… We will not allow the group whose name is ILLUMINATI to intercept the thing – they would like as few people as possible to stay on the Earth. Do you want to know who wants to chip you and for whom you are willing to risk your lives? ILLUMINATI… So shake off this lethargy and don’t allow to be threatened by the media and any outcries, on no account, neither when threatened nor when kindly asked to, should you allow them to chip you. Otherwise you will become ILLUMINATI’s slaves. You say, Barbara, that since there are no more questions, it is time to say goodbye… For me, it is also time to introduce myself. Before I say “see you soon” because you won’t get rid of me yet. I’ve been given a YEAR – from September till September. And now, when I have revealed myself here, I will observe both those who want to open and purify their hearts, and those who are doing everything they can to delay the “Mission of Saving the Earth.” I will also get even with those who slander the Guardian of the Earth, whom I love most of all and whom I won’t allow to offend. My name is MARDUK. The Angel Church is my residence, there you can visit me: those who are not afraid and whose hearts are open. I help those who repent and want to change for the better. I won’t help those who are “poison-hearted” but keep telling “sweet nothings.” So I, MARDUK, the “temporal” Guardian of Chicago – thank you for our meeting and conversation. Thank you.

And we sincerely thank You, Marduk.

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Barbara Choroszy: