Barbara: A question from Barbara and/or the public asked by Barbara Choroszy
Marduk: An answer through the medium of Lucyna Łobos
I welcome you warmly in this city of Chicago. According to what has been established between the Guardian of the Earth and you, the Guardian of the Earth is not coming. But I am here instead; I, Marduk, a temporary substitute of the Guardian of the Earth. You must be happy, right? As there are a few questions I won’t elaborate any longer as the Guardian normally does. So, I’m listening to the first question.
Warm welcomes, Marduk, and thank you for coming to our meeting. Let us also give our greetings to the Spiritual Guardian of the Earth, the great Lord EN-KI. Let’s move to the questions. The first one is: will people understand that we need money for the Mission Pharaoh? We would really appreciate if the Visitors could open people’s minds more deeply so that they could understand the great importance of the mission and help to find sponsors.
Will people understand? No. I will use here one example from the past when Noah was building his Ark. While he and his family were struggling to build it, only few people were helping them, and those few, too, abandoned them. When it started to rain and the Ark’s door was closed, it was too late to enter. Long had Noah been calling: “help, help and enter, and you will save your lives.” Now, the Ark of this Great Babylon you live in is Egypt, or, more precisely, the Pyramid, the Pyramid of Cheops. History is repeating itself though it shouldn’t, as people were given two thousand years more to open their minds. A man who called himself Jesus arrived to the Earth and preached about what would happen; about the Great Babylon. How has humanity used these two thousand years of teaching? And now you want the Cosmic Visitors together with the Spiritual Beings to protect and save the Earth and humanity. And I’m asking you here: why has God given you free will and reason? To use it! Were the teachings of Jesus in vain? Now you’re awaiting a miracle, a miracle from Heaven? And what does your free will mean now? Waiting for this miracle to happen? I’m not only talking to this group gathered here today but I wish for my words to be broadcasted in the world, to be heard by both scientists and priests. By everybody! You are all equally responsible! The Earth, the land of people! And it is you who are responsible for what will or will not happen. I’m listening.
Thank you very much. Marduk. Spiritual teachers preach: “let your heart guide you.” Could you elaborate on that more precisely?
“Let your heart guide you…” And what has the Guardian of the Earth been asking for all these years? For love, for opening your hearts. Your heart is not only a suction and forcing pump but an information store as well. You can’t really define it. You all should sum up your lives and find out whether did anything good, not for you but for others. If you find something you did for another person, it means that you have a heart. I’m listening.
Many people on Earth don’t quite understand what PRECESSION is. Could you please explain it more clearly?
Scientists have come up with this name and this is what it sounds like “scientifically.” The Church and Christianity call this period Gregorian time. Gregorian Time of the Cosmic Calendar is 25 thousand years long. Now, you are entering the third twenty-fifth anniversary of cosmic changes on Earth. Each 25 thousand years means entering a higher energetic level. And in this time these two cycles, the Planet’s coming and the Gregorian Calendar (let’s call it this way), converge. And the Cosmos will start a new cosmic time. So, you are entering the fourth dimension. The start of both a new planet cycle and the Precession, the Gregorian Calendar, is equally difficult for the Earth and its inhabitants. It’s simple: the 25 thousand-year-old energy is ending, and a new one has to come. The Cosmic Clock stops in order to start counting again for another 25 thousand years. But with the beginning of the fourth period of 25 thousand years, the fourth dimension, minds of those who survive will be subject to transformation, perfection. It will be a process that will gradually perfect your brains. I’m listening.
After the year 2012, will there be governments and politicians like today? What fuels will we use and what kind of religion will we have?
The purpose of the Cleaning of the Earth is to clean that mess. When you clean your house, do you leave the garbage or do you get rid of it? Or when you have vermin in your house, do you leave some specimen for reproduction or do you get rid of them too? Today’s system of governments and religion has not proved useful. So, there is a need for “disinfection.” There is a fuel conservation plan as this wasteful exploitation of the Earth has to be stopped. The sun’s energy will be used to supply the vehicles which will be perfected as well. The Earth has to start breathing, existing. Now, it is being gradually destroyed. I’m listening.
When will the last pope start his reigns?
He won’t make it: they take good care of the present pope’s health, thinking they will outwit and deceive the time and us. As priests know the time of changes on Earth very well and are afraid of the Third Secret of Fatima, they will want to keep the present pope by force. But the roots of this pope are black. He will remain up to the year 2012. I’m listening.
What do you want us to excavate from the Great Labyrinth?
What do you mean by “you”? We want you to dig out the Pharaoh, the Pyramid’s Builder; and Egyptians want to dig out anything, to check if there’s anything there. They will get to the Labyrinth quickly and what they will find won’t be “anything,” but boards, information boards about the Earth’s history. Boards that will help you find the way to the Pyramid’s Builder. I’m listening.
Will the Antarctic ice have melted by the year 2012 and will there be a new land uncovered?
It won’t melt as that would mean flooding other lands. You have to think. The Beings from Orion will stop the melting for your safety’s sake. Because, in spite of all the defamation, we do care to save the Earth and you. That is why the ice won’t be melting as fast as they are now.
Are there any places people should start leaving before climatic catastrophes?
I will say it in the way the Guardian of the Earth often does: if the Earth receives protection, you can stay in your homes as there will be no greater danger. But if the Earth doesn’t have the protection, then no place will be safe. And don’t count on any ships coming to take you – there won’t be any. There won’t. Don’t count on finding a place in prepared shelters. You won’t find it either. Only some groups will go to the shelter and pray for those remaining on the surface. I’m listening.
Now, we have a question concerning military medicine and the influenza vaccine. What does such a vaccine do to our organisms?
It destroys them. A certain group that rules the world aims at decimating the human population, and so humanity is being poisoned. What can you get with this vaccine? How bad do you feel after having it injected? It takes up to a few months for the organism to fight the injected virus. The Guardian of the Earth has already talked about it. Don’t let them vaccinate you. Don’t let them chip you or they will turn you into passive slaves. But every one of you has received this gift, free will, so don’t ask me whether or not to get vaccinated but use your free will and reason. I’m listening.
In the previous session it was said that your “earthy co-operators” would “mark” people. What does it mean?
I should direct you to the Old Testament and the story of Babylon. In that Babylon, those who were to survive, and those who weren’t, were marked. History likes to repeat itself; but this time, everybody has an equal chance to LIVE. Some of you use this chance, and some of you don’t. A simple example: the Mission to Save the Earth. Many say: “it’s a lie!” Others believe it to be true. And so we have two groups. There are also some people who say: „I don’t care for surviving.” So, you have your answer to this question. Even if I tell you more about the marking, will it mean anything to you? The sings will be and are only visible to the Angelic Troops. They are like a “stamp” near your “third eye.” Those who follow the Path of Truth, who know what a heart is and what it is for, do not have to worry. Those who don’t know what a heart is have still some time, not much but still, to get the STAMP OF LIFE. I’m listening.
What will happen to those not marked with the Sign of Life? Will they leave the Earth? Will they reincarnate again? And if so, where will it be?
They will leave but they will be given another chance to reincarnate in a chosen place. If they don’t use their last chance well, they will be as soap bubbles blown into the air. Such a thing will happen to “insubordinate ghosts.” I’m listening.
Will any tragic events happen in Chicago before the year 2012?
You expect signs, just like a doubting Thomas: “if I don’t see it, I won’t believe it…” If you really want it, I, Marduk, can give you signs. Here, in the city of Chicago. The last earthquake, the one most of you treated with disregard, laughter and irony, this was just a prelude. I can play stronger, if you really want it, if you expect signs. I’m listening.
Are the present lacks in rice supplies a symptom for future hunger on Earth? Will the present recession be worse than the one from 1929?
This system has to collapse. It has been built as a “colossus on clay legs,” so America will experience COLLAPSE or RECESSION. And it will be getting worse, not instantly but gradually, month after month. Should you buy rice? Well… If the Earth is not protected, you won’t have time to eat it. If the Earth is protected, you don’t need to stock up, as life will go on quite peacefully. You won’t live in luxury: there won’t be anything like that anymore. I’m starting to like Chicago, as a city, but I, Marduk, am not the Guardian of the Earth, and I’m stricter with your earthy life. Who knows, maybe I’ll stay longer… (loud laughter in the room). I’m listening.
(laughing) It’s nice, Marduk. A next question: what will the future of the beings from Maldek look like? Does the Hebrew nation come form the Planet Maldek?
It does. But nowadays humanity is so “mixed” that there are a lot of people connected to the beings from Maldek. And even they have equal chances. If they don’t use it: “soap bubbles!” I’m listening.
One person asks where the problem with fundraising for the research in Egypt lies. Does it mean that there are two few believers?
It’s best if a small group takes care of it, or let the group find millionaires and we, simple people, will wait. What is this? LAZINESS! ARROGANCE! AND SEEING ONLY THE TIP OF ONE’S OWN NOSE! This is what I have been observing, not only in this city but on the entire planet. The Guardian of the Earth said “widow’s coin.” It’s not about a coin; it’s about your heart! You should feel that it’s your duty to give something from you. To give something out of your wallet. Keep the wallets tight, keep them! Soon, your mammon will have no worth. And then what? What will you do with it? After the year 2012, obtaining goods and stuffing wallets will no longer be a problem. Now your wallets are full but soon your government will pronounce the collapse of your mammon! And then what? What will you do with it? So think: what did he mean by saying “give a widow’s coin, give your heart…” Everybody should take a small part in saving the Earth. Is it so difficult for you, wise people, to organize a fundraising? You’re building monuments, beautiful monuments! And now a decision was made that one Spiritual Being should be the King. Has anyone asked the King if he agrees? He’s got other things to do. Making this Being into a King won’t solve the problem. You, human beings all over the globe, will solve the problem. And you, Barbra, have to pass it on, so that my cold and sharp words go into the air. I’m listening.
Of course. There is a question: We know that there were some troops sent to help the Earth. Have they arrived and are they among us?
That’s enough… There is one troop that gets changed. Now, it is watching a volcano in Yellowstone. If it wasn’t for them you would be covered with lava today, and practically life on other continents would not be possible either. The troops… You want to meet the extraterrestrial troops that will save you? I’m solemnly telling you here: you can forget about it. There is no one coming to rescue or evacuate you. That’s what we have built the Earth Security System for and it is you who have to start it. Your and your families’ life is in your hands. The Earth depends on you. The beings that have come to help are only ensuring that the time does not accelerate. Because the flying planet is already giving signs, there are already anomalies that did not exist before. The most dangerous places are being secured. That’s what it looks like. I’m listening.
On Wednesday this week there were some heavily equipped planes going somewhere and the earth was trembling. Where were they going?
If you follow the news, you should know where the war is. That’s where they were going. I’m listening.
Will the Noah’s Ark be found, and if so, will it have any influence on the Earth’s fate?
A history curiosity, one might say: the Noah’s Ark has already been found. It’s been confirmed that it’s a fact. Until the year 2012, though, it will not have been excavated.
Are there any natural methods to do away with the effects of vaccines for the people who already have been vaccinated? Maybe essential oils?
The best way is not to get vaccinated at all. Then you don’t have to look for a method to do away with the effects. If the organism doesn’t fight it itself, there is no effective way to do away with what have been injected. I’m listeninig.
Do you know anything about a Spiritual Being named Wotter who is supposed to lead the Mission in its last phase?
As far as I am acquainted with the Mission Pharaoh, I haven’t heard of anything like that. The mission to secure the Earth should, if everything goes fine and money goes to Egypt, end by the year 2010. If no money goes to Egypt, the Mission will be interrupted and those who are leading it today will be waiting just like the rest of you, but they will have the feeling they have done everything within human power; you, on the other hand, will have the feeling that you have not helped. That’s what it’s going to look like.
How can people who have never been informed about the Mission Pharaoh and the security system in the Pyramid help?
I can’t say there are difficulties in passing information these days. I won’t count how many sources there are informing about the 2012 events and the Project Pharaoh. Where there is a will there is a way! Going around Chicago and listening to you, because I like listening to people, I often hear someone interested wishing to pass the information whole-heartedly to another person, but the person says: “I don’t want to hear about it!” So, how can you speak of lack of information? Information is passed instantaneously but you have to note it. I’m listening.
Marduk, are malignant disease or other illnesses pre-inscribed in our plan of life or do we acquire them on Earth?
You acquire them here, on Earth. You can “thank” those in power on Earth for illnesses, not only the malignant ones. In other words, you can thank the ILLUMINATI who really want to decimate the human population. I’m listening.
When souls get back to the Transitory World after death, do they remember all their incarnations, who they are, and where they come from?
They remember everything. They can “watch a movie” of their lives and their previous incarnations. On their descending on Earth, every previous experience gets “blocked.” You only get pieces of information that you will need for your contemporary life. But only pieces. Each life is a different lesson to learn. I’m listening.
Could you please tell us about other places that should be discovered?
What do you need this information for? Do you want to dig? I can invite you to the Plateau and show you the “other” places. To the Easter Island, where the chakras are. You want to dig? But if you have too much money, why don’t you spend it on the Mission Pharaoh? There, you can also fulfill your dream of being an amateur archeologist and dig. I’m listening.
Will those who support the Mission Pharaoh mentally also receive protection and help from you in difficult times?
All right, you support us mentally… Indeed, it is praised and taken into account. But not only words “I support you mentally,” when deep inside you think “I’ve managed to trick them…” Trick who? If you support us mentally, give the foundation a widow’s coin. Then, it will be complete. It will be more pleasing to God than others’ giving a lot of what they have. Such people also claim to be “developing mentally,” while they count their money-bags in the safe. I’m listening.
It seems we’re getting to the last question.
Am I so severe that you’re afraid to ask questions? Do you fear that I will track the person who asked one? I can also tell you that we have “vaccinated” you spiritually; our “vaccine” will open your minds, and after you leave, you’re minds will get troubled and you will have to think. I’m listening.
Marduk, could you please tell us something about the Orim symbol that Popko writes about in his book?
How many prophets and writers thinking they were the most important ones have there been! Apparently, I’m a narrow-minded spirit as I don’t know anything about such a symbol. Such a thing does not exist in our world.
Why such scientific and difficult matters are discussed in such a random group of people?
I don’t think that people gathered here are “random.” In your life, nothing is random. The fact that it is YOU gathered here today isn’t random either. It was supposed to be this way. Those who have come were supposed to come; they are not “random.” And you are here to pass information, and to pass the most important one: I’M STAYING IN CHICAGO! (applause)
There are numerous people who help the Earth by filling and surrounding it with light. Will they help to secure and save the Earth this way?
Yes, but it’s not enough. This “coat” you protect the Earth with will not stand the Planet “X” attack. The Pyramid has to be activated. It is the major unit that will activate the energy. Your love is also energy, but it’s not enough… That’s why you are asked to activate the main energy that will surround the Earth. Do send your energy and protect the Earth, but you also have to activate the main energy.
What will happen to the Mission when money loses its worth?
Yes… That’s the most important thing for today… What will happen to the Mission? And what will happen to it when there’s no money? There will be no mission and no money… So, while you still have time, and you still do have some, try to “blow the tubes” and make some holes in the money-bags so that you can sleep peacefully and so that in Egypt they can start the excavations of The One Who Will Give You LIFE… So don’t ask today “what will happen to my money?” Nothing will… If the Earth does not receive protection there won’t be anything left.
A question: dear Marduk, could you tell us something about the chakras on the Easter Island and about the “moving” stone statues?
Me? “Dear Marduk?” (laughter from the audience) That’s interesting… (laughter again). Let it be then; you can think I believe I am “dear” to you… (a lot of laughter) It is nice to hear you’re dear to someone when it’s sincere. The “creations” on the Easter Island aren’t, as everybody knows, man-made. People only helped to create them. The creations move as if they were walking… They move with the chakras underneath them. According to the legend, when the last statue enters the water, the end will come… The end won’t come, and the statues will have placed themselves in a circle by the year 2012, as everything is being prepared for the activation of the energy, the main energy from the Main Pyramid. There are more such energy-storing creations, pyramids, or circles. I’m listening.
We have messages from the Holy Ghost but we still can’t interpret them. What shall we do to read the signs the Holy Ghost is giving us?
The answer is very short and simple: truly open your hearts. Then, you’ll be able to read the message from the Holy Ghost. I’m listening.
Is it true that the crystal in the Center of the Earth is cracked, and does it influence (indecipherable) of the Earth?
The Center of the Earth is located on the Giza Plateau, exactly where the First Pyramid stands; I don’t know anything about the crystal being cracked. The main crystal is situated above King Khufu’s Chamber. Everything is perfectly all right, where have you read this?
Thank you, Marduk, for your care, here in Chicago, but will EN – KI, the Lord of the Earth, ever come to us?
The Lord of the Earth is my father; the Lord of the Earth is EN – KI, and he looks after his swallows. I am here because the swallows are stubborn, and, instead of flying and spreading the good news, they keep walking on the ground… I’ll try to clean your wings so that you could start flying… Will EN – KI return in the time established? It depends on you. I know one thing: I’m staying here! (loud laughter from the audience),
Could other countries help to fund the excavations?
Look at yourself. We have chosen a Slavic nation so that the greatest part in saving the Earth could be attributed to you. It’s an honor, then. Other countries? If it’s necessary, they will join you as well. Or maybe other countries, I won’t say which ones, are supposed to be the “soap bubble?” I’m listening.
Marduk, a lot of Poles are leaving America now and returning to Poland; is it a good choice to return now?
Do you think there’s America in Poland? It’s not better there than here at all. Even in the recession you will manage to live. If you return to Poland, life will be difficult; it will be difficult for you to adjust to that system. So give it up and stay here. Who am I going to look after when you’re gone? (loud laughter again).
Are there any chances that there will be Euro 2012 held in Poland?
I can tell you one thing: if only you could see me right now, I’m rolling on the floor laughing… And that’s my answer.
These are all questions for today, Marduk.
I think we had a good “chat” today… I with you, and you with me… And I’ll try to fulfill my responsibilities. It’s good that you’re relaxed today and that we had a good time talking to each other. Although there is more roughness in me than in the Guardian of the Earth, EN – KI, I, on my part, thank you for everything: for coming, and for the conversation.
And we thank you, Marduk, for everything as well.